Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Look at her still dare watery poppies



Just hoped to break into the ninth floor of Yuan Ying, Samsung, ink is free, hair and snow and cuckoo retreat. Although these three people did not say anything, everyone knows that these three people were stimulated by the Qinshuang. I am afraid that when the three of them broke through to the stage of the gods, when they went out, they challenged the Qinshuang.

Qin double has already set foot on the mainland of the warriors, and the town demon tower once again closed. In this way, Qin double does not need to deliberately kill the demon and the two, and quietly came to Fengming City.

Fengming City.

Feng Ming sits cross-legged in his practice room.

Suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door of the secret room, he saw that the stone door was quietly opened, and the shape of the piano double appeared at the door.

"You came!"


The piano double came in and the back door closed the stone door. Looking at Fengming, I couldn’t help but frown:

"Feng Ming, you have repaired it, but it’s a little worse! It’s only now on the sixth floor of the Emperor Wu. But there is no big deal. With the town demon tower, you will soon be able to upgrade it. No, the town demon. The tower is closed again."

Qin doubled his head and thought for a while, his eyebrows smiled and said: "You still go to my Dantian. Now the deity of the Fenghuo spirits has been suppressed by me, but their rebound has become more and more powerful, just as you go in, Absorbing those inflated divinities will not only make your repairs fly over in a short period of time, but also make me a little easier."

Feng Ming nodded, and his body shape became a streamer, and he entered the Dantian of Qinshuang.

Qin double converges the breath of his own body, and transmits the phoenix's breath from the inside of Dantian, forming a layer of demon. The facial muscles squirmed and soon became the appearance of Fengming. The dragon sword was taken down and the white dress was taken off and put away. It was replaced with a red dress and the two knives of Fengming were placed on the back. A Fengming appeared on the back. In the secret room.

Pushing open the door of the secret room and going up the stairs. I haven’t walked from the back garden to the front garden. I saw the figure of the eight-wild breeze flying over. When I saw the piano double, it was a sullen face:

"Adult, that geek is coming again."

Qin Bian's brow is not wrinkled, she has got all the memories from Feng Ming, knowing what is going on.

Last time she came to the First Fortress and reached a deal with Fenglinge. Feng Linge collects various herbs and herbal seeds for her in the demon world, and she is either giving Lingshi or giving medicinal herbs.

Of course, the best remedy!

Over the past year or so, Feng Ming and Feng Lingge have already traded once, and the medicinal herbs that Qin Qin has left for her have been traded, and they still owe a Lingshi.

This Ji Yun is just from the demon world to the warrior continent, just broke through the realm of the Taoist gods, followed the caravan to the first fortress from the demon world. This Guinness race has some relationship with the treasurer of the First Fortress, so when Feng Linge and Fengming City made a deal, he followed.

This has caused problems.

Fengming's appearance of the piano is given, the girls are beautiful, can't be ugly, and Fengming is a refinery of the phoenix's bones, with a noble and seductive beauty. When Ji Yun saw Feng Ming, he could not move his legs. He showed love several times. Feng Ming did not pay attention to him. Later, he refused. However, there is still a toughness and arrogance in this record.

He thinks very simple, looks and temperament is very attractive to the opposite sex, but the demon world is still respected by strength. Without strength, beauty, and temperament, it will also become a plaything. Therefore, he gradually changed his policy, and he began to threaten Feng Ming. That means, if Feng Ming still doesn't know how to lift, he will grab Fengming City and grab Feng Ming as a plaything.

If it wasn’t for Feng Ming’s reputation as a Dan Dao teacher, he would rush to do so, and he was afraid that it would cause trouble for him. I am afraid that this Ji Yun has already started to work on Feng Ming.

"It's a big problem!"

The piano doubled his eyebrows, but there was not much anger in his heart. She was slightly darker because of the previous practice of iron body forging.

As the saying goes, a white cover is ugly.

The same is true, a black cover Baijun.

Qin double is because of black, has been known as black skull, no one pursues her, at this time there is a Yaozu attracted by her appearance and temperament, but it makes her a little smug.

"How about the eight wasteland, how is the medicine garden planted?" Qin said as he walked toward the main hall.

"The seeds that were sent from Fenglinge last time, we took half of each seed and planted it. Although it has all survived, it will take at least a dozen years to meet the requirements of alchemy materials."


The piano nodded twice and thought about taking the seeds and herbs brought from the demon world from Fengming after he took away Ji Yun.

When I stepped into the hall, I saw three people sitting in the hall. One person is the first demon who she made in the demon world, Yu Yue, the other is Feng Line Hu, and the last one is the Gu Yu.

Looking at the piano double walked in, all three people smiled and said: "Fengcheng Lord is coming."

Qin nodded twice, went to the main seat and sat down, looking to Hu Hu cabinet: "Hu is the treasurer, are you?"

The face of Hu’s treasurer smiled and said: “Fengcheng Lord, you have been owing a long time, you see...”

"I will soon return to Feng Lingge, Hu Zhang cabinet this person, Feng Ming wrote down."

Hu’s treasurer and Ji Yun quickly exchanged a look, and Hu’s treasurer laughed at two channels:

"Fengcheng Lord, the Lingshi you owe us to the Fengling Pavilion is not a small number, but it is 30 million elite stone. And for so long, the Fengcheng Lord has not returned, compared to the trouble. However, you also Don't worry, some people are willing to pay you back these 30 million stones."

"Well?" Qin double looked at Ji Yun along the eyes of Hu's treasurer.

Ji Yan reveals a gentle smile: "The 30 million best spirits are small, as long as the phoenix sister is willing to marry me, these 30 million best spirits, I have returned for the phoenix sister."

“No need!” Qin doubled and waved: “I will solve it myself.”

Ji Yan's face suddenly gloomy, cold voice: "Feng Ming, you are a little bit of love?"

"I have a feeling for you to talk about?" Qin double frowned.

"Oh..." Ji Yun sneered two channels: "Feng Ming, do you consider the consequences of rejecting me?"

"Ji Yan, some have passed." Yan Yue frowned and said: "Maybe Feng Ming sister has a Taoist, why do you?"

“With a Taoist?” Ji Yan sneered aloud: “Who is the Taoist who I am watching, who dares to rob me? If she Feng Ming is willing to serve me honestly, I will pet her and love her. What she wants, I will give her something. But if she phoenix watery Yanghua, staying outside, she will stay in love, I will kill one place, I am much more, see her still dare water Yanghua ?"


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