Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Arm



Ji Yun’s words gave the piano a slap in the air, and he waved his hand to stop Yu Yue, looking at Ji Yundao:

"In front of me, dare to talk like this, licking my watery poppies, you are not afraid that I will kill you?"

"Kill me?" Ji Yun seems to have heard a big joke: "Do you have that skill? Hahaha..."

The eyes of the piano are slightly stunned, and the phoenix fire on the first floor of the Valkyrie is flowing in the meridians, rushing to the right palm, and the palm of the hand is like a knife to the past.

In the air between two people, it seems that there is a phoenix wing.

Phoenix wings!

Ji Yan slammed out in a circle, and Feng Ming had been with him for so long. He naturally knew that Feng Ming was only the sixth floor of Emperor Wu, and he was the first floor of Wushen. The corner of the mouth was sneer with a touch of sarcasm, but it took 80% of the repairs to win.

The 80-year-old repair of the Valkyrie is enough to defeat the sixth floor of an Emperor Wu, so that the sixth floor of an Emperor Wudi is extremely embarrassed and ugly. Of course, he will not kill Fengming. He just wants to completely defeat Fengming psychologically and let her be a plaything of her own.


When the fists and the palms intersected, Ji’s fists rang with cracks in the bones, and the whole body flew out, slammed into the wall and slowly slipped down.

Beat people like paintings!

Hu Zhang cabinet and Yan Yue eyes are shrinking.

How can this be?

How can Feng Ming be the opponent of Ji Yun?

Do not!

It's not as simple as an opponent. It's just an instant defeat to Ji Yun. Is Feng Ming already a Valkyrie? Usually just low-key?


Ji Yan squirted a blood, and his look became awkward.

"you wanna die!"

Ji Yan patted the ground with one hand, and a series of sounds were heard. From the ground of the main hall, countless ancient vines were picked up and swayed toward the piano. At the same time, the vines spurred a dense wooden sword, facing The piano shot twice.


The double backhand pulls out the two scimitars behind, and the left-hand scimitar is thrown out by the piano. When the finger is moved, the scimitar is seen to rotate around the body of the piano. There is a refinery that is red and red, and each lotus leaf is a flame.

Fire lotus!

When the scimitar circled seven times, seven fire lotuses appeared around the body of the piano. The seven fire lotuses not only resisted the dense wooden swords, but also burned the surrounding ancient vines.

"go with!"

The piano double slammed, and the seven fire lotuses suddenly expanded and expanded toward the periphery.


The flames vacated, and the dense old vines burned like a sea of ​​fire. In the gap between the rising and swaying of the flame, Ji Yan clearly saw that Qin Double held a blood red machete and stared at him.

The two have been retired to the corner of the hall, Hu Hu cabinet and Miao Yue two big eyes surprised.

"獠岳, this Fengming's cultivation is definitely Wushu!"

"Yeah!" Yu Yue chicken nodded like a glutinous rice.

"I feel that Ji Ji is not an opponent of Feng Ming!"

At this point, a face of Ji Yun has been covered with dark clouds and blue veins. Unexpectedly, Feng Ming, who has always been regarded as a cage bird, suddenly became a fierce bird, which made his psychology very uncomfortable. The little love that Feng Ming has in his heart has disappeared. He now only wants to knock down Fengming to the ground, whipping, tormenting and swearing.

His mind was moved, and in his right hand, there was a bamboo whip. The left hand touched the French seal and slowly pressed in the direction of the piano.


Thousands of ancient vines vacated, and they smoked toward the piano. Some ancient vines still had flames on them, just like weaving a net, and shrouded the piano.

"Lianye dances in the sky!"

The seven lotuses burst into pieces, turning into thousands of lotus leaves and flying around. Each lotus leaf is a flame, and it is as sharp as a knife.


A strip of ancient vines grows wildly, and a strip of ancient vines like a dragon rushes toward the double cymbals. The ancient vines are filled with mysterious patterns, sparkling with metallic luster.

The scimitar that was sacrificed by the piano double, like the same crescent moon, flew up and down around the body of the piano, and broke a root vine. At the same time, the lotus leaves burned the ancient vines. As in the formation of a fire whirl around the piano double, the piano double enveloped the center of the fire whirlwind.


The piano pair standing in the middle of the fire whirlwind is motionless, like a sculpture. Holding the machete in his right hand, the side of the pendulum is slanting, and his eyes gaze at the cockroach in a blink of an eye.

There are more and more vines in the air, and the fire around the piano is getting bigger and bigger.

The entire hall has been burned, and the Huss and the Ji Yun have already withdrawn from the hall and watched from a distance. In the distance, Gaiwan and a group of people also looked at the burning hall with a worried look.

Numerous vines are interwoven into a net, burning with flames on the top, and shrinking toward the piano, while stimulating a wooden sword. The situation in which Qinqin is located is in jeopardy.


Qin binoculars gaze tightly on the outside of the fire net, and the air is soft.


The lotus leaf that fluttered in the sky exploded and destroyed all the ancient vines.


The body shape of the piano doubled, such as the same wind, generally scraped to the opposite side of the record, the right hand of the horn knives slammed down.

At the same time, the opposite of Ji Yun also moved, the bamboo whip in his hand slammed down to the double.


Three sounds of impact were heard in the air, and then a silhouette of the figure was seen in the air, disappearing in the distance, and only one sentence in the air was still echoing.

"Piano double, I won't let you go."


Ji Yan’s left arm fell from the air on the ground and then turned into a bamboo. The piano has a moving look.

"Ji Yun is a bamboo demon!"

Picking up the bamboo, about a meter long, flicking his fingers and making a golden jade sound.

"Good baby!"

The bamboo was taken into the storage ring, and the piano stepped out of the hall, standing at the gate, looking back at the hall that had almost become a ruin.

Not far away, Hu Zhang cabinet and Yu Yuefei swept over. Yu Yue looked up and down with the double track:

"Feng Ming, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Qin double shook his head, then looked at the Hustre cabinet, gloomy face: "Hu treasure cabinet, I owe you the account within half a month I will return it to you."

"Fengcheng Lord..."

" Needless to say!" Qin said coldly: "My hall has been destroyed. To rebuild the hall, I will not leave the Hu."

Hu’s face changed, and he knew that he was really offended by Feng Ming. Introducing Ji Yun to Feng Ming, this will not cause Feng Ming to hate himself. After all, he does not know that such things will happen later. However, I have just proposed to let Ji Yun replace Feng Ling with Ling Ling, so that Feng Ming marries to Ji Yun, this is the downfall. I am afraid that the relationship between myself and Fengming will be broken.


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