Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Bamboo forest seven sons



At the moment, my face is also very unsightly. Since the relationship has been broken, there is no need to be polite with Feng Ming.

"Fengcheng Lord, you have owed this Lingshi for more than three months. I can give you another half a month. If you still can't get it in half a month..."

The eyes of the piano doubled up and said: "If you want Lingshi, I can give you now, I want to take the medicine, wait for half a month."

Of course, he wants medicinal herbs, although he is very skeptical that Feng Ming can immediately come up with Lingshi, but he finally nodded:

"Well, after half a month, I am waiting for you at Fenglin Pavilion."

When the words fall, the big feet are on the ground, and the figure rises into the sky and disappears into the clouds.

"Feng Ming..."


There was a trace of anxiety in the eyes of Yan Yue: "The background of Ji Yun is not simple."

"How about that?" Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed sharply: "Let me meet him again, he will take his life."

"You don't know!" Yan Yue shook his head and said: "But you must have heard of a bamboo forest in our demon world."

Qin double has never been to the demon world, where do you know what bamboo forest? But only a little head. Seeing the piano nodded, Yu Yue continued:

"Zhuzhulin is inhabited by a group of bamboo demons. These bamboo demons are very powerful. Among the generations of Ji Yun, the most famous ones are the seven sons of bamboo forest. Each of these seven sons is the repair of the late Wushen. Layer. You have played the cards, but you must not beat the seven chapters of the bamboo forest. After Ji Yu defeated your hand, you will definitely go to the bamboo forest seven sons to come to you for revenge."

The piano double wrinkled a brow and said: "Where is the bamboo forest seven?"

"I heard that only the third child is in the first fortress, and the remaining six sons are going out to smuggle humans. You don't know, the bamboo demon of the bamboo forest has a blood bamboo exercise method, which is the blood that absorbs various creatures. Will make their cultivation drastically improve. You have to be careful."

Qin double thought for a moment, Shi Lidao: "Thank you for your brother."

Yan Yue shook his head and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something. In the end, he sighed and quit with the piano.

When Yue Yue left, he covered the eight wilderness and rushed over.

"the host!"

"Eight, let's rebuild a big hall with people."


The piano looked around and looked around, and walked toward a relatively good house, saying:

"Eight, first borrow your house for a few days."

Entered the room, communicated the town demon tower, and found that the town demon tower has not been integrated. It seems that it is impossible to refine the medicinal herbs in the town demon tower. Qinqin took out the alchemy furnace and started alchemy in the room of the eighty.

This time, her refining medicinal herbs are all for the Fenglinge, so it is not a high-quality drug. The last of the medicinal herbs that were left to the fire and phoenix, the highest quality is the third level of Dandao. Qin double is preparing to refine all the Dan Dao's medicinal herbs.

A large number of low- and medium-grade herbs have been obtained from Qingshanzong. These herbs have lost their vitality and cannot be planted and survived, so Qinshuang stuffed some of them in the storage ring. At this time, the herbs were taken out and the refining began.

Today, Qinshuang is also the realm of Dan Dao's masters. Although it is only the beginning, it is too simple for the Qinshuang to refine the Dan dynasty's level of medicinal herbs.

For eleven days, Qin double refines the calculated medicinal herbs, she will not refine, because this sample-level medicinal herbs are completely useless to her. She refines these medicinal herbs, just to pay off debts.

He greeted him with the cover of the eight, and the piano double flew toward the first fortress. Entering the first fortress, he went straight to Fenglin Pavilion and handed the refining medicinal herbs to the Huzhang. When the Hushen cabinet checked the medicinal herbs, they found that they were all the quality of the six-level Dandao division. They suddenly looked at the piano pair sitting opposite, and the face was unpromising:

"This... are all Dandao divisions six?"

"Yeah!" Qin doubled nodded.

"This... are you refining?"


"You are already a 6th grade Dandao?"

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang's face showed a trace of impatience, posing hand: "Hu Hu cabinet, I am not a six-level Dandao division has nothing to do with you, you quickly check it out, are we two clear? ”

"Two clear! Two clear!"

The regret in the heart of the palm of the hand, repented, the intestines are green. Sixth grade Dandao teacher! There will never be more than one hundred Dandao masters who reach this level in the whole demon world. The woman in front of me is one of the hundred.

The most important thing is that she was a third-grade Dandao teacher more than a year ago, and became a six-level Dandao teacher in more than a year. This is a once-in-a-lifetime alchemy wizard!

And for the sake of that bamboo, he offended the bright future Dandao!

His face squeezed a bright smile: "Fengcheng Lord, what anxious! Today, my brother is doing something, we have a good drink."

"No need!" Qin double stood up and said: "Since we are both clear, I still have something to do, let me go."

"Fengcheng Lord..."

Qin doubled his footsteps and looked back at Hu’s treasurer: “Is there something else?”


Hu's treasurer was flushed, and he understood what it would mean if he could make a Dandao. And it is still a six-level Dandao, even if you don't look at each other's future, just look at it now, a six-level Dandao division is enough. This is the Dan Dao Division who can enter the top 100 of the billions of demons. As long as he can catch the Fengming line, his position in Fenglinge will rise linearly, saying that nothing can be put on the other side.

"Nothing, I am leaving!" And at this time, Qin double turned and left again.

“Slow!” Hu’s treasurer once again called the piano double, and there was a fascinating color in his eyes: “Fengcheng Lord, do you know the seven sons of bamboo forest?”

"Know!" Qin double could not help but frown a little frowning: "Don't they all be in the first fortress?"

"That's not there!" Hu Zhang counter whispered: "There is only the third child now, and they know that you owe the debt of Fenglinge, so I have been monitoring it here, waiting for you to appear. Fengcheng Lord, it is better for you today. I stayed here for one day. In the evening, I asked some of the great monks in the First Fortress to get to know you. When they knew that you were a Level 6 Dandao, they would definitely warn the third child that he would not dare to move you. ”

Qin double fixedly looked at Hu's treasurer, until the face of Hu's treasurer was somewhat unnatural, he smiled slightly:

"Thank you for the treasurer's cabinet, I have received this person's feelings. If I have any need, I will trade with Fenglinge. I just don't have to stay. Don't say that there is only a third child, even if the bamboo trees are gathered together, I am not afraid of them."



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