Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 474: The third son of bamboo forest



The shape of the piano double has disappeared outside the door of Fenglinge, so that the treasurer of the Hu can not help but crumble.

Qinqin left the Fengling Pavilion and went straight out of the gate of the First Fortress and flew away in the direction of Fengming City. A thousand miles away, the piano doubled up in shape, landed on the cloud, and looked back at the sky.

A white cloud in the sky blasted open, and there were two figures in it. The corners of the piano doubled with a sneer, and called:

"Is it finally?"

The coming person is the third son of Zhulin and Ji Yun. At this time, the third son of Zhulin was shocked. As long as he saw the movement of the piano, he knew that he was tracking this way. I am afraid that it has already been seen by the other side. The other party just led them to this unmanned place.


The two figures fell in front of the piano pair, and the eyes of the piano double passed over from Ji Yun, looking to the side of the figure:

"The third son of bamboo forest?"

“Not bad!” Zhu Lin’s third son said: “Put your luck, open your mind, and let Ji Yun leave a slave in your knowledge.”

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. I didn't plan to take two of you as slaves. I will cut off the heads of both of you directly."


The double backhand pulled out the two-handed machete on the back.


The piano has feet on the ground, and the ground blasts like a blooming lotus flower. The figure has already rushed to the front of the third child.

The third child is the tip of the toes on the ground, and the figure retreats backwards. In the process of his retreat, a bamboo rose from the ground, and the bamboo poles swayed, popping out the sword and spurting toward the piano.


The sword and the scimitar collided and were scissored by a scimitar, but the knife of the right-hand scimitar was exhausted, and the left-handed knife of the double pair came out.

Phoenix wings!

In the sky, there seems to be a huge phoenix wing, shining with magnificent light, passing through the bamboo forest.


Numerous bamboos were cut off, and the figure of the double piano was like electricity. The knife was like a thunder, and it was empty. The third child's face was dignified, and the whole person showed the original shape. It was a thick bamboo with **** lines. The bamboo was like a long whip, and it was drawn toward the piano.

The piano was shocked in the heart, and the bamboo body appeared to have layers of light. Each layer of light was filled with blood-colored patterns, and it slammed into the double-handed machete of the piano pair.

The next moment, Qin double felt a strong force from the machete, and the whole body flew involuntarily. The bamboo was turned into the third child, and a bamboo gun was twisted in both hands, killing the past with the piano.


Qin did not hesitate to open the fire phoenix body, and the right hand scimitar volleyed.

Phoenix Wing Knife!

The piano double exhibited a glimpse of the glare, and the figure was pulled out of the air in the air. The scimitar smashed a blade like a phoenix wing and collided with the big gun that the third child stabbed.


This time it was the turn of the third child to fly backwards. His eyes were unbelievable. Just now, he was able to defeat the piano double. How could the second mover's strength increase so rapidly?

I can't resist it!

"Feng Ming, you are not the beginning of the Valkyrie!"


The double-handed knife of the piano is not exhausted, and the left-handed knife has already come out. Countless knives shrouded the third child like fireworks.

Phoenix tail!

The knives that broke out in the air were as beautiful as a phoenix. A knife and a knife spread with the momentum of the knife, but it is magnificent and unpredictable.

In the third sub-port, there was a screaming scream, and the fire-knife-like knives cut his body out of a knife mark. Behind him, there was a bamboo shadow, bamboo leaves like a sword, spread, and Qin double The released knives collided intensively, although the bamboo leaves were smashed by a knife, but more bamboo leaves came in like a sea tide.

Chicken feet!

The shape of the piano double leaps high, and both hands squat down the scimitar. A knife smashed out with the knife's momentum, like two chicken feet, each claw tip releasing a sharp knife and grabbing the third child.

The layer of bamboo leaves was crushed by the two claws, but a large hole was caught in an instant, and two chicken feet passed through the big hole and caught the third child. The chicken feet are still not in the body, and the sharp knife has already made the third child feel cold.


The third child screamed, half of the body was crushed by the chicken feet, which caused the third child to fall into anger. There was a screaming scream in the throat, and there was a sound of bamboo sticks squeaking in the body. A piece of bamboo leaves grew wildly from under the skin, wrapping his body inside, like a battle armor.

"I want you to die!"

The third child's body broke out with a breath of scorpion, which is an old-fashioned atmosphere, giving people a sense of ruin and solemnity.

"Ha ha ha..." The third child laughed loudly: "Do you think that I am an ordinary bamboo demon? I am from the bamboo forest. It has been extended since the ancient times. We are a family of bamboo, and there is a wasteland in the body. Today It is your honor to be able to force me to make a fortune."

Qin double did not pay attention to the third child's shouting, the volley's body shape swooped down and smashed out.

Feng Shou!

The shape of the piano double is like a phoenix, the scimitar is continuously pulled out, and the swords and swords are combined together, like a phoenix head, and the sharp phoenix mouth smashes toward the third child.

Suddenly the bamboo leaves flew, and the left arm that had just re-emerged was crushed by the phoenix, and the blue blood was scattered in the air.

The third child shouted, raised his right hand and flicked at the piano.


The four index fingers were turned into four bamboo thorns, and the double lasing of the piano was heard. The palm of the hand with only one thumb suddenly became sharp and connected with the whole right arm. Like the bamboo handle of the same handle, Weng Ran left the arm and slammed toward the piano.


The remaining bamboo leaves of the body are shot, such as the green handle jade sword with the same handle, and the sea tide is directed at the piano pair. At the same time, the third child's body bulged a bamboo thorn, each one nearly one meter, covered with the third child's body, like a huge hedgehog, roaring:

"You dare to cut my arms, I want you to wear your heart."

His voice is like a silk bamboo, but it is sturdy, fascinating, and extremely uncomfortable in his heart. The piano double danced with double knives, smashed bamboo thorns and bamboo leaves, but felt a trace of gas spreading along the double knives and entering his body. This silk gas enters the body and begins to block its own meridians, so that the spiritual power in the body does not work well.

"Is this the wasteland?"

"Four in one!"

The piano is double-eyed, the sound is like a phoenix, and the two knives fly in the hand. The martial arts spirit that opens the fire phoenix body flows in the body, and the smoldering gas that has just entered the body is discharged outside the body. Health.


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