Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Kill



Phoenix wings!

Phoenix tail!

Chicken feet!

Feng Shou!

The phoenix wings, the phoenix tails, the chicken feet and the phoenix heads are four in one, forming a phoenix that has been released, and the body of the cold is released, and the swaying of the wings is carried out. Where the two wings pass, those bamboo leaves and bamboo thorns are broken.


The third child screamed with anger, and the body like a hedgehog suddenly swelled and slammed, and the raised bamboo thorns continually spurred toward the piano.

The phoenix wings, the phoenix tails, the chicken feet and the phoenix-songs are not the phoenix body, but the piano pair is occupying the position of this phoenix body. It is protected by the phoenix wings, the phoenix tail, the chicken feet and the phoenix. , rushing toward the third child.


The bamboo thorn that was spurred from the third son was intensively bombarded on the body of the fire phoenix, and was stabbed by the knife that burst out from the fire phoenix. The two sides collided and issued a dense roar. The bamboo thorns were shattered in layers, and the fire and the phoenix were weak, and the knife was exhausted.

At this point, the third child had already gave birth to his arms, and a huge bamboo gun was twisted in his hand. His eyes looked coldly at the piano pair that was approaching fast, and a sneer appeared in his mouth. In his opinion, at this time, The phoenix that was trapped in the raging bamboo gun attack, the phoenix phoenix built by the knives has become almost transparent, and it will soon collapse. As long as the knife collapses, it is the time when Qin Shuangna is killed.


The knife collapsed and the piano double was submerged in a bamboo thorn. Although the two were only three meters apart, the third child smiled.

That is the smile of the winner. At this time, the naked eye can't see the figure of the double, and the place where it is visible is the shaded bamboo thorn. However, these shaded bamboo thorns are from the body of the third child. Like the vellus hair on his body, the tiny sensor senses the position of the double piano in an instant. The smile on the face is with the smile of the winner. Go one step forward and rush to the position of perception.

This gun broke out all the strengths of the third son of the Valkyrie. The gas of the wilderness was faintly formed. It bulged from the bamboo gun and circled around the bamboo gun, like a dragon of wasteland.


The third shot was shot into the shaded bamboo thorn, which drove the surrounding bamboo thorns and formed a whirlpool of bamboo thorns.


The third child screamed and slammed, and the bamboo gun that was stabbed broke the sound barrier. It was the late Wushen who had the power of wasteland. It was only a distance of less than one meter from the bamboo gun. The speed is faster than the speed of sound, breaking the sound barrier. The killing in his heart was filled, and the bamboo gun that was stabbed was a quick one.


From the vortex, a hand was struck, and a bamboo gun that broke the sound barrier was caught. The bamboo gun that surpassed the speed of sound was suddenly stunned in the air, and a strong spurt spread to the surrounding area, and the surrounding bamboo thorns were hit.


The hand suddenly slammed hard, and with a bang, Wu’s body power broke out, and the bamboo gun was pinched. In the third eye, the figure of the piano double smashed the layers of bamboo thorns. In front of him, a phoenix phoenix tail is wrapped around the legs of the piano pair, the body of the phoenix is ​​wrapped around the body of the piano, two phoenix wings are wrapped around the arms, and a phoenix head is explored from the back of the piano pair. Out, the entire body of the phoenix released a layer of red brilliance, blocking the roots of the bamboo thorns.

"You..." The third son stunned: "You are... the demon holy..."

"You know it is too late!"


One hand of Qinshuang holds the head of the third child, and after opening the fire phoenix body, the repair has been forced to the beginning of Wusheng, and the body strength of the piano pair has already reached the first layer of Wusheng. Underneath, it crashed. However, the hands of Qin double did not stop, and all the way down.

After the piano double pinched the head of the third child, the third child revealed the original shape, showing a bamboo-like appearance. The piano doubled one by one and quickly pinched it down, all the way to the ground, the fragments of bamboo flying around.


The look of Qin double suddenly stagnate. After the 11th bamboo festival was smashed in a row, the thirteenth section did not pinch the blast, and the eyes fell, but I saw that one piece of bamboo was more crystal clear than any one. The above treasures flow.

"This is the bamboo heart!" Xuanwu's voice came from the heart of Haoran: "The bamboo heart can be refining the instrument, or it can be arranged. It is the endless absorption of the moon, and it has great benefits."


The piano double hand held the bamboo heart, the left hand pinched the bamboo knot under the bamboo heart, took the bamboo heart in the hand, lost the bamboo heart bamboo, immediately did not move, lost the brilliance of life.

Qin double took the bamboo heart into the storage ring and looked around for a search. He saw that Ji Yun was fleeing in the direction of the first fortress. Above the cloud, it has become a black spot.

Above the clouds.

Ji Yun is fleeing like a lifeless, the heart is beating like a gong and drum, and the strength of the double burst of the piano makes him feel awkward.

"I must escape!"

"Be sure to escape to the first fortress, and then tell the other six bamboo trees."

"He can kill the third child, but he must not be the other six."


As if a gust of wind had blown, then he felt his head and body separated, and then the body changed back to its original shape. A face appeared on a bamboo knot, and the piano double under the slashing knife looked fearfully. .


The piano doubles like a knife, and one section smashes the bamboo. The face that appeared on the bamboo knot was smashed by a machete, and then appeared on the next bamboo knot, then chopped, then transferred, and screams in the mouth:

"Do not!"


Qin double is regardless of disregard, the hands of the machete kept squatting down, smashing a section of bamboo, Wu Sheng's body power poured out, so that the piano is very cool.


A **** bamboo knot was not smashed, but flew out with the remaining dozens of bamboos, smashing the clouds and whistling away.

"Bamboo heart!"

The eyes of Qinqin are bright, and the flying phoenix dances out, pulling up a blurry afterimage in the air, and instantly catching up with the bamboo that wants to control the bamboo body, the right hand is bent and smashing, 斩Above the bamboo section below the bamboo heart.


The bamboo section was broken and the bamboo heart was broken. The piano doubled out and grabbed the bamboo heart in the hand. It took the storage ring and lost the bamboo heart. The bamboo falling toward the ground was closed. Into the storage ring. Then spread the power of knowing the sea and shroud the inside of the circle. Later, when he reached out and continually grabbed it, he flew a piece of bamboo from the ground. The pieces of the bamboo were all smashed from the body of Ji Yun. From the traces of these fragments, it can be seen that it was broken by a machete, and it will trace the body of her fire.


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