Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Six sons



After collecting each piece of debris, the figure of the piano pair pulled out a phantom of fire and phoenix in the air, and rushed away to the place where the third child was fighting.

Back on the battlefield, the piano double began to erase all traces. Finally, looking at the battlefield to eliminate all traces, the piano double frowned, and the figure suddenly vacated. As the air flew away, the sleeves slammed downwards, and a fire dragon swooped down from her cuffs.


The blazing fire ignited below, and the shape of the double piano went away.

After a quarter of an hour, the shape of the piano double appeared above a large river. This river is called water, and it is magnificent. The body shape of the piano double dive toward the water. Close to the Guanshui River, the filigree jade fingers, gently stroke, the water will be separated to the left and right, the body shape of the piano will subduct, the water wall on the head will be combined into one, and the waves will be restored.

Qinqin sneaked into the bottom of the river, punched out a cave, and walked into the cave. He quickly arranged a water-avoiding array. The people in the cave were discharged, and then a magical array was set up. Sitting cross-legged in the cave, I took out the bamboo heart of Ji Yun.

Baoguang flows on the bamboo heart, and the piano double transmits the power of knowing the sea from the eyebrow and enters the bamboo heart.

Inside the bamboo heart.

A small bamboo floated in the heart of the bamboo, and when he saw the power of the Qin double, the bamboo bamboo suddenly swayed, and the great suction from the small bamboo body was used to engulf the power of the sea.

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse. Knowing that the small bamboo is the **** of Ji Yun, he wants to erase the bamboo. However, I found that my power to know the sea is not an opponent of Ji Yun.

Qin double has only the power to know the sea, and Ji Yun has been a god, there is a qualitative difference between the two. When Qinqin’s power of knowing the sea and encountering the power of Ji’s knowledge, the whole line collapsed, and there was no such resistance.

On the outside, the piano pair can destroy each other with spiritual strength and ontological power, but in the confrontation between the power of pure sea and the power of the gods, Qin double is not an opponent at all.


Qinqin forcibly interrupted the power of knowing the sea, and lost some of the power to know the sea, so that Qin double could not spurt blood. I hurriedly took out a weak water suit, and the face of the sky had a faint blush.

Qin double does not dare to delay, she knows that the Yaozu has some magical powers, is able to reproduce the lost scene through some tiny clues, or communicate the gods through mysterious means. Therefore, the piano must erase the gods of the third and third sons in the shortest time.

"If you can't do the power of knowing the sea, then use the power of the soul!"

Qin Double is completely ignored now, and she has no time to delay. The power of her soul is not the power of knowing the sea. It is the mid-peak peak of the ninth layer of Wu Sheng. It is much higher than the knowledge of Ji Yun. When the power of the soul rushes into the heart of the bamboo, it destroys the gods of Ji Yun, and the small bamboo turns into a pure sense of the gods to nourish the bamboo heart.

Qin double did not have time to further study the bamboo heart, and the bamboo heart of Ji Yun was taken into the storage ring, and then the bamboo heart of the third child was taken out, and the power of the soul was transmitted, and the third child was quickly God erased. This is a long sigh of relief, confidently looking at the bamboo heart in his hand.

A blue stream of light blew from the heart of the piano pair, flowing to her shoulders, turned into a small basaltic cymbal on the shoulders of Qin double, looking at the bamboo heart:

"This bamboo heart has been smashed with a machete before, how sharp your machete is, you know it yourself. So this bamboo heart is an excellent material for refining, once it is discovered by the monks who cultivate the wood properties, it will cause A crazy one. This is only one of them, because it breeds a solid wood aura, it can be used as a burst of wood attributes, providing a continuous supply of energy for a large array, such a bamboo heart can maintain a For hundreds of years, it was regarded as a treasure by the Taoist.

Of course, it can also be directly absorbed by the monks who cultivate the wood properties without any side effects. ”

"So good?" Qin double surprised.

Xuanwu indulged in a moment: "However, I still suggest that you leave these two bamboo hearts, and they will be the brains of the big battles in the future."

"Why? I think it's better to make it into a flying sword."

"The endless moon has a fixed sea sword. This is not compatible with the Dinghai sword. The key point is that this bamboo heart is not a normal bamboo heart."

"How is it not normal?"

"Because there is a waste of gas in this bamboo heart, I guess that their family must live in the ancient land of the demon world, where there is a waste of gas. This wilderness is very violent, with such a bamboo heart as The core of the line will increase the power of the big array of power."

When Qinqin thought about it, he took the bamboo heart up. It was not listening to Xuanwu’s words, but staying in the array, but he felt that there was no place to use the bamboo heart.

At this time, in a wilderness, the body shape of a demon monk swept a slam, his face changed dramatically, and Huoran turned his head. His eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of space and looked at the place where the third child fell.

"The third brother is dead?"

In a jungle, a demon monk is fighting with a human monk, suddenly slamming and being swept away by a human monk, but his inverted body suddenly turned his head to the third declining direction. .

"Who killed the third brother?"

Almost at the same time, in the other four places, there were also four monks who perceive the fall of the third child.

The seven sons of bamboo forest are seven bamboos that are formed by bamboo roots. Seven bamboo devils are connected, one bamboo demon falls, and the other six are quickly perceived. At the moment, they flew high and flew in the direction of the third child's fall.

In the jungle.

The man of the ethnic group looked at the direction in which the bamboo demon disappeared, and his face was puzzled and puzzled. Just now he has lost to his opponent, he will be killed by the bamboo demon, why did the bamboo demon suddenly leave?


"The man who said that he killed the third brother, is the third son of the seven sons of bamboo forest killed?

"Good! Good! Kill well!"


On a ruin that had just been burnt by the fire, a figure fell. Slightly wrinkled his brow, Huoran turned his head and looked into the air, and saw a figure falling toward him, and shouted in his mouth:

"Big brother!"

"Old Seven, you are here too!" The first son of Zhulin nodded, and the seventh son shed tears: "Big brother, who killed the third brother? It is to chase the end of the earth, I will also smash it." Revenge for the third brother."


Another figure is falling.

"Big brother, can you find the body of the third brother?"

The first child shook his head and said: "Not yet, the sixth child, I just arrived. Let's check it first."


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