Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Try to fuse



"it is good!"

The three bamboo demons were separated and began to look for clues, but the burnt blacks everywhere, could not find traces of traces.

In the process, the other three bamboo demons have also arrived. After a long time, the six sons of Zhulin once again gathered together, and everyone’s face was very gloomy. The first sub-sink channel:

"We are fighting for the soul."

"it is good!"

The six sons of Zhulin became a circle, swaying the road and printing, and there was a word in the mouth. In the middle of them, a light ball gradually appeared.

The ball of light slowly turned in midair, but there was no slightest scene, just a piece of whiteness.

The first child’s eyes flashed fiercely: “The third god’s **** was also erased. Who is it? So ruthless?”

The second child looked around and said: "There is only a thousand miles away from the first fortress. Let's go to the first fortress and ask."

"Alright!" The first son nodded: "Check out who has recently fought with the younger brother. No matter who it is, even the royal family in the Yaozu, killing the third brother, I have to pay for it."

The seven bamboo devils drove the clouds and headed for the first fortress.

The first bastion has now calmed down a lot. Since the establishment of the tri-family city, the three parties seem to be interested in maintaining the status quo. There is almost no large-scale attack on each other, but with the spread of the third child in the seven chapters of the bamboo forest, the first A fortress set off an uproar.

The abandoned bamboo forest is a special place in the demon world. Even the royal family in the demon family is also polite to the bamboo demon coming out of the abandoned bamboo forest. It all comes from the strength of the bamboo forest. However, the third child of the bamboo demon bamboo forest that came out of the abandoned bamboo forest was dead.

When he dies, he will die. Even if he is a late demon god, since the demon door is opened, there is no demon god.

However, the third son of the bamboo forest was killed silently, and this is a problem!

After the scene, many people went to see it and were burnt by a big fire without leaving a trace.

This shows what?

This shows that the third son is definitely not killed by the Mozu and the Terran. If it is killed by the Mozu and the Terran, it will not destroy the corpse, but will be widely publicized. How can such a famous opportunity be hidden? ?

So, there is only one possibility.

That is the person who was killed by the Yaozu, maybe the third child is familiar, and suddenly killed him.

This news is so hot, how can you not let the demon of the first fortress smash?

Yu Yue sat in the palace, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes: "Isn't it going to be killed by Feng Ming?"

Hu’s treasurer in Fenglinge’s heart was also uneasy in his heart: “The third child is actually dead. I don’t know if there is death in Ji’an. If Ji Yun is dead, it’s basically Feng Ming’s kill...”

At this time, the piano double is still in the cave house at the bottom of the river. In the process of fighting with the third child, she felt her own shortcomings.

Now she has been promoted to the level of the martial arts, and the opening of the phoenix body can be slightly extended. However, she knows that the time to open the fire phoenix body is still limited, and it can only be used as a life-saving method. It cannot be used as a normal state. So there is a problem, her true strength is not enough to face those who have already stepped into the upper circle.

Take the third child, for example, the normal cultivation is not the opponent of the third child. If it is not the opening of the fire phoenix body, the death is not the third child, but her piano double.

Of course, she also has a way to instantly improve her strength, that is, to make her own phoenix fire repair and basaltic Xuan Shui repair.

However, that is also time-limited. And that is not her own strength, but the strength of Xuanwu.

Does that have its own strength?

Qin double fell into meditation.

Xuan Shui...

I have it myself!

When the piano doubles his mind, he enters his own sea of ​​knowledge.

In her knowledge of the sea.

The power of knowing the sea is divided into three colors, golden sharp gold, blue mysterious water, and red phoenix fire.

The three colors of the sea are clearly distinct, each occupying a part of the sea, and slowly hovering around the middle of the merits.

The piano double frowned. She had not noticed the problem of knowing the sea before. Now she carefully perceives it and let her see the problem.

The three forces of recognizing the sea are incompatible with each other, and she can perceive that the three forces of recognizing the sea are mutually exclusive, as if they would explode once they touch each other.

However, her knowledge of the sea is good and there is no explosion.

At this time, Qinshuang already knows the answer. In her knowledge of the sea, it seems that the three forces of understanding the sea are closely connected. In fact, there is a mysterious force blocking the edge of the three forces of contact with the sea. That layer of power is very thin, not very noticeable, and it is not found at all.

The mysterious power of that layer is constructed with a trace of silk, and it is like a barrier to isolate the power of the three seas.

That is the power from the merits.

Qinqin silently perceives his own knowledge of the sea, and then it will be clear. I am afraid that every time he breaks through, the meritorious deeds will fall off some streaks and enhance the power of obstacle avoidance to isolate the power of the three seas. She also found a corner of the sea, with a group of floating patterns, a little thought about it, then understand that it should be every month into the sea, to isolate the wood attribute to the power of the sea.


This meritorious deed is much smaller than before. One day, the merits will be exhausted. At that time, during the period of obstacle avoidance, the forces of the three seas collided with each other, and I am afraid that the Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea will explode in an instant, and the body will die.

The body of the piano double sweats like a slurry, soaking the clothes.


"There must be a solution!"

"Although today's monks are practicing a property, there is no ban on the cultivation of more than two attributes. It is just that practicing multiple attributes will be impossible, not dangerous. Then... why do I feel dangerous?"

The piano doubles his eyebrows and contemplates a little bit of memories of the books he has read and the inheritance from the seven-string space. Slowly his brow stretched out.

“It turned out to be a fusion, it is to integrate a variety of attributes, and the power of integration is greater.”

She remembered the power of her own phoenix fire and mysterious water, and her heart became hot. However, it is not easy to combine two attributes.

Especially Qin Double, she now cultivates martial arts and law, and the martial arts is still good. In Dantian, due to the cultivation of military martial arts, after each kind of spiritual power enters Dantian, it will be clearly defined and flow into the respective martial arts. And the martial art is like a barrier. It will cover the spiritual power of its own attributes, and it will not reveal a trace of it. In the dantian outside the military, it is like a void, and there is no spiritual power. The force to enter Dantian, the big Dantian, did not give the chances of the different spiritual powers to collide, and they would be absorbed by their respective martial arts, so there was no collision at all.


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