Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Fusion failure



However, Qinshuang also knows that this is only a temporary situation. Wuxiang always has a full moment. When that moment arrives, there will be extra spiritual power in Dantian. Slowly, Dantian will be full of spiritual power. The cohabitation is born in this rich spiritual power.

Once at that time, the three spiritual forces collided in Dantian, which is the end of the piano pair.

Fortunately, the martial arts are still far from full, and Qin Shuang himself speculates that waiting for his own cultivation to break through to the Wusheng realm, the military should reach a relatively saturated level. At that time, Dantian will have spiritual power. That spiritual power is like a woman's amniotic fluid that breeds a baby, and the military is like a baby. When the baby is mature, it is the moment of breaking the void.

Compared with Dantian, who still has a buffer time, Qin’s knowledge of the sea is beyond control. Because before the way of fusion is found, the piano can't be cultivated, and if it doesn't break through to Wusheng, there will be no problem with Dantian.

However, it is not good to know the sea. There is no military martial art in the sea. It is only by virtue of the merits of the monument that the forces of the three seas are separated. That meritorious monument is not cultivated by the double piano, and what happens when the piano can't cope with it, the merit will automatically drop some symbols to solve the double. This pair of pianos is a gospel, but it is also a hidden danger. When the meritorious depot finally emptied, at that time, it was the collision of three kinds of forces that knew the sea.

"You must try to integrate now!"

But, first try to integrate the power of knowing the sea, or the spiritual power in Dantian?

"Or try to integrate spiritual power first!"

First of all, the combination of spiritual power is also a matter of thinking carefully. In fact, the first one is the same. After all, the power of knowing the sea is good, and the spiritual power is just the same. It is consistent in the origin of heaven. If Qinqin can successfully integrate spiritual power, and then integrate the power of knowing the sea, it will not bother, it is a matter of course.

The most important thing is that the knowledge of the sea is everywhere in the sea. If one is not integrated, an explosion will occur and the piano will fall.

However, Dantian is different. There is no spiritual power in her dantian, and all spiritual power is contained in three spiritual forces. Moreover, when Qin Qin is practicing, he can only practice one kind of exercise at a time. When she cultivated the phoenix phoenix, all the entrants into Dantian were fire spirits, which were absorbed by the fire and spirit. When practicing the Xuanwu Collection, all of the water is absorbed. When practicing the White Tiger Collection, it absorbs Jin Lingli. So the three spiritual forces simply do not have the opportunity to touch each other. In this way, in addition to the three spiritual forces, there is a lot of space in Dantian for the piano to try.

Qin double first adjusted his own state of mind, when the mood is old, there is no wave, in contrast to the internal view of his own nod. At this time in the center of her Dantian, it is the physical body of the Wushen, surrounded by the physical body of the military is Ruijin Wuxiang, Xuan Shui Wuxiang and Fenghuo Wuxiang.

Qinqin did not immediately try, but the three heavens of Jinshuihuo combed again, comprehend, and realized the origins of the three heavens, and realized what they thought.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Qin double vomited a sigh of relief, and his mind was moved. Rui Jinwuxiang, Xuan Shui Wuxiang and Feng Huowu opened their mouths slightly. From the mouths of the three martial arts, each of them shed a drop of spiritual power. The piano double controls the three drops of spiritual power to gather together and slowly touch together.


In the moment when the three spiritual forces touched together, they suddenly exploded. The whole Dantian was a shock, and the physical body and the three spiritual forces were slightly shaken. There were two blood donations from the nose of the piano.

"No! The way of integration is wrong. I merged according to the three talents, but there was an explosion. What went wrong?"

Qin double eyebrows contemplative!

One hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

In the heart of the piano, she was fascinated by the moment, and she remembered the scene of her own understanding of the starry sky. The power of the stars is a kind of star power formed by a combination of various spiritual powers. When entering the body, it can also run through the sun without interruption, turning into the attribute spiritual power that you need, and entering Dantian. , absorbed by each of his own military.

However, now I am taking out the spiritual power from the military, and I want to merge again but it will not work!

Where is this worse?


Qin double thought of the Taiji theory that he had realized at the beginning.

"The Promise and the Taiji. Taiji moves and yang, moves extremely quiet, quiet and yin, quietly reverberate. One move and one quiet, mutual roots. Split yin and yang, two instruments stand. Yang change Yin, The raw water is firewood and gold. Five airs are smooth, four times are squatting. Five elements and one yin and yang, yin and yang are also Taiji, and Taiji is also infinite. The life of the Five Elements is also one of its own. The Promise is true, the essence of the second and the fifth He is suspicious. The road is a man, Kun is a woman. Two sympathetic, metamorphosis.

Everything is born, and the changes are endless. Only people have their show and the most spiritual. The shape is both raw and sorrowful. Five **** movements, and good and evil points, everything goes out. The sage is determined to be righteous and righteous, and the sage is very quiet. Therefore, the saints and the heavens and the earth combine their virtues, the sun and the moon are combined with their own, and the four o'clock are in the same order, and the ghosts and gods combine their good and bad. The gentleman repaired it, Kyrgyzstan; Therefore, "The way of heaven, the yin and the yang. The way of standing, the soft and the gentle. The way of establishing people, the blasphemy and the righteousness." He also said: "The original is the end, so I know the dead and the dead." Big trade is also easy, and the singer is the best. ”

Qin double quietly thinking.

"Yang change Yin and Yin, and raw water fire wood and gold. Five elements and one yin and yang, yin and yang, too tai chi, Tai Chi, this is also the Promise. The life of the Five Elements is also one of its own. Promise true, the perfection of the second and fifth! ”

The eyes of Qin double gradually brightened and became brighter and brighter. Like two shining stars, she finally found a way to integrate various spiritual powers.

Qinqin once again took a drop of spiritual power from Ruijin Wuxiang, Xuan Shui and Fenghuo Wuxiang, and then tried to fuse them. This time, the three spiritual forces touched together without exploding, but began to gradually merge. , releasing a magnificent color. However, when the three spiritual powers merged with two-thirds, there was another explosion.


Qin double this time is not just a trace of blood flowing from the nose, but a nose and mouth spurting blood. The whole person is languished a lot. She immediately took out a few bites of Vientiane and ate it. Then there was a hint of joy on his face.

This time she was hurt more than the last time, otherwise she would not need to eat the Vientiane. However, Qin double saw from the injury, once the power of the three spiritual powers was merged. This is just a fusion of three spiritual powers, and it is only a two-thirds integration. If it is a complete fusion, and it is the integration of all spiritual power, what kind of power would it be?


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