Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Wuling




It seems that I still have not found the root cause of the fundamental solution. Although it has been able to integrate two-thirds, the remaining one-third may not be able to successfully integrate.

But always try it.

When Vientiane cured the injury of Qinshuang, Qin double tried again. When it was two-thirds, the fusion failed again. Two-thirds of the fusion seemed to be a scorpio, and it stopped. The pace of the piano double forward.

Qin double once again took the Vientiane and began to think about the solution.

"Five spirits!"

In the heart of the piano, she suddenly jumped. She remembered that in the remains of the innocent desert, after the Fengfeng Collection and the Danfeng Chaoyang, the third practice was called Wuling.

She immediately transferred out the five spirits to comprehend, but after about an hour, she had a general understanding, and there was a little disappointment in her eyes.

According to her speculation on Wu Lingling, the previous Fengfeng Baodian and Danfeng Chaoyang were all realized from the heavenly pattern of Huofeng, which belongs to the heavenly method and is perfect. The third five spirits should be the exercises that the predecessors could speculate themselves. Whether there are precedents or not, it is probably a theoretical speculation.

Moreover, this kind of speculation must be the practice that the predecessors had the idea of ​​cultivating the Fengfeng Collection and the Danfeng Chaoyang to the realm of Dacheng. Because Qin double has seen from the practice of Wuling, the foundation of the cultivation of the five spirits is based on the practice of the Fengfeng Collection, the Danfeng Chaoyang, and the other four attributes to the realm of Dacheng. The cultivation of the cultivation method to Dacheng is impossible to cultivate.

This can not help but remind Qinqin of the town demon tower, the five giant pillars in the town demon tower, each with five kinds of pure gold wood water and fire properties, I thought that the original magical riot in the town demon tower, can not be practiced inside, Just as the spiritual powers in the body collide with each other.

When the soil property giant column appeared, it reached a relative fusion. And the five giant pillars are equivalent to the five major attributes of the mastery, and then reached a subtle fusion, and the five spirits have the same beauty.


This is not suitable for today's piano doubles. Qinshuang does not currently cultivate Ruijin, Xuanshui and Fenghuo to Dacheng, which means that the foundation for practicing Wuling is not strong. And only Rui Jin, Xuan Shui and Feng Huo, counted last month, there are only four spirits, lacking the most important one, soil properties. I am afraid that even Qin Qin will practice these four spirits into the realm of Dacheng, but because of the lack of soil attribute exercises, the spiritual powers in his body will violently ruin.

This can not help but make the piano double nervous, and instantly feel the pressure is huge.

"I can't continue to cultivate myself! The deeper the cultivation, the more dangerous it is! Once the sharp gold, the Xuan Shui and the Fenghuo are cultivated to the extreme, and the soil property is lacking, does it immediately explode the spiritual riot? I can't control myself!"

Qin double's headache is up. It seems that he must find the equivalent soil cultivation practice before he cultivates himself into Dacheng!



How did Xuanwu merge Xuan Shui and my phoenix fire? ”

Qinqin spirited, immediately called:


Xuanwu turned into a blue streamer from the heart of Qin double, squatting on the shoulders of Qin double, looking at the piano double head with his head:


“How did you integrate Xuan Shui and Feng Huo?”

"It can't be considered a fusion!"

“Not a fusion?”

“Well, it’s just a subtle balance.”

"Balance?" Qin's eyes lit up.

"I show it to you! You use the power of the soul, or the power of the sea to perceive the surrounding aura."


The closed eyes of the piano release the power of the soul, and immediately perceive the tiny spots around them.

Gold, green, blue, red, yellow, cyan, purple...

"Xuanwu, is the golden light point golden spirit?"


"Green, blue, red, yellow is wood aura, water aura, fire aura and earth aura, right?"


"What about the light spots of other colors?"

"It's a wind aura, a thunder, etc. You don't have to pay attention to them now. You look seriously."

"it is good!"

In the perception of the piano double, it is seen that Xuanwu controls a blue light spot and a red light spot to approach each other. As we get closer and closer, when the two spots are only a little bit collided, Xuanwu controls the two spots to start to rotate. The two auras turn faster and faster, in the perception of the piano double, gradually The ground forms a circle, which is like a Tai Chi. And the two spots of light have never really collided together.


Because of the rapid rotation of the two spots, a blue halo came out. The blue halo and the red halo touched together, giving a "beep" sound, but with a subtle balance. The halo of the contact did not explode, but it created a kind of incitement, as if it could explode at any time.

"see it?"

"See it!"

"This is balance. In fact, I did not combine the two spiritual powers, but only let the two spiritual forces reach a delicate balance.

Have you heard of water and fire? ”

"Well, I heard that!"

"That is a kind of balance, not compatible. So when water and fire are the same, water is still water, fire is still fire. It just reaches a balance. And fusion, it will produce a new energy, that There is no water, no fire, only a new energy."

"You have no way to fuse the two attributes?"

"No!" Xuanwu said decisively.

"Then have you heard of the five spirits?"

“Five Spirits?” Xuanwu said with amazement: “I haven’t heard of it, what is Wu Lingling? Where did you hear it?”

Qinshuang will receive the Fengfeng Collection, and the process of Danfeng Chaoyang and Wulingyi will be given to him in detail, and the contents of the Five Spirits will be told to Xuanwu. After Xuanwu listened, it was silent for a long time, and it condensed:

"Taro, first of all, you have to know that our ancestors are not the only ones."

"I know!" Qin nodded and said: "For example, you Xuanwu, every world will have an ancestor beast."

"Not every world!" Xuanwu said somewhat: "The first thing must be a complete world, and it can still be a world of cultivation. For example, the world of your warrior continent is not."

"No way?"

Qin double refuted a sentence, but suddenly stunned. His own phoenix phoenix is ​​a relic from the innocent desert, and the ruins are obviously not on the mainland of the martial art, because the sword of the ruins and the sword marks left behind are the eyes of today’s lyrics. Look, the entire warrior continent will not have such power, there will be no in ancient times. That is a sword that definitely exceeds the realm of the military. The ruins are probably falling from the sky, that is to say from other worlds.


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