Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 481: Killing bamboo forest



When the three spots are still touching, the piano double controls the three spots to start rotating, looking for a balance in the rotation.

The three spots of light came out with a glimmer of light, and a glimmer of light touched a trace.


The halo that touched was like a fuse, and it immediately ignited three spots and exploded.


Qin double spit out a breath, not at all discouraged, try again.



three times.


ten times.

Twenty times.

Thirty times.


One hundred times.

Two hundred times.

Three hundred times.



Qinqin spit out a sigh of relief, and the soul came to a weak. His face became extremely pale, and there was a sigh of relief in his heart. This kind of irritability is not advisable. For a practitioner, maintaining the peace of mind is the most important thing. I figured this out, and the mood of Qin double gradually calmed down.

When you think about it, you know that even if you can combine the three spiritual powers to four-fifths, it will not help you with the result of your final explosion. Only when you can fully integrate spiritual power can you solve the problem completely.

"This is also a preliminary integration!"

The piano whispered in a low voice, and the face appeared helpless. Nowadays, she has a lot of problems. Originally, she had a martial art repair to the distraction period. She had to enter the sea of ​​knowledge and open the issue of Zifu. She was suppressed by her death. Now she has a fusion of spiritual power and sea of ​​knowledge. The problem.

"It seems that the martial arts repair can only be repaired to the peak of Wushen, and it is absolutely impossible to break through to Wu Sheng. Until he completely solves the integration problem."

After looking at the merits and monuments in the sea, the merits and monuments are as close as four-fifths of the original. For a long time, they should not be consumed cleanly, but they can continue to practice the Fa.

The piano doubled up the flag and left the Dongfu. The filigree jade pointed to the top and the water was released. The river was separated to the two sides. Like two cliffs, the piano doubled up and came to the water. I noticed the direction and flew toward Fengming City.


The piano double looked down from the air and his face became ugly. Fengming City has become a ruin, and its eyes are swept away, and it is seen that some people are hiding in the ruins. It is only about one tenth of the original human race.

The shape of the piano double fell on a hole, and snorted: "Come out."

A group of people came out to see the piano double, and their faces were ecstatic, and they screamed on the floor and cried:

"Master, you are finally back!"

"What about the eight?"


"Dead? How did you die?"

"Master, a few days ago, I came to the six demon people. They said that they are the six sons of the bamboo forest. They asked the master where to go. The adults said that they didn't know. They gave the adults an order and then ate us. Now only These dozens of us have escaped in the chaos, and the rest of them have been eaten by them."

"Bamboo Six Sons!" The piano is like a water on both sides: "If you eat me, there will be no bamboo in the world."

"Master, they are six monsters very powerful!"

Qin double looked at dozens of ethnic groups: "You immediately began to rebuild Fengming City. When I killed the six sons of Zhulin, there would be no more demon-like demon people who dared to come to Fengming City to scatter wild."

"Reconstruction..." dozens of people.

Qin double condensed the channel: "If there are demon people coming, you tell them, I am going to kill the six sons of bamboo, they will not dare to eat you."

The piano double robes the sleeves, volleyed and flew in the direction of the first fortress.

"Just let the six sons of bamboo forest taste the power after my integration."

The closer the piano is to the first fortress, the more anger in the heart. On this road, she passed by many sites of the demon power, and saw a group of people like a beast as a beast, and saw a family being demon. Pull out from the crowd and eat it.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, the anger on his face disappeared, but it became more and more tough. Whispered in a low voice:

"Just let me kill the six sons of Zhulin, establish a prestige in the territory of the Yaozu, and build a land for the maintenance of the Terran for my site. Continue the inheritance of the Terran."

The first fortress.

The girl stood in front of the gate and silently watched the demon who entered and exited the gate. There was a storm under the calm look. Suddenly lightly move the lotus steps and walk toward the gate.

"come here!"

After entering the city gate, the piano eyes swept away, and a demon called not far away, the demon turned his head and looked at it. It was a fiery red. It was a girl with a red dress. With two scimitars on the back, I was looking at myself calmly. The Yaozu felt the power of the Qin double body, and hurriedly ran down.

"Adult, you call small, what?"

"Do you know where the six sons of bamboo forest live?"

"Know, dare to ask the predecessors, but friends of the six sons of bamboo forest?"

"lead the way!"

Qin double did not answer his question at all, but shouted coldly. The Yaozu did not dare to ask again, and ran down to the front with his head down. The piano double exhibited a glimpse of the glimpse and followed.

After half an hour, Qin double stood in front of a bamboo forest. The demon family lived in the footsteps:

"Adult, that's it."

Qin doubled and nodded: "Do you know what is the repair of the six sons of bamboo?"

"It is not very clear, but it is said that the first son of Zhulin is already the peak of the demon god, and he entered Wusheng in one step."

"It turned out that it is not Wu Sheng!" Qin double pendulum waved: "Let's go!"

The Yaozu has already seen from the tone and look of Qin Double that Qin Double seems to be looking for a sly. Where can I dare to be here? Immediately turn around and run.

Deep in the bamboo forest.

Within a pavilion, six bamboo trees sit in it.

"Big brother, I heard that Feng Ming is not simple, or a Dan Dao teacher, will she come to us to take revenge?" asked the seventh son with anxiety.

"Looking for revenge on us?" The first child said coldly: "She killed the third brother and dared to come to us for revenge? Don't let me see her, otherwise she will kill her."

"Not necessarily the third brother she killed! There is no evidence!"

"Not her, who is it? Before the death of the third brother, he was only taken to Jiu Ming to take revenge, and then he died. You told me, besides Feng Ming, who else? She came the best. Just killing him as a revenge for the third brother. I was afraid that she was timid and scared to hide."

"Who are you? Why are you peeking here?" At this time, six small demons came out of the bamboo forest and shouted toward the piano.

Qin double looked at the bamboo forest, between the shadows, there are many little demon in the bamboo forest.

"Ask you? Are you stupid?" A little demon shouted to the piano.

Qin double regained his gaze and landed on the little demon, faintly asked:

"Where can the bamboo forest be?"


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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