Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Demon



"In, are you coming to visit the six masters?" The little demon saw the piano double mentioning the six sons of the bamboo forest, and the look was very polite.

"They are just fine!"

Qin double eyebrows suddenly emerged from the power of Wang Yang's general knowledge of the sea, and built a series of fire phoenixes, swooping down to the bamboo forest, dense and dense, there are hundreds. Towed with raging fire and rushed all the way.

Every fire and phoenix has nearly a hundred feet, and the entire bamboo forest has turned into a sea of ​​fire. The fire and sea are rising in the fire, and countless little demons are struggling in the fire, being killed by fire or phoenix, or killed, or being phoenix. The wings swept, and they became two halves, and more were burned to death by the phoenix fire.


Six figures rushed up, gazing at the four searches, while screaming:

"who is it?"

"Feng Ming!"

The piano double condensed and screamed, and the group of phoenixes rushing in the sea of ​​fire suddenly rushed up and rushed toward the six sons of Zhulin. The six sons of Zhulin have erected defensive shields, flying in large sleeves, and attacking hundreds of fire phoenixes. It’s just that there are too many fire phoenixes. They will surround them up and down, and they will be surrounded by them, like a sea of ​​fire. I can't see everything except the sea of ​​fire, let alone see the piano.


The phoenix phoenix kept slamming toward them, and was broken by the six sons of the bamboo forest. Only the fire phoenix was getting closer and closer to them. It was almost to their front, if not, it had a strong repair to support the defensive shield. Even roasting will give them to death.

The seventh son here is relatively low, and only one fire phoenix squats toward him continuously, getting closer and closer to him.


A fire phoenix was one meter away from him, and he was shot by a punch, but the other fire phoenix had already rushed into a meter. The seventh son is not in a hurry, has a defensive shield, and he has enough bottom gas to crush these fire phoenixes. In his view, although there are many fires and phoenixes, the power is not strong, that is, the appearance of the Yuan Ying period. He is a demon god. As long as he is serious, these phoenixes will not threaten him at all, and in fact it is true. Hundreds of phoenixes are rapidly decreasing, and the seventh son is confidently waving.


The fire phoenix was hit by a punch at half a meter away from him.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the double piano hidden behind the fire phoenix. A fist was quickly enlarged in the eyes of the seventh child. There was no time for him to react. The punch was shattered. His defensive shield was slammed on his head.

The body of the first layer of Wu Sheng bombarded the head of the seventh son. The head of the seventh son was like a ripe watermelon, and it burst into flames.

The seventh son's body rolled toward the back, and a fist-sized head grew on his neck and was growing up quickly. Qin's right foot is in the air, and the space gives birth to a transparent wave of air, which expands toward the surrounding. The shape of the double is like a meteor and rushes to the seventh, and the fists are out.


Two fists were bombarded on the shoulders of the seventh son, and the seventh shoulder was blasted. The shape of the piano doubles in the air, like a crane dance, a right leg stretches straight, like a windmill sweeping on the head of the seventh child just grown up.


The head that had just grown out was swept away by the double piano. The seventh son who lost his arms and his head showed the original shape. Qinqin immediately saw the bamboo heart, and explored his hands to grasp the bamboo body on both sides of the bamboo heart. The power of the Wusheng layer erupted in both hands.


The bamboo body on both sides of the bamboo heart was pinched by the piano for two moments, and the bamboo heart fell from the air. It was caught by the piano and received the storage ring.



"you dare!"

"court death!"

The remaining five bamboo demon screams, screaming and rushing toward the piano.

In the air, the phoenix flies and dances toward the piano. It turns into the force of the sea and enters the eyebrows of the piano. It is collected by the piano and the sea is restored. The five figures are rushing toward the piano.

Qin double stood there quietly, as if suddenly found to be scared by five people besieged, I do not know that the battle is to escape, standing there.

In addition to the deity of the demon, the strongest is the ontology. Therefore, these five bamboo demon eyes watched their old seven being beaten by the piano, and in the anger of their hearts, they only wanted to tear the piano pair, one by one, as usual, rushing toward the piano, and did not consider anything at all. The life of the gods, only to the hands of the dead Qin double.

The five bamboo demons can see who is the strongest from the speed, the first one is the fastest, the first one rushes to the front of the piano double, a pair of big bamboo hands in the depths, to the piano double Come over.


The piano double suddenly moved, and the backhand pulled out a pair of machete behind him, using the technique of the fast sword. Nowadays, it is already the first layer of Wusheng. Her speed is faster. She has already broken through the speed of light. The figure is like a gyro, which rotates around the first child. The double knife continuously passes through the body of the first child. The body of the first child was smashed into dozens of segments in less than half-time.


A bamboo heart was swept out by the double-knife of the piano. The piano eyebrows transmitted a force of knowledge of the sea, turned into a phoenix, and chased the bamboo heart, and held it to the piano.

At this time, the second and fourth sons had already rushed to the front of the piano pair, and saw that the first moment was killed, and the figure was not in the air. However, just in the middle of this meal, they have not waited for the two of them to react further, they will see the knifey eyes.


The heads of the two bamboo demons got out of the neck and flew out.


The sound of the sword is constantly ringing intensively, and the second and fourth sons are cut off by the body.


The fifth and sixth sons who were slightly behind, the look changed dramatically, their feet lingered in the air, and the moment of rapid retreat, the handcuffs pointed at the piano.

Breeze bamboo shadow!

It seems as if a wind blows through the bamboo forest, the bamboo leaves rustle, and the second and fourth sons that have been almost ruined by themselves are disappeared from the field of the piano, surrounded by a bamboo forest.

The wind blows the bamboo leaves!


As if the intensive swords and smoldering, the pieces of bamboo leaves are separated from the bamboo branches, like a green jade sword, spurting toward the piano.

The piano is in the air, the jasper sword sea hits, and the surrounding space is cut out with a trace of black and white cracks. The jade sword like the tide of the sea surges into the front of the piano pair, as if the next moment will drown the piano. The smash of the cut.


There is a sword in the body of the piano, and it is clear and rushing. The ten-swords are arrogant, and the whole body of the piano is like the same sword. The rushing bamboo leaf sword comes to the front of the piano double. It is like a water-dividing, separating from both sides and flowing from both sides of the body of the piano.


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