Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Mutual jealousy



"Swordsman?" Qin binoculars shrink: "No! Not only swords, but also poison!"

"Poisonous sword!"

At this time, on the other side, the cracked scorpion waved the knife and slashed toward the blue storm. Although the blue storm had two arms and four arms, and there were four weapons in his hand, he was still beaten by the cracked scorpion, only passive. Let go.

There is only one reason!

The strength of the cracked guy is too great!

The blue storm and the blue secluded heart have already come to understand at this time. The splitting of the scorpio and the fox maiden are simply trying to kill all three of them. Before joining hands with them, they just want to kill the British storm as soon as possible. Can't help but anger:


The voice did not fall, and the blue scream screamed. She waved the long scorpion and the flying needle to resist the strangling of the purple snake, but after all, she revealed a flaw. She was pierced by a purple snake and slammed. Biting on her chest. Don’t let go when you bite.

Lan You grabbed the purple snake and looked at the outside. He took the purple snake down from the chest and directly pinched it.


From the front of her chest, a black blood was shot, and the blue secluded felt a dizzy stun.

"Fox Mei Niang, I want to kill you!"


The poisonous sword built by thousands of venoms covered the blue secluded, slammed into the air, and there was a blue scream in the inside.


Qin double saw the purple snake that turned into a incense burner, like a purple lightning, and did not enter. After drilling into the blue body, I saw that the blue body dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then under the cover of the venom, the sputum was bubbling, and finally there was no residue left.


On the other side, a slab door knives pulls out the shadows in the air, slamming down intensively and continuously. The blue storm continued to passively resist, and the face was horrified.


Continuously squatting, as if the gods were descending, the blue violent storm has been reached from a peak. The blue violent feet fell on the foothills, their knees were bent, their feet jerked, and they thought about counterattacking. The momentum suddenly broke out.

And eggs...


The cracked scorpion is like a star falling, and the big knife in the hand slams down with the momentum of Lushan. Before the blue storm's knees were straight, they slammed into the mountain.


The shape of the cracked scorpion also disappeared into the mountain, but the Qin double could clearly hear the rumbling sound from the mountain. The towering peaks began to collapse, and large chunks of rock began to fall off, and the entire peak was razed to the ground.

However, this is not over yet.

Although the mountain is gone, from the bottom of the earth, there is still a rumbling sound.

The earth began to crack, spread, and expand, and there was a wide crack.

The violin in the heart of the piano vibrates, looking at the fox who has converged with the supernatural powers, and squirming, and the heart is secret:

"The incense burner of her is a treasure. To break the magical power released by the incense burner, the technique of Confucianism and Taoism can be done. But it is not easy to use Fengming's identity. Or when I realize that I have burned all the waste, I can burn it." Light. But now I don’t understand it. So, I can only kill it when she hasn’t released the incense burner, and she won’t give her the slightest chance.”


The ground blasted, and the shape of the cracked scorpion rushed out of the ground, laughing wildly:

"Hahaha... That blue storm is that little power, also called blue storm? I was blown up by me, hahaha..."

The piano nodded twice, and she had to admire the power of the blue storm. Three people once again traveled the cloud, and Fox Mei Niang smiled:

"Sister Feng, what do you think of our two skills? Can you qualify for alliance with you?"

Qin double laughed: "The power of the cracked Scorpio brother is amazing, it is really a force to drop ten meetings. The fox sister is unpredictable, the little girl admires the tight."

"Oh..." Fox Mei Niang and Split Tianyi looked at each other and their eyes flickered.

"But..." The piano looks faint.

Fox Mei Niang and the cracked eyes of the sky are bound to look at the piano: "What?"

"However, if the two do not hide their strength, the qualifications are limited."

The fox maiden and the scorpio scorpion look slightly changed, and the scorpion eyes become deep and deep: "When I saw Feng Sister, you didn't use all your strength when you killed the six sons of Zhulin. I don't know when I can give me and my fox sister a realistic look. Real strength?"

Qin double smiled and said: "The scorpio brothers looked away and killed the six sons of bamboo, but I used all my strength."

The two big demons of the scorpio and the fox Mei Niang looked at each other. The more they said, the more they think that Qin double is lying, the more they don’t believe in the heart, the more they think that when Qin Shuang smashes the six sons of Zhulin, it must be Hidden strength.

Qin Shuang’s heart is also a bit embarrassing. To tell the truth, she has taboos against the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang. Just when these two big **** killed the three big demons such as the Blue Storm, Qin Double did not see the limits of the two. . In my heart, I am not sure that I can defeat the two big demons. In particular, if the two big devils join hands, there is no trace of the piano.

"The two of them were extremely relaxed when they killed the three big demons. This shows that the two of them not only hide the strength, but also hide too much. Or that the blue violent three big demon for them two It’s too weak to completely force the true skills of both of them.”

In the heart of the piano, a detailed analysis: "The two big demon thoughts are extremely fine. At the beginning, they joined the blue brothers and sisters and used four to deal with one. They easily killed the British storm. They are also testing themselves now. I am a little relaxed, I am afraid I will be immediately surrounded by two big demons."

In terms of strength, the Yaozu is more serious than the Terran. Once they think they can kill themselves, these two big demon will definitely kill the killer, and never give up.

The eyes of the piano are twinkling, it seems that they have to show a little strength. It is these two big demons who have not seen the strength they have shown and let them have their own taboos. Now it’s light:

"The three tribes are very far away, so let's speed up a bit!"

When the words fall, the piano is not waiting for the splitting of the scorpio and the fox Mei Ning, and she will display Fengxiang. At this time, her Fengxiang technique has reached the realm of Xiaocheng. Every step in the air, there will be a shadow of flying phoenix at the foot. .

One step at a time.

Fox Mei Niang looked at the flying phoenix under the feet of the piano. One step appeared, one step disappeared. This phoenix appeared, and his phoenix disappeared, and his heart was blank.

"This Fengming really hides strength. This is this kind of body, light and free, and very fast. Look slow and fast, what is this body?"

The piano doubles indifferent, stepping on the phoenix, and at the same time comprehending Fengxiang in his heart.


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