Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 492: Bi Fangkongqiang



In the town demon tower, Feng Ming is also in the void, one step and one phoenix, comprehend Fengxiang. And the time flow rate in the town demon tower is different from the outside world. The past is a long time, but it is the past 256. Therefore, Feng Ming’s comprehension in the town’s demon tower surpassed the Qin double. Qin double step by step, Feng Ming will send a share of her shares to her, all she has to do is to constantly try.

Seeing the double-five Fengxiang technique, the heart of the cracked Tianzhu and the fox Mei Niang also raised their hearts of victory. Two people also speeded up. Fox Mei Niang is as light as the wind, and the money is on the line, stepping on the fox, and swaying in the wind, but it seems to shrink into size. However, the Scorpio is a savage body, striding forward, every step falls, the space is trembled, and the air under the feet is swaying.

The two big demons quickly caught up with the doubles, and they surpassed the double body of the piano. The corners of the mouth could not help but the eyes flashed again.

"This Fengming's body seems to be dazzling, in fact it is normal. I have not made all the effort, she will fall behind. It seems that her strength may not be hidden, do you want to kill her here?"

Qin double also keenly felt that the breath of the cracked Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang suddenly fluctuated, and the heart was a glimpse. At this time, the outside world passed less than a quarter of an hour, but it has been ten days in the town demon tower. Feng Ming finally realized that Feng Xiangshu had realized the realm of Zhongcheng. Qin Double got the sentiment of Feng Ming, and his heart was a joy, step by step.

At the foot, there is a flying phoenix. This flying phoenix is ​​different from the previous phantom. It has become half solid, and the speed of flying suddenly increases. The piano doubles one step beyond the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang. Let the two people be shocked, look at each other, and suddenly speed up.

Gradually, Qin double began to fall behind again. It was only this time that the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang were able to withstand the killing in their hearts, and carefully watched the Qin double. They didn’t know whether the Qin double was inferior or deliberate, and they were both motivated. So, they need to observe, and neither of them has the speed to make the limit.

Qin double is a little anxious at this time. If you can't suppress the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang in speed, you will let the two big demon feel that their foundation is very weak. Once they move their hands, the piano double does not have the slightest grasp, because this The two big devils began to show her the ultimate danger.

"You can't go on like this anymore, you must speed up your understanding."

Qin double minded a move, a December fruit into the town demon tower, Fengming's front. Feng Ming’s eyes lit up and the December fruit was eaten in three mouths.

Sure enough, with the help of the December fruit, the outside world only passed less than a quarter of an hour, and a sentiment was transmitted from Fengming, and immediately became the feeling of Qinshuang.

Stepping out, a fully condensed flying phoenix appeared at the foot.

Feng Xiang has become a realm.


Like a breeze sweeping from the side of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, the back is quickly shrinking, and the scorpio and the fox are all in the heart. They see that the flying phoenix under the feet of the piano is completely solid, and it is not this. The phoenix is ​​formed, and the phoenix disappears. It is only after a period of time that the phoenix that has been solidified can gradually dissipate. This is behind the piano pair, leaving two rows of flying phoenixes, and then gradually disappearing.

"So fast!"

The splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang look, the two immediately speed up. Gradually, the speed of the two people has reached the extreme, at least in speed, the two of them no longer hide their strength, but even so, the two of them can not catch the piano double, always a body Bit.

"This... it really hides the strength!"

The two big buds looked at the back of the piano, and the eyes were exposed to taboo. Three people flew all the way to the tri-family city. On this road, more and more demon people, and met a lot of big players.

At this time, Qin Shuang has already realized Feng Xiangshu to the great perfection, but she did not show it. In the face of the Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang, Feng Xiang was only displayed to the realm of Dacheng.

The more three people are together, the more they feel the power of each other. With this high-speed flight, all three people were able to maintain a speed, showing the strength of the three people.

Only Qin Qin knows that he is only because of the reasons for practicing the exercises, the spiritual power is abundant. The splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang should be repaired higher than her.

Suddenly, from the left and right of their demon, the four demons broke through the clouds and rushed toward them. It seems that these four demons are also hidden in the cloud, want to ambush them three, kill them and knock them out.

Fox Mei Niang looks to Qin Double Road: "Feng sister, is it for us to see your true strength?"

Qin binoculars swept the four demons around, and couldn’t help but laugh:

“Do you really think they can show me the true strength?”

When the cracked scorpion smashed the past, the two demons on the left were divided into four sections. On the right, the two demons turned their heads and fled, and they saw the cracked scorpion slashing and smashing into four sections.

"Does such a weak chicken want a quota?" Scorpio said disdainfully.

The piano is not moving, but the Fengfeng boxing is transmitted to Fengming, and Fengming is comprehended in the town demon tower. With the time flow of the town demon tower and the help of the December fruit, Qin double believes that he will soon comprehend the Fengfeng boxing.


There was a huge roar suddenly coming from below, and the vast suffocating rushed into the sky, swaying the clouds under the feet of the three people. Splitting the sky and looking down, surprised a voice:


Qinqin looked down and saw that on the top of a forest, a young demon monk was fighting with the three demon monks.

At this time, he wore a five-color shackle, wearing a crown, a long plaque in his crown, and a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand. He was split into two halves with a demon monk who played against him.

There are two demon monks left, each holding a sword in their hands. The two monks, one left and one right, smashed toward the monk who was wearing a big scorpion. The footsteps turned and turned into a yin and yang, forming a two-in-one battle.

The charming smile on the face of Fox Mei Niang also disappeared and became dignified: "The strong family of Bi Fang. I used to play with him. I almost brushed him to my incense burner. Feng sister, it’s better to go down with him. Kill, let us also look at your true strength."

The cracked scorpion also broke open and said: "Yes, that Kong Qiang is really strong. If Feng sister can smash him, we will lose one opponent."


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