Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Five-color **** light



Qin double did not pay attention to the two of them, but searched for information about the Bifang people in the seven-string space. The eyebrows suddenly jumped:

"Fox teacher, Kong Qiang brush your incense burner, you mean that Kong Qiang has already awakened the five colors of light?"

“Not bad!” Fox Mei Niang nodded. “Although it’s just awakened, it’s a great threat to our level of monks.”

Qin double looked at Fox Mei Niang: "How did you fight with her last time?"

Fox Mei Niang's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness: "The two lose, but I have an adventure now, he must not be my opponent. Feng sister, his most powerful is the five-color Shenguang, Mo Feng sister afraid?"

Qin Shuang Yan Yan smiled and said: "I have not fought with the Bifang family, let me go and see the five colors of light."

Qin double is not a big one for the upcoming Bifang family. Immediately opened the fire phoenix body, the breath of his body suddenly increased sharply. Standing in front of her, the cracked Tianzhu and the fox Mei Niang could not help but see.

"Good!" Two people secretly said: "But, will this be her full strength? Will there be hidden?"

The heart of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang vibrate, the strength of the double burst of the piano, they have seen in the first fortress. This kind of momentum broke out when the piano double killed the last two bamboo forest demon. In their vision, the body of the piano doubles with a rhythm.

"The rhyme of the eight phoenix!"

The piano double leaned forward and swooped down to Yulin below. The rhythm of the octagonal phoenix dragged behind her, like an aurora descending on the earth.

On the top of Yulin, the three big demons who were fighting fiercely felt a sense of anger. When Huo looked up, they saw a beautiful light rushing down and rushing toward the middle of the hole.


With a knife, a brighter light shines through the brilliant light. Before the piano doubled out of the knife, Kong Qiang looked at the light and rushed toward him. He instinctively swayed the three-pointed and two-edged knife toward the top.


A huge roar, as if the sky was turbulent. The endless forest, like the sea that was cast a meteorite, all the giant trees are bowing, the green branches are swaying and swaying to the outside, like the undulating ocean.


The two pinch holes are strong, the demon's mouth and nose spurt blood, and the figure flies out and flies in the sturdy.

Above the clouds.

The cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang looked at the bottom with horror. The shape of Kong Qiang was smashed by the piano and fell on the ground.


The giant trees that undulating toward the outside finally couldn’t stand the ravages of savage, and they smashed like a wave of broken waves on the rocks.


Kong Qiang's figure rushed out from the deep pit on the ground, his face was full of anger, and rushed up toward the piano. The three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand went away.

The piano double moves in the air, and the foot is only a fire phoenix. At this time, the fire phoenix is ​​completely solid, and the piano is stepped out in one step. The figure is graceful and fast, and a fire phoenix is ​​constantly produced at the foot. Only a mile of fire and phoenix, and these phoenixes did not dissipate, but instead flew around.

Feng Xiang is very successful.

Fox Mei Niang's eyes shrink, she has always been very proud of her body, but at this time saw Feng Xiangshu, but know that both in speed and in exquisite, Feng Xiangshu is more than her body.


A knife smashed out, there was no body in the middle of the piano, but it smashed a few flying phoenixes, which was only a metre of fire and phoenix, but turned into more than a foot of flying phoenix, flying in the air , blurred the eyes of Kong Qiang.


A glimmer of light emerged from the blur, and Kong Qiang again instinctively blocked the three-pointed two-edged knife in front of him, blocking the double-knife of the piano.

Don't say that the piano pair has been opened to see the fire phoenix body, even if it does not open the fire phoenix body, this kind of real hit on the ground, but the full body power of the piano is completely released, the strength of the first layer of Wu Sheng makes Kong Qiang unable to resist, The figure is lasing toward a meteor in general.


The earth was cracked, and the center was pulled out of a deep pit by Kong Qiang’s body.


Qinshuang’s feet were in the air, and a fire phoenix that was only about a metre was alive under her feet. He screamed and swooped down toward the deep pit.


There was a series of dense roars in the deep pit, and the light shone. In the flash of this light, Kong Qiang’s figure once again spurred out. Looking sharply at the piano double.


The piano doubled and slammed, and the scimitar in the hand slammed down. It was simply squatting and did not use any knife skills. But the power of the first layer of Wu Sheng, with a huge power and lightning speed, reached the front of Kong Qiang.


This time, Kong Qiang did not use his three-pointed and two-edged sword to resist the double-knife of the piano. Instead, he snorted and made an attacking posture, which made the piano double-minded.

"What does he mean? Give up defense and attack offensively. Does he want to lose both?"


Kong Qiang’s body suddenly shook five colors of light and brushed the piano. The piano double felt the light in his hand, and his right-hand scimitar that had turned to Kong Qiang disappeared.

"Is it brushed?" Qin said in a double heart: "A wonderful magical five-color god!"


Kong Qiang looked stunned, and had already prepared for the attack. He went all the way, and the air was cut out by the knife, and he immediately came to the front of the piano.


A flying phoenix of one meter is smashed by a three-pointed and two-edged knife. The shape of the double piano is like the other side of Kong Xiang.

"Brush my weapon!"

The figure of the double pair leaned forward and spurred toward Kongqiang. At the same time, the right shoulder was backward and the right arm was backward. The whole body was like a bow. A phoenix appeared on her right arm, wrapped around her arm.

Wrapped in Fengqin!

"court death!"

Kong Qiang witnessed the fierce light, and the three-pointed and two-edged knives came out of the waist and wanted to break the piano.


The body of the piano is like a bow, the right arm is like an arrow, and it is punched out, and it is accurately bombarded on the knife of the three-pointed and two-edged knife. The huge force once again smashed Kong Qiang, and the flying phoenix wound on the right arm came out of the way, wrapped around the three-pointed and two-edged knives, hovering upwards and attacking toward Kong Qiang.


After the strong face of Kong Qiang, the five-color **** light was once again shining, and the flying phoenix was brushed, and the flying phoenix was brushed without trace.

"The Tao can also be brushed?" Qin doubled a surprise: "I see you brush fast, or I attack fast!"

The piano double feet Fengxiang technique, the body shape came to Kong Qiang's body in an instant, and the double fists continued to crit, and the flying phoenix wrapped around the arms continued to impact.


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