Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 494: Guardian




Kong Qiang's body shape was continuously bombarded, and a flying phoenix continually entangled from the double arms of the piano and slammed toward the hole.

"This boxing method... is so strong!" Scorpio didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings at this time. There was a wave of war in the body of Wei'an.


The five colors of light behind Kong Qiang flashed, and a flying phoenix brush disappeared. The two men stepped back and the message went thousands of miles. Splitting Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang instigated the situation, chasing after.


The air blasted constantly, the piano double feet stepped on Fengxiang, and one only flew Fengfengsheng, the arms were wrapped around the phoenix, and the residual shadow continued, bombarded. Kong Qiang's five-color light maps the sky, constantly brushing off the attack of the double. It’s just that the five-color light is getting dimmer, and it seems that his supernatural power has limits.


A glimmer of light shines out, and the piano doubles out the left hand scimitar and smashes it out.


The five-color light shone, and the left-handed scimitar of the piano pair was brushed off, but the five-color light magical power reached its limit, and the five-color light was shattered like a soap bubble.


The piano doubled out with a fist, and the two wings were entwined on the right arm, and the power was multiplied. Feng Ming in the town demon tower has already realized the second layer.


Huge force bombarded the knife on the three-pointed and two-edged knife. Kong Qiang felt a huge force coming from the knife to the two arms, causing his arms to numb, and he could no longer hold the arbor. The two-edged sword flew out and looked at the other fist of the piano pair, and the two flying phoenixes were enlarged in his eyes.

"Kong Qiang is dying!" The fox Mei Niang in the air looks dignified.


The long cockroach inserted on the crown of Kong Qiang suddenly burst into the light, turning into a huge three-pointed two-edged knife toward the piano.

It was only the moment when the long scorpion turned into a three-pointed two-edged knife. An irresistible power could come to the piano. The piano didn’t want to, and the feet were in the air, and only one fly in the foot. Feng, the figure flew back in the distance.


A very bright light shone, it was a virtual image of a three-pointed and two-edged knife, chasing the piano. The piano double footed Fengxiang technique, and the body shape was dodging in the air. The residual images appeared in the southeast and northwest of the air, and were smashed by the knife of the grand three-pointed and two-edged knife. At the same time, a piece of phoenix feathers emerged from the sea of ​​the piano, and turned into a handle with a crystal red red sword composed of a pair of armor worn on the body of the piano, a large phoenix feather floating from the sea. Out, turned into a long sword, held in the hands of the piano double, stabbed forward.

Feng Shou!

In the air, a phoenix head was pierced, and the sharp mouth was smashed toward the grand three-pointed and two-edged sword.


A squeaky metal friction sounded, and the phoenix head was able to block the three-pointed and two-edged knives. The light was broken, and the remaining knives finally lingered in the dodge. Double body. Huge force will fly the piano, and the piano will feel a salty rushing into the throat, and a "smack" will spurt a blood. But I don't care for my own injuries, staring at the distance.

I saw Kong Qiang flying toward the distance and disappeared in a flash.


Qin double sighed, took out a medicinal medicinal suit, and then checked his injury, with the protection of Feng Yu, and the strength of the three-pointed and two-edged knives, already in her continuous dodge, the power consumed It was blocked by Feng Shou, and the most important thing was the protection of the Feng Yu armor, which made the Qin double only slightly injured.

When I thought about it, Feng Yu was taken into the sea and her eyes became dignified. She knew that if she had smashed her body at the beginning, I am afraid that even if there is a feather feather armor, it will be killed by that knife.

The loss of this battle was great. Not only did he not kill Kong Kong, but he also avenged each other and lost the horn knife. Looking up and seeing the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, the eyes flickered and flew over, not sinking into the face, cold and shouting:

"Spouting brother, fox sister, I need you to explain. What is the long scorpion on the crown of Kong Qiang?"

Splitting Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang looked at the piano and saw her breath still strong, and the flickering eyes in her eyes quietly dispersed. Fox Mei Niang smiled bitterly:

"There is always a long scorpion in the crown of Kong Kongqiang, but he has never seen him use it. One thinks it is just a decoration. Who knows that it is a guardian."

"Guarding the elders?"

"That should be a long scorpion on the Bifang elders. It should be Kong Qiang's elders, and filled with a magical sacred magical power."

Qin binoculars flashed, she knew her weaknesses, and now her cultivation is the second layer of Wushen, because of the reasons for practicing the exercises, the real power is directly against Wu Sheng. Once the fire phoenix body is opened, it is equivalent to the early Wusheng. It’s just that she is not Wu Sheng, but it is equivalent to Wu Sheng. It can be said that it is a fake Wu Sheng, which is weaker than the original Wu Sheng. And still can't last. Feel the blow of the real Wu Sheng, so that her heart can not help but stunned.

The boundary between Wu Sheng and Wu Shen can be described as a gap. This is the last difference between the monks and the martial arts. The difference in strength is also the greatest. It is precisely because of this huge gap, like the Scorpio, will make the strength of Qin double can not rise to a big realm like before. Just touched the beginning of Wu Sheng, the real combat power is equivalent to a half-step demon.

However, the piano is not a bit of a card. If she combines the phoenix fire and the mysterious water while she is opening the fire phoenix body, the true Wu Sheng mid-term, the real combat power is also equivalent to the peak of the demon sacred.

Moreover, she is now only the second floor of the Valkyrie. As her cultivation continues to improve, the strength will be improved after the fire-fighting body and the integration of Xuan Shui.

However, she also has a jealous heart for the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang. When she was fighting against Kong Qiang, the strength she showed was stronger than when she killed the six sons of Zhulin. Even so, the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang only showed jealousy, and did not show fear, showing the strength of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang.

For several days, three people killed 18 demon people, each time three rounds, and no three people joined forces, showing the strength of three people.

This day.

Three people rushed to the wind and saw the magnificent Tri-City.

Three people descended the clouds and walked toward the gate. Far away, I saw at the gate of the city, there are human, demon and demon hands, the piano double strange:

"Spouted Scorpio brother, fox sister, why do we deserve to compete in the quota, put it in the three tribes, this is not our own demon family's own thing? Is it still allowed the Terran and the Mozu to participate?"


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