Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 495: doubt



"Of course not!" Fox Mei Niang smiled and said: "The competition for the number of places in the three-city city, but our demon to show the strength of our demon to the Terran and the Devil, deterrence."

"It turns out!"

“Feng sister is the first time to come to the Sanzu City?” asked the cracker.

"No, I have been here."

While talking, I entered the Three Cities. Fox Mei Niang said: "Let's go to the Yaozu Temple."

“What are you going to do there?” Qin asked.

"You don't know anything about the number of places?" Fox Mei Niang asked strangely.

Qin doubled and said: "I am alone, drifting around, really do not understand. If you did not hear the phoenix dancers in the first fortress, I still don't know about it."

Fox Mei Niang’s face showed admiration: “Feng’s sister is alone, and she is able to cultivate such strength, and her sister is very admired.”

Qin double smiles without words, just looking at the eyes of the fox Mei Niang, Fox Mei Niang:

"In the hall of the Yaozu, there is a monument of Wanbei, and each stone tablet is engraved with a heritage of the Yaozu. It can be said that each powerful race has left a legacy, the first pass for us. It is to comprehend the stone monuments belonging to their own races. If they understand, they will pass the first level, and they will be eliminated without comprehension. This is an assessment of understanding."

Qin double frowns: "Who can understand it?"


"Can the Terran and the Mozu also? Do you not be afraid of the Terran and the Devil?"

"Nature is not allowed to enter the Yaozu Temple, and even if it is entered, it is useless. The Terran has the practice of the Terran, the Mozu has the Devil's practice, and the Yaozu's exercises can't be learned."

The piano nodded twice, and the three people followed the people to the demon temple.

After about an hour, three people came to the Yaozu Temple. Although Qin Double has come to the Tri-Clan, he also came to the Yaozu Temple for the first time. Looking up at the demon temple, the pressure came.

The establishment of the Yaozu Temple is very tall and magnificent, with golden body and glory like Tiangong. The wall is engraved with a million demon figure, lifelike.

The tall portal allows Qinqin to stand in front of the door and feel his own smallness. He swallows the monster from the door and rolls over.

Fox Mei Niang pointed at the gate: "Feng sister, do you see the reliefs of the various demons on the door frame?"

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently.

"These embosses are built into a demon squad. If it is not our demon, it will be discovered when passing through the portal."

"So powerful?" Qin double look.

"Of course!" Fox Mei Niang proudly said: "This demon horror is not simple, not only through the demon to be firm. There will be loopholes. The Terran and the Mozu are very embarrassed, they will wear a kind of aura that releases the demon, Come in. So this demon can be used to identify the roots of our demon to identify whether it is a demon."

In the heart of the piano is a glimpse, so she can not rush into it, otherwise it will be detected by this demon. The eyeball turned and turned:

"Spouting brother, brother, sorcerer, you two advanced, I have not yet strolled around the Sanzu City, I will go around to see."

In the eyes of Fox Mei Niang, the color of suspiciousness is revealed: "Isn’t Feng’s sister come to the Sanzu Castle?”

"I only came once in order to participate in the auction, and then I left in a hurry. This time is abundant, I want to go shopping."

"Don't go shopping." The screaming voice said: "We still go in and realize it earlier."

"Enlightenment requires understanding, it is not time. I am not in a hurry. You two go ahead. I relax, maybe it is better for understanding."

In the eyes of Fox Mei Niang, the suspicious color is even more, and the eyeball turns and turns: "So we are not in a hurry. Feng sister said it makes sense. Relaxing the mood, maybe it will be better understood. We will go shopping with the sister of Feng. ”

The face of the cracked Scorpio appeared unwilling, but when he saw the eyes of Fox Mei Niang, he nodded. Qin Shuang’s heart rose a little helpless, but also nodded:

"Then we will go shopping."

"Go!" Fox Mei Niang stepped forward and grabbed the arm of Qin.

Three people strolled around on the street, and the face of the piano was calm, but the heart was anxious, and he kept thinking about it. She now needs a place that is alone, and then let Feng Ming come out and enter the town demon tower. However, it was taken away by the fox and the scorpion. And the longer the time, the more doubts the two big devils will cause.

Splitting the sky to the fox Mei Niang voice into the secret road: "Mei Niang, what do you mean? Why not pull Fengming and quickly enter the Yaozu Temple?"

"Split brother, don't you think Feng Ming is very strange?"

"What's weird? It's normal on this road!"

"I am not talking about the road before, but after entering the tri-city."

“After entering the Three Cities? What's strange?”

"You think about it again, after listening to my narration, her reaction."

"You mean..." The heart of the cracked scorpion screamed: "She is not a demon? This is impossible! The demonness on her body is very pure and it is the demon sect."

"Then why didn't she enter the Yaozu Temple?"

"Is she not going to stroll?"

"It's not that simple! I really doubt that she is not a Yaozu. If she is really not a Yaozu, on this road, we are really a pair of big fools."

The cracked sky wrinkled and passed the voice into the secret road: "What do you want?"

"We accompanied her to the dark, and then took her to the Yaozu Temple. If she refused to go, the two of us continued to entangle her, and then used the secret method to communicate to their elders."

"Okay!" Splitting the sky and thinking about it, nodded.

The two men ended their voice and entered the secret, and began to wander around with the piano. The sky gradually darkened, and the heart of the piano was more and more urgent. Fox Mei Niang looked up at the sky and looked deeply at the piano:

"Feng sister, should we go to the Yaozu Temple?"

Qin double looked at Fox Mei Niang, and looked at the cracked sky, feeling that their two eyes flashed, the heart is a glimpse, the dark road is not good, these two big demon should have doubts about themselves. Anxious in my heart, my face was calm, looking around:

"This is not finished yet..."

She suddenly saw a demon shop, and her heart moved. At this time, Fox Mei Niang and Scorpio are both stepping forward, sandwiching the double bag in the middle, with a hint of coldness in the smile:

"Feng sister..."

"Let's go to that store, I sell something, then we go to the Yaozu Temple."

Qinqin said quickly, then he walked toward the shop. Fox Mei Niang and the cracked scorpion look a glimpse, they pressed the idea of ​​communicating to the family, followed the piano double into the shop.


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