Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 502: Second pass




A killing of the singer rushed out from the body of each of the Yaozu, and the Qins in the town's demon tower could not help but swear. This scorpion is really proud.


At this time, the demon people realized the magical powers, and attracted the eyes of the demon full of killing. The heart of the cracked scorpion is also not loose, just a thousand eyes full of killing eyes, his heart is also embarrassing.


At this time, there was a constant demon Junjie who realized the supernatural powers and released them one by one. Qin double to Feng Mingdao:

"You also release the magical powers."

Feng Ming nodded, then stood up and shone a bright light behind him.


Feng Ming turned his head and saw that Fox Mei Niang also realized the magical power. Qin double took back the power of knowing the sea, no longer pay attention to the inside of the Yaozu Temple, and began to practice alchemy in the town demon tower.

The endless moon is now a great master of Fu Daofeng, Feng Yan is a six-level master of the martial arts, Feng Ming is a five-level master of the martial arts, only Qin Shuang is a three-level master of Dan Dao, relative to three distractions, she The time to practice Dan Dao is still too small.

The time given by the first level assessment is two months, and there are still twenty days remaining. In the past 20 days, the town demon tower has been in the past twenty years. After the end of the first pass assessment, Qin Da's Dan Dao has reached the level of the eight-level Grand Master, and the demon phoenix has also reached the level of the seven-level Grand Master. Instead, the Feng Ming is still outside. The five-level master of the road. And it is still the peak of Emperor Wu.

However, there is no way for the piano to double. In this hall of the demon, the piano double has deep scruples and does not dare to change position with Feng Ming.

Two months have finally arrived.

The door leading to the apse was opened, and a demon san came out of the door and snorted:

"Come with me through the assessment."

Qinqin heard the call of Fengming, coming out of the alchemy room on the volcano, transmitting a glimpse of the power of the sea, condensing an eye in Fengming’s eyebrows, sweeping around, and found that there were more than six hundred demon The tribe has realized the magical powers. Feng Ming and the crowd were in the crowd and walked toward the gate of the apse. When I walked out of the gate, I saw another hall. Opposite the main hall there is a passage that is ten meters wide. After the demons have come to the hall, the demon condenses the voice:

"The place where you comprehend the magical powers is the front hall of the Yaozu Temple. At this time, it is the nave. Did you see the passage in front? Now you have to enter the apse through this passage, and first enter the vestibule. It is the person who earns the quota."

It’s so simple to play in the heart of the piano?

Originally, Qinqin thought that he would compete for 50 places and need to kill him. I did not think that the Yaozu had come up with such a peaceful approach. Looking into the passage leading to the apse, the heart is dark:

"It seems that this passage is not simple."

At this time, the cracked Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang also saw Fengming, and they came over to Fengming.

"Feng sister, you also understand the magical powers?"

"Fortunately, I have not become an idiot in the mouth of the Scorpio brother." Feng Ming said with a smile.

"Oh, huh..." The cracked Tianxiao smiled and said: "I have long expected that Feng sister can pass the assessment. If the phoenix sisters pass, the idiots are even more impossible to pass."

"Brushing brush..."

More than six hundred pairs of full-fledged eyes slammed into the cracked sky, and Feng Ming retreated a few steps, and opened the distance with the cracked scorpion. Fox Mei Niang, who had to come over, immediately stopped.

The Scorpio is not full of words: "Feng sister, Mei Niang, let's go!"


More than six hundred demon monks flashed open to the sides, showing the cracking of the sky, Fengming and Fox Mei Niang, standing in the middle of the open.

Fox Mei Niang and Feng Ming couldn’t help but smash a scorpion, and the scorpion scorpion walked confidently toward the passage, while walking:

"Those idiots don't dare to go, let's go!"

Feng Ming and Fox Mei Niang could not help but raise their hands with the hand. The map of the cracked Tianzhu was quite high. The two men looked at each other and couldn't help but grind and follow them. They opened the distance with the cracked scorpion.


The cracked Scorpio stepped on the passage, then turned back and opened his mouth and laughed: "Feng sister, Mei Niang, don't worry, it turned out to be just a gravity channel. We hurry, grab the front, slow, and the quota is gone. ""

After that, the cracked scorpion spread his feet and ran to the front. The demon heard it, and some of the demon people couldn’t stand it, and they swept and rushed to the passage. Dan is still a demon monk with a cold-eyed look, they do not believe that this channel will be so simple, just compete speed. Feng Ming and Fox Mei Niang are also walking on the ground, while walking, while observing the passage.

Sure enough, the smashing scorpion that ran in front of it no longer ran, became a brisk walk, then became a stroll, and finally moved forward step by step, although he was only a distance from the end of the passage. More than one hundred meters.

At this time, the demon knows, this is a constantly increasing gravity zone, the assessment is the strength and strength of the body. In fact, for the Yaozu, the strength and strength of the body determine the strength of a Yaozu.

"Let's go."

Fox Mei Niang understands the content of the assessment, and the pace is suddenly accelerated, stepping into the channel. Feng Ming also speeded up, but did not fly, but walked forward at normal speed. So when she stepped on the passage, it was at the end.

"Just double the gravity!"

Feng Ming picked up his eyebrows and still walked forward at a normal speed. Soon after, I walked a hundred meters, my body was so heavy, it was already twice the gravity.

Feng Ming's eyes are slightly moving, it seems that this is an increase in gravity per 100 meters. However, Feng Ming did not worry at all. Since she set foot on the gravity channel, knowing that the assessment content of this level is the strength and strength of the body, he has no worries. Her cultivation is not as good as the body piano, but the strength and strength of the body is far beyond the piano. After all, she refines from the bones of the fire phoenix. At the moment of successful refining, she has reached the first level of Wusheng. With her cultivation, the strength of the body has now reached the third level of Wusheng. The body of Qin double is still strong.

She feels that the strength and strength of this ontology can be fully tested through the second pass. If this is not passed, she does not believe that there will be a demon monk will pass.

However, she clearly underestimated those demon monks.

The body of the demon monks was originally their strength. They didn't even need to practice, but as they grew older, their bodies and strengths became stronger and stronger.


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