Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 503: by



When Feng Ming easily walked halfway through the passage, he saw that the door to the end of the cracked scorpion was less than one meter away, but this distance was like an unbearable torture for the cracked scorpion. Just moving forward little by little, and behind him, there are already about forty demon people, and they are moving forward little by little.

"So fast?"

Feng Ming’s heart jumped, and his heart could not help but anxious. Seeing that there are fifty demon people in front of the gate, if there are fifty demon people passing through the gate, she will go there without a quota.

Feng Ming could not help but speed up the pace and began to surpass one demon.

This area is already 32 times gravity. Even if the demon is powerful, and the demon who can reach the second level is the Valkyrie, the 32-fold gravity is more or less affecting them. After all, the body strength and strength of the Yaozu are not the same, and the repair is not the same. Some are already the peak of Wushen, and some are just the beginning of Wushen. After all, the first level of assessment is just understanding.

Therefore, when these Yaozus saw Fengming’s footsteps passing by them lightly, they could not help but widen their eyes, and they also showed the color of frustration. They knew that Fengming had taken away a quota, their I hope there is one less.

Feng Ming has already reached the last 100 meters, and looked up to the front of the door for a hundred meters. The heart is a glimpse. Within this distance of 100 meters, there are already about 80 demon people, far and wide. More than fifty places are exceeded. At this time, the cracked scorpion had stood in front of the gate, and pressed his hands on the door and pushed it out.

Then he saw his back bowing, "squeaking", the clothes on his arms were cracked by the bulging muscles, and suddenly a scream broke out, the door in front of him was slowly pushed away, and then stepped forward. The door disappeared into the gate, and the door closed again with a bang.

Feng Ming's eyes narrowed, and stepped into the last 100 meters, the body felt a sinking, heavy pressure hit.

"This has more than seven hundred times the gravity!"

Feng Ming took a deep breath and looked at the second Yaozu. At this time, standing in front of the gate, he was desperately trying to push the door.

"Through this passage, the power has been consumed almost, and it is not easy to push the gravity door."

Feng Ming thought as he walked toward the gate. More than seven hundred times the power has affected her speed, although it has not been moved step by step like other demons, but it is extremely slow.

Step by step over the demon monk who looked at her in shock, when she was less than 20 meters away from the gate, she saw that Fox Mei Niang was moving forward little by little, hearing the footsteps coming from behind, looking up Looking towards Feng Ming, he opened his mouth in surprise.


Feng Ming swayed her fist toward her: "Come on!"

Then crossed the fox Mei Niang and walked toward the front. Looking at the back of Feng Ming, Fox Mei Niang bit his teeth and continued to move a little bit to the front.

When the gate was pushed open eleven times, after the eleventh demon entered the gate, Qin double surpassed all the demon and stood in front of the gate. Putting his hands on the door, his arms were forced, and the force of the third layer of Wusheng broke out. The door was pushed open and the piano stepped forward. The door behind him rumbling.

"Feng sister!"

A rough voice came, and then a stalwart figure stood in front of Feng Ming. If the piano does not need to look up, it will be known that it is a cracking scorpion, and it is a string of two sighs. Feng Ming said:

"You don't have to adjust your interest?"

"I?" The cracked scorpion cracked open the mouth, proudly said: "This is consumed, it is not worthy of my interest rate adjustment. Your cracked big brother is so strong! Where is the idiot!"

Speaking of this, the Scorpio also glanced at the ten demon monks who were adjusting interest rates there, so that the ten monks filled with murderous eyes gathered. Qin doubled away from the cracked sky, looking for a place, sitting cross-legged, began to adjust interest.

During the process of adjusting interest rates, I heard the sound of the door being pushed open from time to time. I don’t know how many times I was pushed open, I heard the big slamming door rang again.

"Mei Niang, you finally came over! But it is a lot worse, it is ranked thirty-five."

Then I heard the voice of Fox Mei Niang snoring and breathing: "Who is like your idiot with developed limbs and simple mind!"

"I understand that Shentong is also in front of you. If I am an idiot, what are you? What are they?" As he said, he also stroked his hand toward others, and he exchanged a murderous look.

Fox Mei Niang walked to the side and said: "Don't follow me, I don't know you."

Feng Ming felt funny in her heart. At this time, she had finished the news, but she still sat there with her eyes closed. She was afraid to open her eyes. The cracked scorpion ran to her and talked nonsense.

Finally, fifty places were chosen.

The demon saint appeared again, and the monks opened their eyes and stood up from the ground. Even the last demon monk who came out of the gate stood there laboriously and looked at the demon.

"Congratulations, you have won 50 places in the secret world, and I hope that you can get a complete inheritance in the secret."

The faces of the monks showed excitement, and the eyes of the demon stalked the monks and continued:

"You can go back to repair, and after three days, gather at the gate of the city, we will return to the demon world."

The monks left the Yaozu Temple, Fengming, Split Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang lived in an inn, each asked for a room. After Feng Ming entered the room, he checked the room, and then passed the piano. The piano double came out from the town demon tower, and said to Feng Ming:

"Feng Ming, you have to go to the town demon tower to practice, and strive to break through to the realm of the gods as soon as possible. Otherwise you and I will not be able to repair, the damage is too big."

Feng Ming nodded and was taken into the town demon tower by the piano. Qin double checked the room again, then threw a flag and set up a formation, then entered the town demon tower and began to practice.

Three days passed, the piano double ended the cultivation, checked his physical condition, in the town demon tower, twenty times outside the aura environment, the outside three days, the town demon tower is more than two years The cultivation has made great progress in all aspects of Qinshuang. Although it has not reached the critical point of breakthrough again, it is not far away.

When I came out of the room, I saw that the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang had already waited outside. The scorpio sees the piano double path:

"Feng sister, how have you been so long?"

"Comprehend something!"


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