Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Encounter



Qin double said faintly, and then walked outside the inn with two demon monks. Out of the inn, all the way to the gate of the city, I saw a row of flying carriages outside the door. Still the demon sage, looking at the fifty demon monks:

"Each one chooses a flying carriage."

The monks nodded and then boarded a carriage, and then the flying carriage rushed to the door of the demon.

Qinqin sat in the flying carriage, looked around, and then released the power of the sea and the power of the soul to check, and then let go of the heart. Then he took out a six-faced bunting and set up a lineup method to isolate the inside and outside, and then called out the magical body Fengyan.

Feng Yan practiced the magical magic method. Under the requirements of Qin Double, it condensed the magical power and turned into the appearance of Fengming, and it was necessary to turn out the demon, just like the real Fengming. Holding the town demon tower in the hand, and the piano double is entering the town demon tower.

She felt the power of these Yaojunjunjies. To be honest, although she and the singer, Fox Mei Niang came along, but still did not find out the details of these two big demon, and other Yaozu also gave the Qins a very strong a feeling of. Qinqin has already inducted their breath in detail. In addition to her second layer of Valkyrie, twenty-eight of the remaining forty-nine are the tenth-level peak of the Valkyrie, and the eleventh-level tenth of the Valkyrie. The rest are also the mid-tenth of the Wushen. Moreover, Qin Double is sure that the true strength of these forty-nine demon gods is definitely more than the Valkyrie, and there should be the demon power of the demon.

This is only fifty, and there are fifty players in the demon world. This kind of strength, even if it is a double, does not defeat the opponent's grasp. Therefore, she urgently needs to upgrade her own training, even if it is only a small step.

The nineteenth day.

The town demon tower has passed for more than ten years. Qinshuang has cultivated all aspects to the critical point of breakthrough. Qin double came out from the town demon tower, and the demon phoenix was collected into the town demon tower, and the flag will be collected. When it got up, it pushed the window open and saw that the flying carriage had landed on the ground.

There are a lot of Yaozu around, there are gates that enter the demon, and there are gates from the demon gate. At this time, the demon gate has established a huge portal, like a real portal, but the portal is a layer of white light, can not see through.

The portal is very large, the demons who want to enter the demon gate are on the left, and the demons on the right are from the inside. Looking at the long team, the piano double frowned.

A row of people in the liberation of the Yaozu, walked by her flying carriage, wearing a variety of clothes, the smell of their body is different, the lowest is also the samurai, and the Emperor Wu. Different ages. Everyone’s face is numb and completely lifeless.

The eyes of Qin double looked at the group of people.

At this time, a demon monk who escorted the Terrans saw the demon saint who led the piano to them, and went to the demon sacred to salute, then whispered something.

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept through the Terran, and he knew that these Terrans should be caught by the Yaozu, but she did not understand why the Yaozu did not eat them, but to escaping these Terrans into the demon world. Is it because their repairs are good?


Qin double seems to have seen a familiar figure in those people. It is a woman who exudes the breath of Emperor Wu. At this time, she feels the gaze of the piano and can't help but look at it.


A Yaozu waved a whip on her body and said: "Tian Feng, what are you looking at? Hurry and don't delay the time of the adults."

Tian Feng hurriedly bowed his head, did not dare to look again, followed the team to the demon door.

"Tian Feng!"

Qin double thinks about it. This woman is the head of the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps in the Great Wilderness City. At that time, she was the early stage of Emperor Wu, but did not expect to be caught by the Yaozu.

Then think of the dead eight-year-old, the piano double can not help but spit out a sulking gas.

Shaking his head slightly, there is no way to play the piano. It is impossible for her to save these Terrans here and now, surrounded by the Yaozu, she does not have that ability.

And at this time, the demon singer who led the piano pair suddenly said:

"Small people, have you seen these people? If you want to buy, you can buy one to serve you on the way."


A car door opened, and a demon monk walked out excitedly. This road is very boring. After entering the demon gate, there is still a long distance to go. If there is a human slave to serve himself, he should be much more comfortable.


The male demon wants to be female and the female demon, and the female demon thinks of male monks. This way, you can be more interesting on the road. Waiting until the demon world is secret, before you enter the secret environment, you will eat the sold slaves. Is there anything more beautiful than this?

Qin double also jumped out of the car. Since there is an opportunity, she can't control others, but Tian Feng must save. Anyway, in the Great Wilderness, Tian Feng was not bad for her.


She saw a majestic male demon and walked toward Tian Feng. Then he hurriedly stepped out, and his foot flew in a phoenix. Qin double had already stood in front of Tian Feng. The male demon who arrived later could not help but frown:

"Feng Ming, this female slave gave it to me, how?"

"I am fancy." Qin said faintly.

The majestic male demon, some kind of flashed a stern color: "You a banshee, what do you want a female slave to do? Or let me give it."

When the words fell, they extended a big hand and grabbed the past toward Tian Feng, scaring Tian Feng’s body to shrink. The piano has a palm like a knife, and a phoenix-winged eagle cuts toward the other's wrist. The male demon had a backhand and a paw greeted the piano.


The two men’s hands hit the ground and both of them shook their shoulders. The strings of the piano are slightly picked up.

"This demon is not simple, but it also has the ontological power of the Wusheng layer."

The Yaozu was stunned and punched the piano. Qin double did not show weakness, the right fist slammed a boxing out, and the right arm was entwined with two flying phoenixes.

Wrapped in Fengfeng.


The piano shoulders are shaking, but the feet are not moving. The male demon had stepped back two steps, and his face looked ugly at the piano. Qin double looked coldly at each other:

"What? Fighting?"

The male Yaozu looked deeply at the piano and said: "Don't let me see you in the mysterious world."


Qinqin snorted and waved to the boss who escorted the Terran:

"A price."


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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