Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 505: Buy



The boss ran up and said: "Adult, ten pieces of the best stone."

Qin double then threw the last ten pieces of the best stone, the boss will run the demon, contacted the slain of Tian Feng, and then the double channel:

"This adult, you can give her a slave."

Tian Feng’s face appeared to be struggling, just wanting to blew himself. I saw the piano double turned and walked toward the carriage:

"follow me!"

Tian Feng looked awkward and looked hesitant. He finally followed. The piano doubled up on the carriage and looked at Tian Feng standing at the door of the car, faintly said:


Tian Feng struggled for a moment, climbed into the carriage, sat on the opposite side of the piano, and lowered his head.

Qin double looked up and down Tian Feng, and his mind appeared in the mind. In the Great Wilderness City, Tian Feng, who was heroic and refreshing, was unyielding Tian Feng in the battle with the monster.

but now……

Is there a little bit of goodness there?

She was able to see Tian Feng sitting there, her body was shaking slightly, her hands were tight in front of her knees, and the bones were white because of force, showing her last bit of reluctance.

"Fortunately, I have not completely lost my insistence."

Seeing Tian Feng’s appearance at this time, Qin’s heart is still a joy. It’s just that she can’t tell Tian Feng’s identity, only a faint saying:

"You will follow me and serve me for a while. After I have participated in the mysterious world, I will wait for you to return to the mainland of the warrior. As long as you serve well, I will give you freedom."


Tian Feng suddenly raised his head, and his eyes showed a glimmer of light, the light of hope.

The carriage was started again, the piano double closed the door, and the gaze looked out through the window, and then saw the carriage gradually approaching the door of the demon, and then passed through the door of the demon, as if it had passed through a curtain of water, and then The vision has become wider. The endless wilderness and mountains are in front of her eyes. The things here are large, the mountains are big, the rivers are big, and the trees are big.

The aura is very rich, and now the aura concentration on the mainland of the warriors is five times that of the past, but the concentration of aura in the demon world is five times that of today's warriors.

"It seems that the concentration of aura in the mainland will increase!"

The Flying Horse Carriage flew again, and the piano double regained its gaze. The car window was closed and looked at Tian Feng, who was sitting opposite. Na Tianfeng’s body was a trembling, and he said with a low eyebrow:

"Adult, what do you have to order."

After saying this, her face became red, her cheeks were hot, and her heart felt a strong sense of shame. She felt that she had given up her dignity and gave up everything, just for the hope of returning to the human race. .

Qin looked at her and asked faintly: "What is your name?"

"Tian Feng!" Speaking of this, Tian Feng hurriedly said: "Return to adults, my name is Tian Feng."

"Tian Feng?" Qin double deliberately frowned, thinking for a while: "This name, I seem to have heard."

Tian Feng looked up at the piano and said: "Adult, you...had heard my name?"

"I must have heard it, let me think about it." Qin double raised a hand, pressed the temple, and thought about it, suddenly his eyes lit up, looking at Tian Fengdao:

"You are a big deserted city from the original people?"

Tian Feng looked a glimpse, then reacted and hurriedly nodded: "Yes!"

"Head of the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps?"


Tian Feng’s heart raised his uneasiness and watched the piano double carefully. We must know that after the Great Wilderness City was broken, she was not caught by the Yaozu, but led the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps to the bottom and continued to fight the Yaozu, but killed a lot of Yaozu, did they kill themselves. Are there descendants of this Yaozu in the Yaozu?

Tian Feng couldn't help but get nervous. He looked at the piano double and didn't know where to put it.

"I was listening to the eight wasteland." Qin double looked at Tian Feng and said: "Well, it is the eight-year-old, the city owner of the Great Wilderness."

“Gaicheng Lord?” Tian Feng said: “Do you know the city master?”

"He is my slave."

Tian Feng heard the words, the look is a glimpse, did not think that the cover of the eight wilderness has become a slave of the Yaozu.

"He... okay?"

"He..." There was a slap in the eyes of Qin double: "He is dead."

"Dead?" Tian Feng's voice trembled, his face trembled slightly.

"I was eaten by the seven sons of Zhulin."

"Eat?" Tian Feng's face became paler and paler.

"The seven sons of bamboo forest were killed by me." Qin double said faintly.

Tian Feng’s eyes narrowed and her heart violently jumped. She didn’t understand why the demon was killed in the bamboo forest. She also heard about the seven bamboo trees. It is said that it is seven very powerful demon gods. She killed seven powerful demons?

"This demon is really special."

"You can rest assured!" Qin double said faintly: "Since you are a friend of Eight Shortages, I am talking about counting. Waiting to return to Fengming City... Yes, Fengming City is my territory on the mainland of the warriors, if you Willing to stay in Fengming City, you will be in the position of eight wild. If you don't want to, I will let you go, and you are free."

"Thank you, adults!"

Tian Feng looks a little loose, but there is a hint of eccentricity in his heart. Why is this Yaozu so good for the eight? Did someone happen to love?

Qin double brows at this moment, Tian Feng is jumping in the heart, and hurriedly lowered his head.

At this time, Qin double thought, but it was a little troublesome. Because she doesn't want to waste time. Although she has reached the critical point of breakthrough now, she does not want to, and can not immediately break through. Because her state has reached the critical point of breakthrough, but Qin double still wants to rub himself through the battle, so do not want to break through immediately. Moreover, the human race breakthrough and the Yaozu breakthrough are still different, and will be discovered by the Yaozu, which will expose the piano to the double, so it cannot break through.

However, even if she can't break through, she doesn't want to sit here and waste time, and want to enter the town demon tower to practice alchemy. It’s just that it’s inconvenient to have Tian Feng in the car.

After thinking about it, I took out the flag and said: "Tian Feng, I will arrange a formation, cover you inside, and you will practice in the formation, don't come out."

"Yeah!" Tian Feng nodded gently.

Qin double quickly arranged a trapped array, trapping Tian Feng inside, and could not see the outside from the inside. Then Qinqin set up an isolation array in the compartment, which released the magical phoenix and then entered the town demon tower.

After entering the town demon tower, she did not go to alchemy immediately. Instead, the body of the fire phoenix was taken out again. At this time, she already had a mirror of the phoenix, copying the heavenly pattern of the phoenix and phoenix, and no longer needed this body. After thinking about it, I pulled out the nine-tailed minister and handed it to the fire.

"Feng Ming, you will make these nine long scorpions into nine long swords, and the nine-handed swords can be combined into one giant sword."


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