Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 506: maritime



"no problem."

Qinshuang also picked out feathers of similar size from the body of the fire phoenix, a total of 381, these feathers are half shorter than the nine tails, but each feather also has a normal long sword size, handed Feng Mingdao:

"These are also made into long swords, and they can be combined into one big sword."

"it is good!"

Looking at the remaining feathers, there was no great use, they were pulled down and placed under the golden pillars of the West. She was looking forward to seeing if the feathers would be extracted from the golden pillars.

Then Qinqin handed the six long feathers of the golden-winged Dapeng and one hundred and eight short feathers to Fengming, and also made her a long sword.

The rest is the fire and the flesh, and I feel the rich fire power contained in the fire and phoenix meat. The piano doubles in the heart, this is the treasure of the cultivation of the phoenix treasure!

I put these phoenix meat into a storage ring, then went to observe the mysterious egg and found that the mysterious egg was now close to the innermost circle of the spiritual power, slowly turning, frantically absorbed. Spiritual power.

After listening to the piano for a while, he came to the alchemy room on the southern volcano and began to refine the alchemy.

Flying in the carriage.

Tian Feng is not easy to stabilize her mood. She doesn't know why she bought her, but it is always good news for her. Taking a deep breath, sticking out his fingers, gently touching the masking method, his fingers were bounced back, and the power of the soul was transmitted. He was also bounced back, and his eyes were surprised. color:

"This demon is in a high realm!"

Once again, I calmed down my mind and thought about it. Her condition is good enough now, and it is useless to think too much. I am in a situation of involuntaryness. Then, I began to seriously cultivate. As a woman who is now the third peak of Emperor Wu, she knows that everything is illusory, and only cultivation is real.

After a few days in a hurry, Qin double received the call of the demon phoenix, and then came out of the alchemy room. In the nearly ten years of the town demon tower, Dan Dao of the Qinshuang reached the level of the nine-level master. I saw a fire and phoenix, and saw that she had reached the critical point of breaking through the Valkyrie, but there was still no breakthrough. Qin double thought about it, and then divided some fire and phoenix meat to Fengming, which came out of the town demon tower, and changed the position with the magical body Fengyan.

Putting aside the array, Tian Feng’s figure emerged from the dissipated array, and he was carefully watching the piano. The piano did not pay attention, but opened the window and looked out.

The window had just opened, and a salty and humid sea breeze blew in. The piano double opened the compartment door and jumped from the flying carriage. The entrance to the place was an endless sea.

Around the flying carriages, they jumped down to a demon, and a personal family followed. Qin binoculars swept away, seeing that some of the Yaozus did not follow the Terran, and their eyes could not help but sink. She knew that the Terrans were eaten by the Yaozu.

Tian Feng, who jumped off the wagon, also noticed this, and there was a fear and anger in his eyes. However, she quickly bowed her head and she knew that the environment was not where she could express her emotions at will.

The demon stalked toward the front, and the squad and other demons followed. The cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang came over, and the cracked Tian Hao looked up and down Tian Feng, and then on the double track:

"Feng sister, this person slave is a waste of you!"

"And then?" Qin asked faintly.

"This man slave is actually an emperor. This kind of body is enough to toss. Unlike my slave, I have tossed it for a few times and died. And the blood of a Wudi is also a big supplement!"

Qin double just looked at her faintly, looking at the eyes of Qin double, the cracked Tian Hao quickly waved hand:

"Forget it, I am just wondering why you want to protect her."

Qin double indulged: "You know that I have a Fengming City, where there are many people who plant herbs for me. I need a Terran to manage for me."

"Oh!" The splitting of the sky nodded, but the eyes flashed a suspicion.

"That is……"

The piano looked at the sea in two directions and saw a huge sea boat moored there. It was a golden sea boat, like a palace under the blue sky and white clouds.

"The secret is in the sea." Fox Mei Niang whispered.

The demon followed the demon sacred to the sea boat, and the piano double saw dozens of young demon monks standing on the deck, and they looked at each other fiercely. The young monks of the Yaozu around Qinqin also looked at them with gaze. Qin double immediately thought that these demon monks should be the fifty demon people selected in the demon world. At the same time, Qin double can also feel that there are more than a dozen powerful atmospheres in this ship, which should be the level of the demon.

The demons were assigned cabins, and each of the demon monks was independent. Naturally, some slaves lived in a room with the owner. Qin double left Tian Feng in the cabin, then visited a sea boat and then walked onto the deck. Everywhere you go, familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, which has become the habit of Qin double.

Qin double red dress, standing quietly on the side of the ship, splitting the sky and the fox Mei Niang stood around her. The three monks looked at the scenery of the sea while sharing the experience of cultivation.

"Right!" Qin double suddenly said: "When we enter the secret, can we not bring people to slavery?"

"Of course not!" Fox Mei Niang said: "You really care about that person slave, you don't have any special cockroaches?"

The face of Qin double is a dark road: "Then I put her on this ship, no problem?"

"As long as you can live out of the secret territory, there is no problem naturally." Fox Mei Niang shrugged: "Why should we pay attention to a person slave for our Yaozu? And she is just an early Emperor. There is hardly any help. Even if you need a slave to manage Fengming City for you, you don’t have to be her. You can eat her first, the blood of an Emperor, and the repair of our Yaozu. There are some advantages, waiting to come out of the secret, just buy a slave."

At this time, the sea boat has been opened, and soon the coast is not visible, surrounded by a vast ocean. Seeing the piano double does not speak, Fox Mei Ning condenses:

"Sister Feng, you will not have mercy on the human race? This idea can not be there. We are noble demon people, and the despicable human race can only be our slaves and blood food."

"I just need some people to plant and manage the herbs for me." Qin double smiles, and does not argue with Fox Mei Niang. In fact, it is impossible to argue. Because the two of them are basically two different races. One is the Terran, and the other is the Yaozu.


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