Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Swordfish



Gradually, the piano double pushes out some results. She feels that this tremor is like a tide. A wave is superimposed on a wave, making the wave stronger, but the tide frequency formed by the dragon tendon is very fast. The more powerful the power broke out in an instant.

The result of this kind of derivation is very simple, but it is very difficult to practice it.

First of all, this method of work requires a high degree of strength for the body. The power builds up in the body and then erupts. How can a warrior's body strength, how can it withstand the power of the martial arts?

Even if there is no body explosion, it will be seriously injured. From this point of view, the sailor also said that there is nothing wrong with it, and the body strength of the wild beast is indeed strong.

Qin double can not consider this point, her body strength is greater than the spiritual strength of a large order, can fully withstand the superposition of this power burst.

However, it is extremely difficult to superimpose this power in the body and then release it.

Qin double throws the dragon tendon back into the sea, and then begins to try this kind of tidal superposition.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The body of the piano doubles the sound of the tide, and the spiritual power in the body is no longer the smooth and smooth flow of the original, but the band, like a tide.

It is only the distance between the tidal intervals that is too large. The most ideal state is that when the front spiritual power reaches the peak, the latter spiritual power reaches the peak and is superimposed on the first spiritual power.

However, because the distance is too large, when the next spiritual power is superimposed on the previous spiritual power, the spiritual power in front is not the peak, but is caught in a trough. This superposition does not produce much effect at all.

What Qinqin needs to do now is to shorten the distance between the two spiritual forces, making this tide become intense and dense.

Qin double stood on the beach and experimented over and over again.

Ten days.

Twenty days.

Thirty days.

The piano doubled out with a fist, and the power of the dragonfly bombarded the sea and set off a huge wave.

The piano double frowned, the power was superimposed, but only increased by 30%, which is far from the desired effect of the piano.

Moreover, this is just a superposition of two spiritual powers, which is a long way to go.

The continuous connection made the piano both physically exhausted, and they left the town demon tower and looked at Tian Feng, who was sitting in the trapped battle. Qin Qin thought about it and stepped into the trapped field. Opened his eyes and saw the piano standing in front of himself, and there was a fluster in his eyes.

"Adult, you..."

Qin double took out a jade bottle and handed it to Tian Fengdao: "Here is some medicinal herbs for you. Take it for cultivation."

Tian Feng took the jade bottle stunnedly. She didn't know why the demon was so good to her. But when she woke up from the hustle and bustle, Qin double had disappeared in front of her.

On the deck.

The double hands of the piano stood by the side of the ship, and a red dress was slammed by the sea breeze. On the deck, there are some demon monks standing in twos and threes. From time to time, they look at the piano pair. They are all curious in their eyes. They are all curious. How does this metamorphosis of the piano double play the human slave girl?

Suddenly, there was a sound.


When the piano looked at it, he saw the silver shining in the sea in front of the ship. The silver was boundless, like a piece of mercury flowing infinitely, reflecting the light and flowing toward them quickly.

"Ready to fight!"

A sailor's head shouted and all the sailors came to the deck with various weapons in their hands. The demon people on the deck, however, did not move at this time, of course, did not make a posture to prepare for the battle, just looking at the sea indifferently, the silver flowing from the flow.

The piano double regained his gaze and looked at a left hand holding a shield, and the sailor with the right hand holding the knife asked:

"What is the equivalent of a swordfish?"

"The demon!"

Qin nodded, that is to say that the swordfish is equivalent to the realm of the martial arts, no wonder that those Yaojun Junjie are indifferent appearance. It is true that without the hands of them, the power of these sailors will suffice.

"Oh la la..."

The swordfish group was close, and a swordfish jumped from the sea and struck towards the ship.

The doubles of the piano are slightly stunned. This wild animal called a swordfish is like a big knife with a handle. The whole body is bright and bright, and the number is too much. It is like a piece of sea of ​​swords covering the sky, coming to the demon monk on the deck.


Qinqin actually heard the sound of breaking the air, showing the speed and strength of these swords.


The sailors on the deck began to fight back, killing a strip of wild beasts, and when their weapons and swordfish touched each other, they even made a sound of gold and iron.


A bright snow, opened the air, and bowed down to the piano.


The body of the piano has a defensive shield, and then the piano double refers to the sword, and the knife is cut out.


When this type of knife cut the five-meter-long swordfish into two halves, it made a sound of metal crossfire.

The piano doubled out and grabbed the upper body of a swordfish that was split in half. The swordfish in the hand was soft and soft from the hard, and finally the piano doubled hard and crushed the wild beast.

"Adults, when this wild beast knife fish is alive, it is very hard and sharp. Once it is dead, it will be soft and vulnerable."

The demon sailor next to the piano, while killing the beast knife fish, said.

"It's a strange creature." The face of the piano has a curious color.

"It is said that the squid, the wild animal, has the blood of ancient times, and it is the kind of blood that makes them have this strange state. However, their blood is very thin and negligible."

The sailor demon smashed a row of swordfish and continued:

"Our demon cultivators and alchemists have also caught them, trying to extract their blood, used for refining and alchemy, but found that they can not be completely refined, their blood has been reduced too thin. This kind of unbelievable, only the wild animals that rely solely on the strength of the body, are mostly weak."

"It's really weak!" Qin nodded.


A piece of swordfish that covers the sky, such as the same row of dense knives toward the piano.

The piano double released the defensive shield, and the wild beast knife was cut on the defensive shield, and the defensive shield of the double piano was not cut. The piano doubled out a hand and grabbed a wild animal knife fish, feeling that she was hard and sharp.

Slightly spit out a breath, it seems that these wild animals are really not wise, otherwise they feel the atmosphere of the martial arts realm like Qinshuang. If they are wise, they don’t dare to approach, let alone attack the Qinshuang. It is.


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