Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Ancient blood


Gradually increase the power, and finally when the power is raised to the peak of the martial artist, the sound of "砰", the wild beast knife in the hand is pinched by the piano.

"The body strength of this wild animal is really strong! And has research value!"

When the piano doubles his hand, he will collect a batch of wild beasts from the town demon tower, so that the town demon tower will not refine them and throw them into the sea in the north.

At this time, she felt that she was walking next to her figure and turned her head and looked around. She saw the demon who was competing with Tian Feng at the gate of the demon. The Yaozu looked provocatively at the piano and said:

"Feng Ming is it? I am nine."

The piano nodded, but there was no speech. Jiuyi saw the cold look of the piano, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes:

"Would we like to come to Bibi, who killed more wild beasts?"

Qin double frowned a little, she now mixed in the Yaozu for a long time, also know the custom of the Yaozu. In the Yaozu, there is no such thing as modesty, that is, to show their own strength. If you refuse to compete with Jiuyi at this time, you will be despised by other demons. What is the result of being scorned?

Very simple, will be considered by all the demon people to be bullied, once they enter the demon community, maybe these demon will join hands to eradicate the monks they think are weak. Therefore, there is a hint of coldness on the face of Qin Double:

"Happy to accompany you!"

Then he saw that Jiuyi raised his head and spurted a fist-sized black ball into the air. As soon as the black ball left his mouth, it turned into a black light and spurred into the middle of the dense and savage swordfish.


The black ball of the size of the fist exploded, bursting out a tiny drop of black water, violently slamming in all directions, and all the black water droplets hit the wild **** fish, falling from the air, as if from the air. A knife rain fell to the ground, and they rotted and turned into a layer of black water.

"Poisonous!" Qin double in the heart.

The demon monks and sailors around Jiuyi were far away from him, and they erected the defensive shields one by one, for fear of being hit by the black water droplets he sprayed.

The piano doubled up and looked at it, only the explosion of this venom group killed at least 30,000 wild beasts. It’s a terrible venom.

Feeling the smug look of the nine, the piano double shook his head:

"Hunting these low-level wild animals does not require a powerful magical power."

When the words fall, the piano sticks out the right arm and points to the sky, then slowly draws a circle on the head. As her hand draws on the head, a row of rockets appears on her head, along with her hand. Draw a circle on the head and hover, the hands of the piano double turn around the head, there will be a circle of rockets, the rocket appearing on the first circle spread out, the original position is occupied by the new rocket.

The right hand of the piano doubles and shakes, one after another, the rockets in the air, and the rockets that are completely condensed by flames. Circle by circle, a huge flaming red vortex made up of tens of thousands of rockets soon appeared.

"go with!"

The right hand of the piano doubled up and swayed.


Tens of thousands of rockets cover the sky like fire.

In the sky, those wild beasts and squid fish fell into large pieces in a large piece, and when the rockets in the sky were consumed, there was no wild beast. And there are still a few wild beasts left in the sea, no longer attacking the sea boat, and turned around and fled to the distance.

The sailors on the sea boat looked at the Qinshuang and Jiuyi in awe. Then the sailors broke out with a warm cheer.

"Feng Ming adults!"

"Nine Miles!"

"Feng Ming adults!"

"Nine Miles!"

However, those Yaozu Junjie looked at Qinshuang and Jiuyi with gaze. The jealousy of Jiuyi is because the magical power of Jiuyi is poisonous. It is because the piano double is only using a simple fire system, and it has achieved the effect of not being weaker than the nine. This shows that the piano double control of the fire attribute to a certain level, is a very powerful fire control master.

The sailors began to clean the deck, and the piano looked at the nine-story, shrugged and turned to walk towards the cabin, leaving behind the nine-faced face.

Qin double returned to his room, closed the door, once again opened the prohibition of the array, and then flew into the town demon tower.

Qin double came to the beach and looked out into the sea. He saw a group of big-mouthed fish swimming in the sea. More than a dozen dragon ribs were drilled in the mud at the bottom of the sea. On the sea, hundreds of wild beasts leaped into the air from time to time, such as the big knife with the same handle, smashed the air, made a sharp whistling sound, and then fell into the water again.

The piano double reached out and clawed into the air. A wild beast that jumped from the sea to the air was caught in the hands of the piano.

Qin double took out a jade bowl and placed it on the beach. Then he sat in front of the bowl with his knees, raised a finger, and a sword was thrown at the fingertip. At the end of the swordfish, the tail of the swordfish was cut. Blood has been left from the body of the savage swordfish, and it has flowed into the jade bowl.

The hard swordfish gradually softened in the hands of the piano. When the last drop of blood flowed into the jade bowl, the wild saury was no longer a hard, soft, hanging in the hands of the piano. The piano double threw it on the beach, then shorted the jade bowl on the beach and shrouded his power of knowing the sea.


The piano double wrinkled its brows, and the force of knowing the sea began to re-examine the blood in the jade bowl carefully and scan it finely. However, her brows are wrinkled more and more. I feel that my power to know the sea is weak, and I have replaced the power of the soul, carefully infiltrating and scanning the blood in the jade bowl. Finally, my face was full of disappointment.

"This kind of blood is very ordinary, and there is no ancient blood!"

Qin double frowned and thought for a while, dumped the blood inside the jade bowl, reached out and grabbed the sea, and caught a wild animal knife fish. Then, the power of the soul is penetrated into the body of the swordfish, and the blood of the squid fish is carefully scanned.

Qin double scan is very careful, eyebrows suddenly pick one, she finally sensed the different energy in the sword fish, very thin, almost invisible, if not the soul of the piano double, has reached the ninth layer of Wusheng Only then can we perceive the extremely thin ancient blood.

"There is no such thing in the body of this swordfish. Isn't it that every knifefish has ancient blood?"

Qin double thought about it, the power of the soul still locked tightly in the thin ancient blood of the swordfish, and then put a finger to the tail of the swordfish, then cut the tail of the swordfish, the blood in the swordfish I went down to the jade bowl.

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