Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Arrivals




The piano doubled out and punched out. The space in front of her was punched out by a swirling hollow. The six phoenixes rushed out like a whirlwind drill. The huge power was exposed in the air, causing a violent violent inside the town demon tower. , humming more than that.


There are surprises in the eyes of Qin double. Suddenly, her eyebrows were picked and her look was more gratifying. It turned out that Feng Ming told her that she had already realized the fourth layer.

Qin double closed his eyes, only about three minutes of time, he saw the piano double raised his right arm, a punch.


There were four phoenixes hovering over the right arm, and the whirlwind came out. The joy in the eyes of the piano jumped, and the arm was again punched out. This time it was used for shocks.


Eight fire phoenixes come out and the power is multiplied!

Qin double let Feng Ming continue to comprehend the Feng Feng boxing, and she continues to comprehend the shock.

This day.

She heard the call of the demon phoenix and ended her cultivation. At this time, Fengming still did not cultivate the five layers of the Fengfeng boxing, and the Qinshuang still could not superimpose the three layers of spiritual power, which increased his attack power by three times. However, Qin double also sighs that this shock requires a strong body strength. If it is not that her body strength is much higher than that of her own spiritual power, the power of the three layers of spiritual power will not be overwhelmed. Let her explode and die, but it will definitely cause her to be seriously injured.

Qin Double thought about it. Instead of leaving the town demon tower immediately, he came to the alchemy room on the southern volcano and quickly refined the medicinal herbs of the eight-character Dandao. The refining still relied on the smelting body. However, there is a dandelion on the medicinal herb, which is also the dan dying, which has improved the grade of the smelting and quenching body, and became the eight-pindan. Of course, at this time its name is not called the smelting and quenching body Dan, but it is called a grain smelting and quenching body Dan, and its effect is five times that of the smelting and quenching body.

This furnace refining thirty-six pieces, the piano doubled the medicinal herbs, left the town demon tower, returned to the cabin, the magical phoenix phoenix recovered the town demon tower, and then will cover the horror of Tian Feng When I got up, I took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and handed them to Tian Fengdao:

"You will stay in this warehouse, usually try not to go out, wait for me to come back, you can take you back to the mainland."

"Where are you going?"

"The demon mystery!"

The piano double turned and walked out of the cabin, and the backhand closed the door. Going down the deck to the deck, I saw dozens of monsters on the deck, and in the channel behind her, there was a Yaozujie coming toward her.

Qin double walked onto the deck, his eyes swept away, did not see the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, knowing that the two of them should be behind their own, they walked to the front of the leader of the demon, whispered:

"grown ups."

The demon saint turned his face and looked at the piano double. Although there was no smile, it was mild. It is necessary to know that these monks and monks of Qinshuang are also martial arts, and since they stand out among the huge Yaozu and win one of the 100 places, they have a 50% grasp in the future to break into Wusheng. He exists the same. Therefore, he could not give the piano a slap in the face, said faintly:

"What is it?"

Qin double took out a jade bottle and handed it to the demon saint. The demon sac took the jade bottle and opened the lid. A scent of scent floated out, and the look was slightly moved, and a remedy was poured out. There was a hint of surprise.

"A pattern of smelting and quenching body Dan?" Yao Sheng Huoran turned his head and looked at the piano double road: "You refining?"

"Yes!" Qin double nodded gently.

"You are a Ba Pin Dan Taoist?"


"Eight Pindan Dandao!" The look of the demon's face became awe-inspiring. In the billion trillion demon, there are no more than fifty of the eight Pindan priests. This is not because he does not pay attention to the piano, and the look in his eyes is more gentle. Road:

"What are you doing?"

Qin double whispered: "Adult, in the time when I entered the mysterious secret, I hope that the adult can take care of my slave. Of course, if I can't come back, that person will be disposed of with the adults."

"This is a small matter! I promised."

"Thank you!" The piano is two-way with the demon holy gift.

"My name is spotted, and some juniors in the family really need this kind of smelting and quenching body Dan."

Seeing the double sinking of the piano, the wind immediately said: "You can rest assured that I will use Lingshi, or resources to buy."

Qin double wrinkled his brow and said: "When I come back from the secret, I will refine some for the adults."

"Okay, thank you Feng Danshi. Zhu Fengdan is very smooth in the secret."

"Thank you!"


The sea suddenly shook, and the piano couldn’t help but look at the sea. The demon saint on the side took a deep breath:

"The secret is open!"

The piano doubled her eyes and she was very curious about the mysterious nature of the demon. The demon sacred wind on the side suddenly said:

"Feng Danshi, is your age not more than 100 years old?"

"Yes!" Qin double eyes whispered: "Is there any problem?"

"This is good!" The demon sacred wind sighed with a sigh of relief: "When the ancestors of our demon family were opening up this inheritance, they were chosen to select the generations of the demon, and only the outstanding generations. It is possible to obtain inheritance. Therefore, it is stipulated that only the demon monk who is only a hundred years old can enter, otherwise it will be sealed and strangled."


The piano doubles in the heart, and at this time, a golden light spot appears on the blue sea, and then the golden light spot is rapidly enlarged, gradually protruding from the sea surface, it is a huge gold The mask is like a huge bowl with a buckle.

In the glare, above the inverted bowl, the golden light gradually turned and formed a golden vortex.


A young demon young hero flew up from the deck and flew toward the inverted bowl. A demon swooped down toward the golden vortex, and then disappeared into the mask and entered the mask. Inside, disappeared.

One of the demon people swooped down toward the golden vortex and disappeared.


A fierce shout suddenly came, and a demon was smashed by the golden vortex. The demon sacred wind on the side snorted and his face was very ugly.

"How did he die?" Qin double's face changed.

"Not because I am over a hundred years old? I really don't know how to die!"

Qin Shuang’s heart glimpsed and said: “This seal is so powerful! Adults, this is the inheritance of our Yaozu. Presumably our ancestors will guard against the Mozu and the Terran? Is it the Terran and the Mozu? If you want to go in, you will be strangled?"


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