Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 512: Black light



"That's not there!" The demon-spotted look is awe-inspiring: "This seal only limits the age, but there is no limit to anything else. However, here is the demon world, the world of our demon, the Terran and the Mozu want to make waves in our demon world." That is to find death."

Qin double sneaked a sigh of relief in his heart, and his heart was secret, not limiting the human race, that would be good.

"Adult, leave!"

Put down your heart and double your arms, your arms will rise and your body will rise to the sky. There was a worry in the eyes of the demon sacred on the deck, whispering in a low voice:

"Feng Danshi, you have to come back safely!"


The piano swayed in the golden vortex in two directions. It was only an instant, and the scene changed. The piano double immediately took a step in the air. Feng Xiang began to unfold, and a bonfire was born at the foot. The piano double stabilized the figure in the air. Looking around.

There are a group of demons around the world, and they are all looking around.

This is a undulating forest, just a moment of effort, a demon family will fall to the ground, and then plunged into the forest.

These Yaozu are competitors. If they haven't found the inheritance, they may kill each other. The piano double fell on the ground cautiously, and did not dare to fly in the air. Those demon people did not dare to stay in the air, but fell to the ground. It is conceivable that the air must have more dangerous things.

Qin double did not see the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, but even if they saw both of them, the piano pair would be very alert. Maybe you will meet the two big demon again, it is the killing of your life and death.

Qin double is not in a hurry to find the place to pass, because she knows that it is a chance, not you can find it if you are eager to find. And those who are the worst of the Yaozu masters are also the late tenth layer of Wushen. Only Qinshuang is the second layer of Wushen. At this time, she has reached the critical point of breakthrough. She needs to find a place to break through.

Piano double walking in the tall forest, these trees are very tall, the trees in the demon world are already tall enough, and the trees in this mystery are taller than the trees in the demon world. It’s just that the piano double can’t hear the sound of a monster. If it’s not surrounded by lush trees, Qin double thinks it’s a dead place.

"The aura of this place is even richer than the demon world, almost five times as much as the demon world. It is no wonder that it is regarded as a holy place by the Yaozu. It is indeed a multiplier to practice here. However, I have a town demon tower, but it is much stronger than here. ”

Qin double spreads the power of knowing the sea and finds that the demon people at this time have already left a thousand miles away. Now in this forest, only she is left alone.

"These young Yaojies are probably the outstanding disciples of the demon family. Compared with the ancestors of these demon people, they have entered the secret world and have a certain understanding of the secret. These young Yaojuns are looking for inheritance at this time. Land, right?

In this way, it is an excellent place to break through. ”

The piano double retracted the sea, and when it jumped, it jumped onto an old tree and sat on a large branch.

She is prepared to break through to repair the lower Rui Jin, and now her Ruijin Budo is the seventh floor of Emperor Wu, and the Fa is the seventh floor of Jie Dan. It is only now that she has no inner dragon in the Golden Wing Dapeng. It is almost impossible to make a continuous breakthrough.

Qinqin first took out Lingshi, laid a gathering pearl around his own, and then swallowed two sharp golden dragons, then held the town demon tower, absorbed the aura in the town demon tower, plus the Yaozu The rich aura in the secret territory, the piano double runs the White Tiger Collection, and it hits the eighth layer of Emperor Wu.

The repair of the piano double has been suppressed for too long, but just started to break through, and opened the obstacle to the eighth floor of the Emperor Wudi. The rich spirits of the heavens and the earth gathered together, and the forest began to become paralyzed, and then On the head of Qinqin, a whirlpool of aura is formed. The gathering of the spirits is also madly extracting the spiritual power. The two lines of the body are also rolling into the spirit, but the most dedication is the town demon tower. The rich spiritual power inside was extracted by the double piano, poured into the meridians, and rushed into Dantian after a large Sunday operation.

In Dantian, the sharp gold spirit force Wushu opened his mouth and absorbed the sharp gold spirits flowing into Dantian into the body. The Ruijin Wuxiang became more and more gazing, and more and more charm.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.


There was a scream of screaming in the distance. Qinqin opened his eyes and continued to absorb the spiritual power. While watching the sound, he saw that a demon had already appeared on the body. It was a green cow. When I was running wildly in the distance, there were countless black lights around him. Only in an instant, I saw that the huge green hill like a hill collapsed on the ground, and then the body was covered by black light. After a few moments of time, the black light rose from the sky, and the bone shelf of the green cow was left on the ground.

"Hey..." Qin couldn't help but **** a cold breath: "What are those black lights?"

One is far away, and the other is too sudden. The piano does not see what the black light is, and at that time the black light has gone away and disappeared.

However, this also makes the piano double relax. If those black light are flying towards her, the piano pair that is breaking through, I really don't know what to do.

"The demon monks here are higher than me. The lowest is the late demon. The monks in the late demon are wrapped in the black light, and there is no such thing as a parry. The rest of the time is eaten. Bones, it seems that this is not generally dangerous. I hope that when I break through, don't have black light."

Perhaps the prayer of Qin double played a role. After more than three hours, Qin Jin’s Ruijin Budo broke through to the eighth floor of Emperor Wu.

The aura of the heavens gradually dissipated, and the Lingshi used to arrange the array around the doubles became a powder. The rhythm of the silk has dissipated, and the piano double stood up from the trunk and looked out into the distance. However, no black light was found, but he did not dare to break through here. Once the breakthrough, the noise caused by the noise led to the black light, and there was no place to cry when I cried. It’s fortunate that this time I didn’t attract black light. If I break through here, what should I do with black light?

Those black lights were able to fly, and the piano double did not dare to fly in the air, jumped from the tree and walked toward the front. Just walking a few steps, the foot is a meal, his eyes fell on the ground with a fist-sized black thing.

"what is this?"


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