Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Bucket chain



The woman snorted, and then there was no sound. Then she saw the worms "Wengran" and flew up from the woman's body, revealing a bone shelf falling to the ground. The worms flew back to the body of the chain, and a little bit of spiritual power spit out, absorbed by the chain, and the breath of the body was enhanced.

"Oh, huh... the way to repair the worm is to seize the way, to seize your spiritual strength, let my cultivation go further, I really want to thank you, huh, huh..."

The insects on the chain are constantly squirming, like a layer of mud. The tall body begins to change slowly, and finally changes into a human form, and it is still a handsome look. Standing naked in the woods, I took out a set of clothes from the storage ring and slowly dressed it. After I finished wearing it, I spread my arms to the sides, looked down at myself, and laughed softly.

"Oh... I didn't think there were so many corpses here, I would merge these corpses, and then eat those geniuses, huh..."

A footstep came and the chain turned sharply and saw the piano double from the woods. A flaming dress, with a big sword on the back of b, the scabbard is also a red color. When Qinqin saw the chain, he paused and looked at the surroundings. He couldn't help but frown slightly. She saw a bone shelf, and the brow wrinkled deeper. The bone shelf was fresh at first sight. It is a demon monk who has just died, and the remaining bones are on the shelf.

The death of a monk will not make the piano double frown, let alone die a demon?

However, it is strange to die with only one bone shelf. The eyes are swept away, and the heart is even more jump. She finds the body with bugs on the ground. The types of bugs are still heard. Among them are the bodies of corpses. .

"You are Fengming sister?"

There was a kind smile on the face of the chain, and he walked slowly toward the piano. Feng Shen Jun Xiu, coupled with white fluttering, is easy to lose the vigilance.

The piano double stretched and frowned, and his face showed a smile. The opposite monk did not know, it should be one of the 50 places in the demon world. It is normal to know yourself. After all, the other ninety-nine Yaozu masters are the lowest in the late Wushen, only the second layer of Valkyrie... Oh, now is the third layer of Valkyrie. Naturally it will be eye-catching.

The smile on the face of the chain is closer to the distance between the two people, and the more intimate. Qinqin also seems to have met a monk who can be accompanied, revealing joy in his eyes. I greeted the chain and the distance between the two people was not big. It was just less than two times. The two people could not get together in two steps.

The chain's big mouth smugly opened, but suddenly it was a warning in the heart, and the figure retreated backwards. But there was a glimmer of light in front of him, and then I heard a sword.


The phoenix sword in the hands of the piano cut the neck of the chain, and dropped a dozen worms from the neck of the chain, and fell to the ground, and the chain that had been pulled away from the piano doubled, the head did not Falling from the neck, but a worm appeared in the wound, crawling on his neck, then became muddy creep, and finally turned into intact skin.

Seeing this strange picture, the heart of the piano doubles and violently jumps, quickly searching in the miscellaneous learning in the seven-string space, and then the face changes, blurting out and debut:

"You are insect repair!"

The sword raised by the double piano, the starting point of the Feng Yujian pointed to the opposite chain, condensed:

"The demon world has insects!"

The chain's face changed, and the eyes flashed a thick kill. However, in the blink of an eye, it became full of grievances:

"Sister Feng, what are you doing? Why do you suddenly kill me? And what is Zerg? How have I never heard of it?"

Qin doubled a brow and said: "So, the demon world is only you a Zerg?"

"What is Zerg?"

The chain is still not recognized. It was only in his mind that he was a big shock at this time. He did not expect a sentence that he refuted. The other party could analyze that the whole demon world had only one Zerg himself. This kind of wisdom is too scary.

And she also knows the Zerg, knowing that the insect repair is already great, and now the other party knows the Zerg.

Now there is no Zerg in the demon world. How can she know the Zerg?

And she quickly recognized her Zerg, which shows that she knows the Zerg very well, even knowing her own Zerg, why?

If you don't know the Zerg, just rely on that sword, and then see your neck worms squirming, at most they will think it is very strange, but they will never think of the Zerg.

Is there other zerg in the demon world? And Feng Ming has seen it?

The sword of the double is very overbearing. The one-style fast sword made him unable to respond at all, and the red-red sword had a hot temperature, which caused him to lose more than a dozen bugs. Now it is the sword pointing at himself. He has a middle-aged lock and his body feels stiff.


Qin double suddenly broke out with a sword, it is the second style of Feng Yujian, the knife cuts the world, and now it is pushed into the world by the piano double, the same power.

The chain sighed and the figure moved quickly. The way he moved was very strange, like a skeleton, but it was very fast. At the same time, two sickles were taken out and kept waving, but they still did not completely block the sword. The long cut was made on the body, but it instantly squirmed and restored smoothness.

The double look of the piano does not move, the sword of the feather in the hand keeps waving, and each sword is the sword. How powerful is this sword? Can the momentum chain resist? The two sides are constantly handing over, and the body of the chain is constantly hurt.

The swords of that road are like cutting the heavens and the earth. The sharpness is abnormal. The sickle of the left hand suddenly changes, and it becomes a shield. It resists the attack of the doubles. The right-handed sickle attacks the double. Qin Shuang’s heart glimpsed, she did not think that the other’s spirits could still change. While looking at the chain and watching the shield, I saw that the shield was full of various insect patterns. The patterns seemed to be alive, crawling constantly, forming a gap between the crawls. The kind of shield can actually resist the sword of the double piano.

"Feng Wings!"

The piano doubled out of the sword, and a pair of phoenix-winged swords circling like two giant swords swaying toward the chain, circling around the chain and cutting. Although the power is not as good as the sword, but the trajectory is more mysterious, so that the chain's body has increased a lot of injuries.

"Feng Wings!"


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