Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 520: First light



The piano double continually plucked the phoenix-winged owl, and the phoenix wings hovering around the chain were more and more, and the ups and downs flew up, making the chain more flustered. The chain suddenly took away the sickle of the right hand and offered a gourd. The gourd was sacrificed in the air by him, and the right hand food pointed to the gourd in the air. The gourd was instantly enlarged, and then a dense worm was flying out of the gourd mouth.

It was all kinds of poisonous insects, which grew very embarrassingly and swooped down to the piano.

The piano doubles in the heart, the feet are smashed, and one is only a fire. The figure of the figure and the chain pulled open the distance. But those poisonous bees, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, poisonous cockroaches, etc. are closely chasing.

Qin double left arm pulled back, then slammed out in front of the body.

Wrapped in Fengfeng.


The four phoenixes circling on the left arm of Qinshuang, and then smashed with the phoenix fist of Qinqin. The figure was sharply enlarged and turned into four huge fire phoenixes, dragging a sea of ​​fire toward the opposite side. The poisonous insects have spread over the past.

The fire was originally the nemesis of the poisonous insects. The powerful enthusiasm of the Fengqiquan and the raging of four fire phoenixes caused large swaths of poisonous insects to be burned, and the poisonous gas was also emptied by the flame.

Qinqin sees that the Fengfeng boxing is effective, and the heart is a move. If you can cultivate the Fengyu sword, you will be able to destroy all these poisonous insects with a sword.

The chain looked at the phoenix fists of the squadron and killed a large piece of the poisonous insects, and the heart hurt to the extreme. Suddenly, his figure squinted toward the ground, turning out the original shape, turned out to be a five-meter-long scorpion, and two sickle-like forearms exuded the black venom.

It was only his awkward body that continually squirmed and swayed like a dragonfly. It was a worm that was rolling, causing the squad to squabble and produce a layer of fine goose bumps on the body.

The huge body of five meters long, but the speed is as fast as the wind, the insects of various colors on the body, like a colorful light, just came to the front of the piano double, two forefoot like a huge sickle, facing the piano Kneeling down.


The piano pair will phoenix swords and cross, and grow up quickly in front of the body, like a door panel of a city gate, with one hand and one support, blocked in front of the body.


The two forearms of the chain were slashed on the huge phoenix sword, and a strong attack came. The arms of the piano double trembled. The power of the first layer of Wusheng did not make the piano double too uncomfortable. However, my heart was also very surprised. The power of this Zerg actually reached the first floor of Wusheng.

The piano kicked out with one foot, and the slender thighs were like a big gun, stabbing toward the front chest of the chain.


I kicked a kick on the front chest of the chain, but the original chain appeared, and the body became very tough. This kick was on his body, but the upper body was shaken, and there was no damage.

The chain was pressed hard, and a triangular head bit the head of the piano pair, very fast, like lightning.

In the eyebrows of Qin double, the power of knowing the sea rushed out, turned into a fire phoenix, and opened his mouth toward the head of the chain. The chain was shocked and stunned, and at the same time loosened the two forearms that suppressed the Feng Yujian and smashed it toward the fire phoenix. The Feng Yujian, who lost his repression, suddenly provoked.

Chicken feet!

A phoenix claw was born, and each claw tip swallowed a sharp sword and grabbed it toward the neck of the chain. "砰" slammed the neck of the chain and twisted his neck.


The huge body of the chain suddenly burst open, and turned into countless worms, fluttering from the direction of the piano in all directions.

The piano eyes are condensed, and a small handle with a handle is wrapped around the body. It is criss-crossed around the body of the piano. It forms a sword net and covers the piano. All the bugs near the piano are swords. Net strangulation.

Suddenly, the worms gathered in several places, condensed into eight swords, and spurred toward the sword net.


The eight-handed sword kept hitting the sword net, but it was bounced back by the sword net. Qin double sweeps through the sword net through the eight-handed sword, cold channel:

"Since the demon world only has one Zerg, you are an odd number. I am afraid that you are the identity of this Zerg. Do you still know a demon?"

The sword of the eight-handed worm was a meal in the air, and then attacked more madly toward the piano.

The words of Qin double made him feel the fear. He didn't know that his identity of the Zerg would be a result of his promotion, and he would be the result of whether he would be surrounded by the demon.

Qin double must die!

"Ba snake swallows elephant!"

The eight-stalked worms gathered together and turned into a giant snake, opening their mouths to the piano.


That mouth is constantly widening, as if to devour the sky.

"Bashen Shentong!" Qin binoculars condensed, and instantly rang, on the stone tablet in the Yaozu Temple, there is a magical power of the snake.

"You can actually understand this kind of magical power, and right, the snake is also called a long worm. It is not surprising that you can comprehend."

"You know too much, you must die!" The chain of fierce mouths burst into a rumbling voice.

"Not only do you understand the magical power!" Qin said faintly.

"One color light!"


A ray of light shines from behind the piano, brushing toward the big mouth of the chain, and at the same time, the piano doubles and moves, thinking of flying backwards.


Qin double found that a huge suction from the huge snake mouth, so that she could not move, and even had a tendency to actively enter the huge snake mouth.


The light behind the piano double continually illuminates, constantly releasing a color of light, slamming toward the head that is getting closer and closer to himself.

"Can't move? You are dead, hahaha..." The huge Shekou made a rumbling laugh.


Each time the piano light is brushed once, the huge snake mouth is a small circle. A joy in the heart of the piano.


And as the one-color light constantly brushed the huge snake mouth, the piano double felt that the suction was also reduced, and the body was already able to move. However, the huge Shekou had already come to the front of the Qinshuang, biting down to the piano double, and had not touched the doubles. The smell of the stench made the piano almost faint.

Wrapped in Fengqin!

The piano doubled up the right arm, and the fire was slammed into the squat of the giant snake. This time, it is not a simple wrestling of Feng Feng, but a blessing of the shock that has been derived from the dragon tendon.


Eight fire phoenixes hovered around the left arm of the piano pair, converge toward the fist, and banged on the chin of the giant snake.


The huge Shekou was blown up by the double-handed fist, and the corpse of the dense insects was shot. The chain of the two eyes revealed the horror.

"You... actually realized a color of light!"


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