Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Zhu Shixiong



The shape of the chain was smashed by the doubles of the piano, and it was transformed into a human form between the tumbling. After landing, the legs were flung away in the distance. The piano double wrinkled his brows. When he escaped, the chain was still afraid to fly into the air, making the air more dangerous. Only now, Qin double does not know what danger you have in the air, which makes her heart a little uneasy. At this time, she did not dare to fly into the air, and flew on the ground, chasing the past toward the chain.

A chain of horror fled, and suddenly a happy color appeared on his face. He turned a direction and ran while shouting:

"Master Zhu rescued me."

A thick man with a nine-toothed shackle on his shoulder, followed by three demon monks, and seeing the worries of the chain, could not help but be surprised:

"Chain Li Xiandi?" Then he looked at the piano pair that was flying, and shouted: "Stop."

The chain immediately ran to the side of the Zhu brother, gasping, took out a medicinal dress, and looked ugly to the piano pair.

The figure of Qin double did not stop at all. A demon monk behind Zhu Shi’s brother, with a flash of his body, greeted the piano and shouted:

"You have your ears stunned? Didn't you hear Master Zhu let you stop?"

The figure of the double body is a meal, the two phoenixes under the feet, the phoenix wings sway, and the ignition star is splashed. Qin double looked at the demon monk standing in front of him, and then looked at the body of Zhu’s brother. Finally, he fell on the chain and no longer went to see Zhu’s brother, but he said coldly:

"Step aside!"

Master Zhu’s look was awkward, and then he smiled dumbly: “Feng Ming is it? You know who I am?”

Qin Shuang’s gaze came back from the body of the chain and fell on the body of Master Zhu, saying faintly:

"Who are you related to me?"

The look of Master Zhu was a bit of a mistake, and then he laughed. Shaking his head slightly, his face with a look of the earthen bun, does not speak.

The demon youth who stood in front of the double body of the piano snorted with disdain and took a step forward and stepped down heavily.


Two ancient vines were picked up on the ground, and they entangled toward the piano. They wanted to tie the strings together and screamed at the same time:

"Zhu Shixiong is the grandson of the main island of Dagu Island. It will roll immediately and still keep your life."

The two phoenixes under the feet of the piano opened their mouths, and each spewed out a flame, burning the ancient vines released by the demon monk into ashes. The demon monk looked sharply and stepped down again.


An ancient vine forest was formed around the Qin double, and countless ancient vines entangled the piano. At the same time, a demon behind Zhu Shixi suddenly swayed, holding a mace in his hand, and instantly came to the head of the piano double, picked up the mace, and slammed the head of the piano pair. I am going down.


The two feet of the piano double stepped down, and the two phoenixes under her feet were instantly split and turned into a sea of ​​fire, burning the surrounding ancient vines. Looking up at the mace that was about to reach the head, he suddenly burst out with a sword.


The demon family was suddenly smashed out, and the piano doubled up and took a foot to the ground. The foot of the phoenix was born, and the body shape came to the demon family in an instant. Feng Yujian’s first phoenix smashed out, and the demon could not dodge. Then he was pierced by the piano and his body crashed into the ground.

The piano double fell on the ground, surrounded by burning ancient vines, Zhu Shixiong held his hand and looked at the blurred double figure in the flame, and the color of interest appeared in his eyes:

"Feng Ming, you are just alone, with the power of our Dagu Island, want to kill you, you have no physiology. Just let you go, you refused to go, but killed me a brother. Hot girl, But I like it a little. This way, with me, this little has spared the sin of killing my brother."

The chain looked awkward, but he was known by the piano to follow the foot, if Qin double said his secret...

Do not!

She must die!

At the moment, he opened the door: "Zhu Shixiong, this person is very arrogant, meet me, say nothing, kill the killer. It is too dangerous for such a person to be with you. Still kill him."

"Oh? This is even more interesting! I rarely like this tone. Feng Ming, you and I find a place, so happy, I can't lose you."

The eyes of Qin double became cold: "If you don't want to die, let it go."

"Ha ha ha..." Master Zhu said with a loud laugh: "A hot girl, how are you going to let me die? Is it cool on your body? Hahaha..."

He grabbed the chain with a big hand and restrained the chain. He looked at the piano and said:

"Feng Ming, I don't care what conflicts you have with the chain. As long as you follow me and make me cool, I can kill the chain now. How?"

The colder the look of Qin double, the footsteps, the foot of the fire, the body shape, like the electricity, rushed toward Zhu Shixiong. Always in front of the double body of the piano, the demon who released the ancient vines screamed, and a wicker was grown from his body, and the root of the wicker was flowing with a pattern. The root wicker was drawn toward the piano.

"It turned out to be a willow demon!"


The figure of the double pair rushed straight toward the willow demon, and punched the past with the fist of the willow tree.

Wrapped around the fourth floor of Feng Boxing.

Two shocks are superimposed.


The willow demon's branches burst into tears and spurred toward the surroundings. A fist of the piano double slammed into the heart of the willow demon, and the back of the willow demon suddenly swelled, and then a bang, Qin double The fist shot from his back.


Eight fire phoenixes circling out, and the body of the willow demon ignited a raging fire.

The shape of the piano double kept rushing toward Zhu Shixiong. The brother Zhu’s look was condensed, and he picked up the nine-toothed nail and took it to the piano. The last demon who remained behind him also slammed a large gun toward the piano. The chain was restrained by Master Zhu and looked at everything that happened in front of him.


Qin double extended his hand and grabbed the nine-toothed nail. Zhu Shixiong felt a shock and rushed toward him. He couldn’t hold the nine-toothed nail in an instant, and saw the right fist of Qin’s face toward him. The door slammed, and I couldn’t help but loosen the nine-toothed nails and flew back. The piano pair will take the nine-toothed nail and round it up, and draw it toward the demon who holds the rifle.


The body shape of the Yaozu retreats, and the piano is swept away, and it rushes toward Master Zhu. The master of Zhu flew back and his face was panicked. At this time, the chain standing behind him suddenly raised a foot, squatting on the buttocks of Master Zhu, and the brother Zhu, who was flying back, flew over to the piano.


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