Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 529: Easily


"Big Scorpio Brother, don't watch. Feng Ming can't come."

"And... take another look." The voice of the cracked scorpion came out: "Ah?"

Hearing the scream of the cracked scorpion, Fox Mei Niang turned his head in disbelief and then screamed:

"She is still alive?"

Later, Fox Mei Niang sighed again: "It is still late, and she can't pass the assessment alone."

Other demon gods also nodded. They all took up ten days in the case of teaming up, and they still died several demon gods. How can they pass the assessment only by Feng Ming alone?

The invincible A in the forefront looked back and glanced at the eyebrows:

"If she can pass the assessment alone, then are we not waste? Cracking the sky, you still advise your friends, honestly waiting outside for us to get the inheritance, hahaha..."

Another demon **** shook his head and said: "She is the Fengming that you won together in the mainland of the warriors. If you come here so late, you must be weak. If you wait outside, you can save your life. If you don't know." High and low, dare to try and be sure to die."

The cracked scorpio saw the piano double, although the pace was slow, the money went, but there was no sign of stopping, and hurriedly called:

“Feng Ming sister is careful, there is an assessment seal here.”

A demon **** laughed and said: "Split, you are really passionate!"

When his voice did not fall, he saw that the blood cloud above the cave suddenly shone, and the piano was shrouded in it. The dense sword-shaped pattern spurred toward the piano. The twenty-one demon people looked back at the piano pair, and the scene of the piano was strangled.

But seeing the piano double sticking out the index finger, the index finger swung in the air quickly, the road pattern appeared from her fingertips, hovering and combining, forming an umbrella cover, hanging from the edge of the umbrella cover, the double string Covered inside, the **** sword-shaped symbol is blocked out.

The Scorpio couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but when he saw the piano’s eyes shining, he stepped forward. Twenty-one demon gods couldn’t help but look at the piano pair. Qinqin is very excited at this time, and his heart is secret:

"Look at the demon monks, the constant release of the pattern from the body. Sure enough, as Qin Qiao said, the demon family is unique, their bones are born with a pattern, and they have a natural understanding of the road. However, on my bones Although there is no natural pattern, it is a great master of the Tao Dao. The understanding of the Fu Dao is stronger than the ones. Just look at the lessons of the Wan Lue Mountain.

The demon monk of the last group, one by one, saw the piano double so easily cracked the blood cloud seal, not to be red-faced. In particular, the previous demon **** who said that the piano must die is even more unbearable:

"That's just a **** seal. She dares to go forward, and she will die."


His voice has not fallen, and he has seen a step in the piano.


The Wanzi of the three characters of Wan Yaoshan fell off from the top of the cave, and instantly became a full-bodied, huge circle, like a windmill, slowly falling toward the piano double head. Every time the 10,000 words hovered, they released a small 10,000-character hexagram, like a small windmill, circling toward the piano.

The eyes of the piano flashed rapidly toward the air, but the huge words that slowly fell and fell, the eyebrows were picked, and the heart was dark:

"There is no difficulty! It seems that the demon predecessors still left a lot of room for their descendants. Also, if it is more difficult to kill these demon heroes, it is not an assessment, but Killed."

Qin double leisurely stretched out the index finger, painted in the air, and then flexed a finger, and the symbol was printed to the huge four-character in the air.


A roar, the piano double felt that his body was light, the heavy imprisonment disappeared, and the piano double step forward. The huge words in the air converge on the light, and then become the original size, a bang, back to the rock wall above the cave.


The demon character of Wan Yaoshan fell off from the rock wall on the cave, and the word "demon" was broken down into strokes in the air. The strokes were like a handle knife, facing the piano. Come.


On the umbrella cover that the piano double released, a "beep" sound was heard, and the umbrella cover of the piano double appeared cracks instantly, and then it burst into flames.

"Dead!" Before that, the demon monk who had decided that the piano must die must be gloating. The cracked scorpion feels numbness in the scalp.

The seven-handed giant knife that turned into a demon word quickly flew toward the piano, and the body of the piano pair was only three inches. At this time, Qin double is pointing to the void.

Not bad!

It is to the void, not to any knives.

In the realm of the double master of the piano, it is only in an instant that these monster swords seem to be chaotic, but they have an orderly track. The center of the knives that control the knives is hidden in the void.


As if a stone had been thrown into the lake, a soft bang was heard. It was only one inch away from the body of the piano. Even a handle knife had cut off the hair of the piano, but it turned into a stream of reversal. Gathered in the air, they gathered into a "demon" and banged back to the rock wall above the cave.

When the piano stepped into the scope of the "mountain" word, it felt the power of imprisonment. But it was not attacked. Looking up, I saw that the word "mountain" formed a mountain, and it was slowly pressing down. At this time, it was only two meters away from the head of the people, and it was slowly pressing down. Qin double believes that if the word "mountain" cannot be cracked in time, it will be crushed into meat by the word "mountain".

There is no attack at all times, and the piano is not in a hurry to crack. Although the power of imprisonment is very strong, with the power of the third layer of Qin Shuangwu, it is still relatively easy to move forward. Going to the last group of the demon, who once asserted that he must die, smiled and said:

"This brother, what did you say? The distance is a little far away, and I didn't hear it clearly."

The demon Junjie was red and red, and then became ashamed to become angry: "Feng Ming, what can you be arrogant. I have come here, no worse than you."


It must be that you came here very early, hiding from the peek of the way we cracked. Really shameless! ”

"Brain!" Qin doubled his head and sighed a sigh: "As far as your IQ is concerned, even if you get the inheritance, you can't comprehend it."

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