Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 530: inherited


"You..." The demon monk was furious and stretched his finger at the piano. "There is energy, you pass the assessment first, don't sneak in shamelessly behind."


The piano doubled a ring and stepped forward. The mountain-like imprisonment was swarming again, and it was difficult to squeeze the piano.

When the piano doubled up, the forefinger was empty, and a pattern of patterns circling out from the tip of her finger. The force of imprisonment instantly broke, and took a step. Then there was the force of imprisonment, and the power of imprisonment was twice as strong as before. Qinqin is a point to point out, and then take a step in the walk.

Qinqin is like this, taking a step, the emptiness points out a finger, and soon came to the side of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, grinning at the two people, then walked past them, and soon came. A invincible and other people's side, pointing to the void, stepped out, took a mountain cover, and walked into the cave.

When Qin double walked into the cave, he saw a **** jade passage and walked toward the inside along the passage. After only about a hundred meters away, he entered a circular hall surrounded by round walls, empty and empty.

"How come there is nothing?"

Qin double does not give up looking around, this hall is very clean, even a dust, not to mention the treasures and what is passed down.

"Is this a scam? No! Isn't the demon monk ever passed down from here? For example, the phoenix dance, but the incompleteness is gone."

The piano double began to walk along the circular wall, while walking, tapping the wall with a fist to see if it could find any organs.

At this time, A invincible three people also walked into the cave, and looked excitedly along the blood jade passage, but in an instant, they rushed into the circular hall, then they saw one side along Walk round the wall and tap the double with a fist.

The three demon monks looked a glimpse, and then they understood what was going on. The faces of the three demon monks did not show disappointment. Instead, they looked at the piano double and then three monks. Then I came to the center of the circular hall and sat cross-legged.

Qin double saw the movements of the three invincible monks, knowing that the three of them must know what. But Qin double does not know! Therefore, she still walked slowly along the circular wall and knocked.

There was a footstep outside the hall, but the demon monk from the second group, such as the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang, came in. As soon as he saw the move of the piano, the scorpion shouted and cried:

"Feng Ming, don't knock. Come and wait, and when people get together, there will be changes."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice. "You don't care about me. I came here for the first time. I was curious and I will study it."

The face of the cracked Scorpio showed helplessness, shrugged, and sat on the ground. Other demon monks also sat on the ground and began to resume the adjustment.

Qin Double finally finished a circle and came to the side of the cracked Tianzhu. Splitting the sky and looking at the piano double track:

"What did you study?"

"It's very hard!" The eyes of the piano reveal the color of interest.

"Hmm?" The cracked sky looked awkward and unknown.

"The wall is very hard!" Qin double added.

The cracked scorpion could not help but turn a white eye: "You will study this result?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice. "If we are trapped here, if there is still a hard door at the back of the hole, we can't get out."


The cracked scorpion glanced at the **** jade wall, and the look was not only awesome. It’s that invincible, not only does the eyebrows sway, he can’t help but want to bombard the **** stone wall. If you want to verify the piano, it’s true.

However, at this time, footsteps sounded outside the hall. It turned out that the third group of the demon monks came in. After the last demon monk walked in, suddenly he shot from the top of the hall and shone the whole hall. The piano is a glimpse, hurriedly looking up, but seeing the bare top of the hole, if there is a bead, it is the bead that emits light.


The piano double suddenly has an uncomfortable feeling, and the feeling seems to have a pair of eyes, watching itself and seeing through. The piano doubled her eyes and looked at the bead on the top of the hole. She could feel that the feeling that she was seen through was the bead from the top of the cave.


The circular walls around it suddenly shone, and fifteen light doors appeared. Every light door is filled with a road pattern, which maps the hall to a magnificent anomaly.

A invincible and other people stood up and looked at the eyes. After glanced at the eyes, they chose different light doors one by one. Qin double is also carefully looking at these light doors at this time, and then the eyes are bright.

"This is the inheritance!"

The eyes of Qin double fell on a light door, and the pattern of the fringe flowing on the light door is the inheritance of the nine-color light magic. The piano stepped toward the light door. At this time, before the light door, two people had already stood. One of them, Qin double also knows. It is the Kong Qiang of the Bifang.

There is also a woman who can feel that she is a phoenix without being close to the piano. The woman and Kong Qiang did not look at the piano. At this time, the hearts of both people were attracted by the mysterious pattern on the light door, and they fell into comprehension.

Qin double also sat down on the knees. At this time, she already understood that the bead on the top of the cave was to identify what attributes each person cultivated, and it was suitable for the inheritance of the Yaozu. How many kinds of light doors are opened?

"I don't know how many inheritance gates there are in this Wanbao Mountain. This is really a cultivation holy place!"

Qin double took a deep breath and began to carefully watch the inheritance patterns on the light door. I saw the dense lines on the light door, but it was the inheritance of the first layer of nine-color light, but it felt more than the pattern on the stone in the demon temple. And it is more mysterious. Qin double can't help but move.

"Look at the inheritance of this light door seems to be complete, and there is no missing. Then. The inheritance on the stone tablet in the Yaozu Temple should be missing. The nine-color light magical phoenix of the phoenix dance should be obtained from here, since there is no missing here, Why is she missing on the stone?

Then, the inheritance on the stone tablet in the Yaozu Temple is the intentional incompleteness of Feng Dance, or is she aware of the insufficiency, only comprehending those, and hope that these people will inherit and complete? ”

Qin double thought for a while, and his heart gradually became brighter.

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