Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 531: Optical bridge


"It is impossible to be intentionally disabled. There are so many inheritances in the Yaozu Temple. It should be that they did not fully comprehend at the beginning."

By the way, Tiandao gave the powerful power and Shouyuan of the Yaozu, but their wisdom and comprehension are not as good as the human race. They can understand and rely on the innate proximity of their ontology to the inheritance of their families. However, these inheritances are the inheritance of the ancestors at the ancestor level. However, these big demons in the Yaozu are not the ancestor level. Even if they are close to the same family, it is difficult to fully comprehend without the high comprehension.

But I am different. My comprehension was originally strong, and there is the aid of the December fruit. Now my effect in December is still there. If I can’t understand it, I will eat another December fruit. I will definitely understand these. inherited. ”

Qinqin spirited a sigh of relief, took a deep breath and began to understand the inheritance of the light door. Before Qinqin, I have already realized the inheritance of the first layer of nine-color light in the Yaozu Temple, and I also thought about the heavenly pattern of the real ancestor-level fire phoenix, and tried nine colors in the fire phoenix body. And two-color light has been derived. Nowadays, it is very fast, and only the inheritance of one-color light left on this light door, so the piano doubles realize very quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the complete one-color light is fully realized. Only the piano pair will also promote the inheritance of this color light into a practice that suits the cultivation of the human race.

However, this is also simple for Qinshuang, because she has already pushed one side and created a method suitable for the human race. Now it is to be improved again. According to the complete color of light on the light door, it will be suitable for the cultivation of the human race. The way is perfect.

After a little more than a quarter of an hour, Qin Double opened the eyes with a color that was suitable for the cultivation of the human race.


She saw that the phoenix woman and Kong Qiang had stood up. The two men looked at each other. The phoenix woman proudly watched Kong Qiang and Qin Shuang of the Bifang family, and then walked toward the light door.


Before coming to the Guangmen, the phoenix woman gleam a light, brushed toward the light door, and saw that the light door disappeared, revealing the portal. The phoenix woman looked back proudly and looked at Kong Qiang and Qin. Double, and then proud of a glimpse, turned into the portal.


The light door appeared again, and the lines on the light door flowed. Kong Qiang looked back at the piano and smiled contemptuously. Before striding to the light door, he sang a light and brushed it toward the light door. Then he saw that the light door disappeared, and Kong Qiang strode in, then That light door appeared again.

The piano double wrinkled her brow slightly, and she realized that she was able to understand the eyesight of perfection. She could see that Kong Qiang’s color light only realized 90% of the light, and did not reach the perfect state. The phoenix woman is even worse, only 80%.

"Do not understand perfection, but also pass through the light door?


Doesn't Feng Dance not realize perfection? Forget it, take a look at it. ”

The piano double came to the front of the light door, and the light of the light disappeared. The light door disappeared and the piano stepped forward. Out of the light door, he was shocked by the double, and he was standing on the cliff. There was a scorpio in front of himself, and he could not see the bottom. The cliff on the opposite side was about a kilometer.

Is it far away?

For Qin double, they are not far away. It flew at once. But if you look at other demon monks who are standing there honestly, you know that you can't fly here. Once you fly, you don't know what the consequences will be.

The piano looked at both sides and found that a total of twenty-two monks stood on the cliff at this time. It is not surprising to think about it. These monks have passed the assessment of the Yaozu Temple and have already realized the first. The supernatural power of the layer is normal through the light gate in a short time.

The piano double stared at the sky and saw fifteen light bridges between the cliffs on both sides.

Really a light bridge!

That is the **** light that formed the light belt and connected the cliffs on both sides.

Do you want to go over this **** bridge?

Qin double was thinking of this, and he saw that the phoenix woman had stepped on the light bridge step by step, and the blood-colored light bridge swayed under her feet, giving birth to a **** vortex swallowing away toward her.


There was a gleam of light behind the phoenix woman. The scream of the blood of the phoenix screamed almost disappeared. The phoenix woman showed a trace of pride on her face and stepped forward.


Step by step, the woman's feet gave birth to a **** whirlpool, but the woman released a color of light, almost wiped out the **** vortex, and then continued to move forward.

One step is a whirlpool.

A brush to eliminate a whirlpool.

The piano doubles in the heart, and then looks at the light bridges on both sides, and sees other light bridges with various strange visions.

At this time, I saw a man striding forward on a light bridge. There was a black whirl in front of the man, and the man’s figure continually passed through the erect black vortex. The breath of the breath made the piano a surprise.

"Space magic!"


Suddenly a scream, but I saw that the man did not pass through the black whirlpool, but was broken by the black vortex, flesh and bones fell on the light bridge, the light bridge squirmed, those broken meat And the broken bones disappeared.

In the heart of the piano, he said: "It seems that this light bridge is an assessment of the different trials. If it passes, it can continue, otherwise it will fall."

At this time, Kong Qiang glanced at it because he was thinking about it, and he seemed to have some lost piano strings. He thought that Qin double was scared by the newly demoned monk monk on the light bridge, and he dared not step on the light bridge. The ground snorted and strode toward the light bridge.

Qin double was awakened by the cold voice, looking at Kong Qiang's face of disdain and contempt, my heart is inexplicable.

"Does he despise me again? Why will one despise me when I lose?"

"Ha ha ha... It’s stupid. If you don’t fully comprehend, you dare to go out and check. Today, I finally know what is stupid, hahahaha..."

A burst of mad laughter came, and the piano doubled the sound, and saw the tall body of the cracked scorpion going toward the light bridge, driving the storm, moving like a dragon and tiger.


When he stepped on the light bridge, he saw a pattern of light on the light bridge under his feet. At the same time, a streak appeared at the foot of the cracked scorpion, resisting the pattern and then striding.

Counting the doubles, there are still four people on the cliff who have not set foot on the light bridge. The three demon people heard the words of the cracked scorpion, one by one glaring toward the cracked scorpion, but the piano double smiled, and the gaze once again fell on the two figures on the light bridge in front of him.

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