Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 532: Perfect comprehension

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At this time, the phoenix woman had already reached half of the light bridge. The eyebrows of the piano doubled, and the one-color light released by the woman seemed to weaken a trace of the **** vortex that was rising.

Do not!

It should be said that the **** vortex on the light bridge will become stronger as it progresses.

Look at Kong Qiang's Kong Qiang, his state is stronger than the Feng women, but each time the color of light is released, it does not completely brush off the blood vortex under the foot, leaving a faint layer.

"It seems that one-color light does not have to realize the perfect state. There must be a passing line. If you pass the passing line, you will be able to pass the light bridge. Only the demon monk who understands the space magical power does not understand the passing line."

I glanced at both sides and saw that there was only one left on the cliff. Then I stepped towards the light bridge.


There was a **** vortex at the foot, and the double light of the piano swayed toward the vortex under the foot, and the **** vortex was completely brushed off, and walked toward the opposite cliff. I still think about it in my heart.

"It seems that not all the Phoenix people will have this kind of magical light of nine colors. The phoenix woman should not be at all, so the result of comprehension is worse. Before Kong Qiang had the magical power of five-color light, so comprehend this ancestor. The nine-color light of the level is worse than that of the phoenix woman. But after all, it is better to have the own body of the December and the ancestor-level phoenix body."

Kong Qiang suddenly stopped his footsteps and looked back, but he saw the piano double models. It was not far from him. Every time he released a color of light, he would brush the **** vortex under his feet and his eyes could not help. Surprised, then became gloomy, looking at the piano double cold:

"Feng Ming, I did not expect you to understand the perfection of one color. However, one color does not represent real strength, I will let you know who two of us are stronger!"

The piano doubles in red, the back of the sword, the money and the line, with a smile: "The last time you did not escape in front of me? What is this for you?"

Kong Qiang immediately blushes the red ear: "You don't want to swear at me, I have a breakthrough, you must not be my opponent."

The two models of the piano walked past Kong Qiang’s side, faintly said: "You think more, you are not my opponent."

Kong Qiang looked at the piano double and looked like a light, and there was a shy anger in the middle of it:

"You are very embarrassed!"

Qin double touched his face, "hehe" smiled two channels: "Thank you for leaving me face, I thought you would say that I am very ill, huh, huh..."

Kong Qiang looked at the back of the piano double and farther, hating to grind his teeth, but he also knew that above the light bridge, it was not a place to start, and he snorted and walked forward.

Back to Kong Qiang's piano pair, the face was full of smiles at this time, she found that the energy of the vortex that was brushed by herself was rushing into her body and flowing in the body. However, this energy does not enhance her cultivation, but enhances the quality of her body.

Nowadays, the phoenix body of the piano pair is already four products. For a long time, there is no trace of improvement, and the piano does not know how to improve the fire phoenix body, so it has been kept so, but now I feel that she is every After releasing one color of light and brushing away those **** vortexes, they have the ability to enter into their own bodies, and they have no help for their own body and cultivation, but they have increased the quality of their own fire and phoenix body.

"This is an unexpected harvest!"

The light bridge is long and has an end. Qin double has finally passed the light bridge, and the look is somewhat regrettable. His own fire phoenix body has only slightly improved a little, and there is a great distance from the five products. However, she also understood that even if she stayed on the light bridge and kept brushing the energy on the bridge, it would not raise the fire and phoenix body to the five products because the energy on the light bridge was limited. However, as soon as I thought that there must be a test of two colors of light in front, Qinqin was full of expectations.

Looking to the sides, most of the demon monks have passed the light bridge, only three have not yet passed, but look at their appearance, there should be no problem. There is nothing strange in the heart of the piano. After all, this is the first level of assessment, and the first level of supernatural powers, these demon monks have once learned the incomplete inheritance in the demon temple, now only make up, as long as it is serious, no There will be problems. In addition to the demon monk who was proud of the stupid cultivating space attributes, including the piano pair, twenty-one monks eventually passed the first light bridge.

At this time, they are in a place where there is a platform. At the end of the platform is a cliff. There is also a light bridge connecting the cliffs on both sides. At the beginning of their light bridge, there is a light door on the light door. The pattern flows. At this time, the phoenix woman had been sitting cross-legged and comprehending the two-color light magical inheritance on the light door.

Qin double stepped to the knees of the phoenix woman not far from the knee, the phoenix woman looked at the piano double, the eyes of the unexpected color.

"I didn't think that you can pass the third layer of a little demon!"

Qin double looked at the phoenix woman's way: "Get the inheritance and see the insight and wisdom."

"Do you mean that Miss Feng Jiao's wisdom and comprehension is not as good as you?" There was a voice from Kong Qiang behind him. Feng Jiao's face could not help but change and looked at the piano pair coldly.

"Not bad!"

Qin double faint nod, Qin double is more restrained among the human race, but in this demon world, there is no one around the human race, the publicity of the heart will be completely released. Looking at the gloomy face of Feng Jiaodao:

"You don't have to be ashamed. I don't mean that your wisdom and understanding are not as good as me."

Feng Jiao's face is slow, his eyes reveal the look you still know, but he hears the piano pair continue to say:

"I am talking about the whole Yaozu, on wisdom and understanding. I call it the first, and no one dares to call the second."


Feng Jiao was eager to make a color, and Kong Qiang’s face became very ugly. The other demons around me also looked at the fierce gaze, and the sky cracked and laughed:

"Feng Ming sister said it well, it is a friend of my scorpio. However, if you pick up wisdom and understanding, you still have to be a little worse than me."

Qin doubled and smiled at him, and A invincible looked deep into the piano:

"Feng Ming is right, I hope that your cultivation will be able to improve quickly. I am looking forward to fighting you."

"Now, I am not afraid!" Qin is full of war.

"Ha ha……"

A invincible but laughed twice, and the laughter was full of disdain. However, the surrounding demon monks did not feel that A was invincible. Invincible is the peak of the tenth layer of the demon god, and the piano double is only the third layer of the demon god. A invincible has the qualification to laugh at the piano. A sneer screamed and the piano double ignored them. Instead, I looked at the inheritance on the door of Light.

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