Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 540: door



"She...not dead!" Fox Mei Niang surprised and screamed.

The splitting of the sky is nervously looking at the back of the piano pair, awe-inspiring: "Although not dead, there is no advantage. Will the sister of Feng hold it for a long time?"

The double back of the piano is facing them, and a layer of sweat is oozing from the forehead, releasing the nine-color light, the supernatural power of the ancestor level, which was originally very consuming. Even if the Qinshui's knowledge of the sea is extremely broad, it has reached the broadness of the distraction period, and it has a strong sense of the sea, but after all, it is the power of knowing the sea, not the gods. Since the demon **** is assessed here, the power of the target is naturally the knowledge of the gods, not the power of the sea. This intensity allows the piano to absorb the power of the sea faster. It’s just a moment of effort, and the power of the sea to consume the piano is consumed.

Qinqin rushed out to take out the weak water suit, but found that the speed of the weak water Dan provides the power to know the sea is simply not the speed of consumption. Qin double had to come up with a jade bottle, which contained a hollow lotus seed liquid. While releasing the nine-color light, he took a drop of Nether Lotus Seed Liquid.


Qin’s knowledge of the sea’s power of the sea has been instantly supplemented, and the power of knowing the sea is like the ocean.


The nine-color light released by the piano is stronger and faster, and the whirlwind is less and less brushed by the piano. A lot of mysterious energy is poured into the body of the piano.


There was a humming sound in the body of Qin double, and the humming sound gradually turned into a sound of phoenix, and her phoenix body was raised to seven.

After another two quarters of time, the piano double brushed the last vortex, and the brows swayed with joy. Qinhuang's phoenix body has been upgraded to the mid-peak of the seven products.

"This last level is dangerous, but the return is rich enough!"

The piano stepped on the platform, but did not immediately start, but looked around with caution. But did not find A invincible figure. Suddenly summoned Xuanwu, put it on his shoulder, and then took out the medicinal medicine and began to adjust the interest.

After an hour, Qin double restored the state to its peak. Stand up from the platform and walk towards the front. While walking, I looked around and saw what I said, leaving behind traces of fighting. I couldn’t help but frown, and my heart was dark:

"Don't it be like the Scorpio said that in the history of the Yaozu, there have been demon people who have been here? These traces have a long history and are not left by invincible."

The footsteps kept on, and there was a cave in front of it. The gate of the cave was broken and aside. It was not new at first sight, and it was shattered for a long time.

The piano double-lighted the lotus step and walked into the hole. It was a huge circular hall. On the wall around the main hall, spiraling around the circle, circled upwards, and circled in a circle. On the rock wall, there are huge caves, and there are huge trusses in the caves. The enamels are all golden colors, with amazing energy.

Qin double took a deep breath, and Annai lived in the heart. At this point she already knows that these skeletons are the bones of the ancestor-level big demon, and their flesh and blood are eaten by the corpse, and the traces outside are left when the corpse leaves. Compared with those corpses, when they left, they once vie with each other and left behind those traces.

Suddenly, her eyes condensed, and a figure was faintly seen in front. The piano walked forward in both directions, and saw the back of A invincible standing in front of a gate.

There is a huge stone tablet in front of the gate. The piano looks at the stone monument in two directions, but it is a demon character. Xuanwu on the shoulder translated the text to the piano through the sound. Qin double heard, the heart of the earthquake, the original caves in the rock wall, there is the blood left by each big demon, those blood is reserved for the demon people. Refining the blood, you can have the possibility of returning to the ancestors, become the big demon of the ancestor level.

Qin Shuang’s gaze quickly looked toward the hole in the rock wall, but he heard a sigh of invincible sigh:

"You don't have to look at it, the blood that the predecessors have left is eaten by the corpse."

In the heart of the piano, I saw that there was a broken space in each hole. It should be that the corpse broke the space container and swallowed the blood inside. Not to sigh one channel:

"These seniors planned well, but did not expect that the plan to destroy them was the corpse born from their bodies!"

The invincible back to the piano double could not help but sigh again, the strength of the sea of ​​Qinqin swarmed out, and the heart of the heart was revealed:

"The storage ring was also broken by the corpses."

A invincible twitched the corner of his mouth, and his heart was also showing his heartache. There is nothing left in the cave, and the things in the storage ring are also eaten by the corpse. There is only one huge demon scorpion and a huge weapon in each cave.

A invincible sighed again: "It seems that I can't get the blood of the ancestor level."

The eyes of Qin double fell on the door: "What will be in this gate?"

"I don't know!" A invincible shook his head: "I don't think it will be an ordinary treasure."

When the piano is carefully looked at it, it will be seen on the gate, and the pattern will be densely covered. The lines will be like a chain, and the whole door will be locked. To get into this gate, you have to crack this chain.

"I should be able to crack this chain."

A invincible suddenly turned to the piano double, his face showed a smile and awkward smile:

"Feng Daoyou, there seems to be a way to crack the door seal!"

Although the invincible words are like asking the piano, the tone is a positive tone. And staring sharply at the piano double, whispered:

"I just realized that at the moment when Feng Daoyou saw the seal on the gate, your blood running speeded up a little, and the speed of the heartbeat also accelerated a little. I recalled that Fengdaoyou passed the Wan Yaoshan cave easily. At the time of the assessment, I admire Feng Daoyou’s understanding of Fu Dao in my heart, but I did not expect to underestimate the Feng Daoyou."

Qin double smiled and said: "I can break the fringe chain on this door. Do you want to borrow light?"

"Think!" A invincible said seriously: "And there is no danger in the door, you need my help."

The piano nodded twice: "I don't want to borrow light, but I don't have a problem, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?" A invincible manner.

Qin doubled his eyes to the golden dragonflies on the rock wall, and the weapons roads:

"Those scorpions and weapons are for me."


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