Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 541: Nine-color light on space magic



A invincible look at the piano double, can not help but blurt out: "Do you have such a large space?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Good!" A invincible took a deep breath: "As long as you can take it, these are yours."

Qin nodded twice, first transferred Feng Ming and Feng Yan from the town demon tower to their own Dantian, because she knew that once these cockroaches were sent into the town demon tower, I am afraid that the town demon tower will be merged again. It is a rare opportunity for you to give up.


In the sight of A invincible shock, I saw a golden pagoda being sacrificed by the piano, zooming in on the air, banging, the tower door opened, and the golden light was shot, sweeping toward the holes, and collecting everything in the hole. The town demon tower.

After two quarters of time, the town demon tower turned into a streamer and entered the eyebrows of Qin double. Qin double smiled and looked at A invincible. The shocking color on the face of A invincible gradually disappeared, and the wind was restored:

"The trouble is Fengdaoyou."

The piano nodded twice, then stood in front of the gate and carefully observed the fringe chain on the door. The realm of the great master's peak, coupled with the insight of the promotion of the fruit in December, so that Qin double quickly found a way to crack the fringe chain. Both hands made a mark of the law and hit the door. The chain on the gate flows, and then a section of the broken, revealing the original face of the gate.


The shape of the piano pair suddenly disappeared in place. Two flying phoenixes hovered on the ground, and a sharp scorpion passed through the position where the piano double was just now. The bombardment was on the gate, and the door rumbling opened a gap.

The shape of the piano pair is on the left side, smiling and looking at the armor that is still carrying an arm, A invincible slowly retracted his arm, his eyes flashed a tyrannical color, and then graceful.

"Feng Daoyou, you sacrificed the treasure of the tower-like space, and forced you to kill me yourself, but also forced me to kill you? Such a space treasure, if you let other demons of the demon world know, I am afraid you will always be In the pursuit of killing, until you are killed, the treasure is taken. If the news is not to be transmitted, you must kill me."

Qin double smiled and said: "Even if I didn't sacrifice the town demon tower, would you let me go? It has already come here, there is only one of you and me, there is only one that can or go out. The conditions that were raised with you before. It's just to make you worry about using me to crack the fringe chain on the door. When I charge those embarrassing things, I won't be bothered by you."


Qin’s knowledge of the sea was awkward, and the eyes of Qin’s eyes were bright. I knew that the town’s demon tower was closed again and began to merge again.

"Not bad!" A nodded innocently: "Whether you have exposed the treasure, there is only one that can go out from here."

Qin double looked up and down invincible: "I am also looking forward to playing with you on the third place on the demon list."

"Third place?" A invincible smiled: "Longtonghai hangs old, Gao Litian has died in the mouth of the corpse. How can I compare with me?"

Qin doubled and nodded: "I heard that you can rehabilitate your limbs, and you can see that your head is gone, but you can still be born again. Legend has it that you have an immortal body. You have to see it."

"I'm afraid you haven't seen it yet, you are already dead. You want to see my undead body, you have to have that qualification. Hehe..."

"Try it!"


Qin's right foot squats on the ground, his body is invincible to the armor, and a fist is invincible to the armor without a fancy.


A invincible screamed, and there was no fancy boxing. The two did not use any magical powers, nor did they use any martial arts and Taoism. They were purely physical forces.


A burst of sound, an invincible figure fell back and crashed into the rock wall, embedded in the rock wall. Can not help but lose the channel:

"A strong power, your body has broken through Wu Sheng?"


The answer to him was the body of the singer, and a fist still bombarded the unarmed invincible inlaid in the rock wall.


A invincible arm burst, flew out from the rock wall, and his body flashed toward one side. He already knew in his heart that he was not as good as a piano.

"A invincible, I don't believe in the body of immortality. The so-called immortal body is just that the trauma is not fat enough!"

The piano double step forward, stepping out every step, and a fire phoenix is ​​born under the foot. The figure is pulling out the blurry residual image in the air and rushing toward the invincible.

A invincible figure swayed, flashed the attack of the piano double, and the mind was moved, and there was a golden rifle in the hand, and the big gun flew and came to the piano.


The double backhand of the piano took out the giant sword of Feng Yu, and the hands were rotated, and it was unreasonable to be invincible. The giant sword and the big gun constantly collided, and A invincible repaired to reach the peak of the late Wushen, but the body of Qinshuang reached the third layer of Wusheng. This kind of unreasonable play, but completely invincible.

"The gun is wearing the air."

A invincible drink, a shot to the piano double stab. The piano double slammed the sword with no fear, and a sword smashed the invincible into two halves.

"not good!"

Qin double felt that this sword was pulled out and there was no force at all.

"The afterimage!"

Suddenly, the double face of the piano changed, and the backhand put the giant sword of Feng Yu behind him.

Back sword style.


A loud bang, A invincible abrupt appeared in the back of the piano double, a shot on the wide sword behind the piano double back, the body of the piano double impact forward. The piano double turned and landed on the ground. The corner of the mouth oozing a trace of blood. Looking at the opposite side of the sneer, the invincible, stunned:

"Space magic."


A no enemy guns are combined, like an arrow, spurting toward the piano. The piano double raised the giant sword of Feng Yu and showed the starting style of Feng Yujian.

Instantly locked the armor invincible, the piano eyes are slightly condensed.

"See where you are going this time?"


The invincible A, which is pulsing towards the piano, suddenly disappeared, and her Fengyu sword could not be locked invincible. Qin Qin was shocked.

"Nine colors of light."

The magnificent light shines, rotating around the piano and wrapping the piano inside. A gun tip suddenly appeared on the left side of the piano pair and stabbed toward her temple. However, he encountered nine colors of light. When the nine-color light touched the tip of the gun, it was like a magnificent vortex, and he wanted to brush the gun off.


The space rang a whisper and swayed out. The invincible figure appeared again on the opposite side of the piano pair, with a large gun in his hand and a very ugly face.


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