Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 543: Disadvantage



The two armor are invincible, one left and one right, and two big guns are like a dragon.

The nine palaces are one.


The body shape of the piano doubled from the middle and turned into nine figures, and the invincible attack on the left side went. The invincible figure on the left disappeared abruptly, making the Qin Palace's nine palaces one, and a sword stabbed. The whistling sound of the sharp blade was heard behind it. It was another invincible spur.

"The sword cuts the world."

The double-reflexion of a piano is like splitting the heavens and the earth, and the space must be opened. The invincible shape of the armor disappeared and appeared on the left side of the piano pair. At the same time, another invincible appeared on the right side of the piano pair, and the big gun stirred the wind, like a dragon.

"Feng Ming, you can't attack me, you can only passively beat, you are dead. I just play with you. If I let go of other distractions, you are already dead. To surrender to me, be my slave, I Will take you to glory."

The piano is repressed in the heart, she knows that this is the invincibility of A in the fight against her confidence. Once her confidence collapses, there is only one idea.

Suddenly, her heart was a flash of light. I thought that A invincible had destroyed seven heads on the light bridge. If he can release eight avatars, it is absolutely impossible to release only one. Even if you want to leave a card and don't release eight, you can release three or four.

The piano must be in the heart, and can't help but sneer and laugh: "Hey... you only made less than 30% of the force? Then you release a avatar to show me?"

A invincible laughter was a stagnation, and then dismissed: "That depends on whether you have that qualification!"

The piano doubles and laughs loudly: "Your seven heads have been smashed on the light bridge. A head will represent you as a avatar? Now you can only release a avatar at most? Come! To prove that I am wrong You release a avatar to show me?"

"No need, a avatar can completely crush you."

The two invincibles disappeared at the same time, and the heart of the piano was a glimpse of the heart. Nine-color light can no longer be used freely, and must wait until the crucial moment. The mind is moving, and a small handle with a handle is wrapped around the body.


Three hundred and eighty-one handles Feng Yu Xiaojian built a pair of armor on the body of the piano.


The piano doubled, the armor suddenly grew up, turned into a three-footed armor giant, and the piano was covered in it.


Two big guns suddenly pierced from the space, stabbed in the front chest and back of the armor giant, and were blocked by the armor giant.

"Little Zhoutian Kendo!"

Qin double sword stabbed, Jianguang one point two, two points four, four points eight...

Invincible feels that he is deeply immersed in the endless starry sky, and Wan Daojian is like a popular cross over the sky, rushing to him.


The two invincible moments are combined into one, but only the body is one, but has two heads and four arms. Two large guns were held in four hands, and they danced. They were not ventilated, and the water could not be poured. They would call out a sword.


The violent collision sound is endless, and the spark that erupts from the impact is like a smoldering fireworks.


The intensive swordsman smashed the big gun and revealed the gap. The swordsman penetrated the gap of the fennel and bombarded the invincible body, but did not hurt the invincible, and the scales of the invincible body bounced back. .


A piece of scales on the invincible body suddenly spurted out from the body, hovering around the invincible body, like a golden whirlwind, shattering the sword, and A invincible twisted a big gun, colliding toward the double Come.


The two men’s weapons intersected, and a huge roar came out from the hall.

"Feng Ming and A are invincible!"

On the other side of the light bridge, the cracked Tianzhu and Hu Meiyang stood up and looked toward the other side. However, I couldn’t see the Qin and the Invincible, and I could only hear the huge roar coming from the huge hole.

Inside the cave hall.

Xiao Zhoutian Jiandao will be tightly trapped in the invincible, and a sword will kill the invincible, and let the invincible gradually fall into the wind.


A invincible roared and showed the original shape. It was a Hydra, but now it has nine necks, only two have a skull on the neck, and the other seven necks are empty.

"Sure enough, seven heads were destroyed!"

The piano was big in the heart, but then it was a surprise. The body of the Hydra, which appeared in the original shape, continued to grow up and smashed the Xiao Zhoutian kendo.


A invincible roared, and his body had a lot of scales broken, and a huge body shed blood. This is the price of his smashing Xiao Zhoutian kendo.

"what is that?"

The cracked sky screamed, and the two big devils looked away. The thick tail of the Kendo Road was thickened from the hole, and then it was taken back. Then the sound of the rumble sounded, and the rock wall around the cave was Exploding, countless gravel lasing outwards, a huge tail swept out of the cave, slammed on the rock wall, and smashed a large wall.

"What is the invincible body? A big guy, this is a tail. How big is he?" The sky is stunned:

"Is that really just a tail?"


The mountain was smashed in large areas, gradually revealing the whole picture of A invincible.

"Feng Ming? How can you not see Feng Ming?" Fox Mei Niang pale face.

"I don't know!" The scorpion shook his head and said: "It should be blocked by the invincible body of A."

"She won't die?"

"No! A invincible is still attacking."

"Look, A invincible turned out to be a Hydra. But now there are two heads left. If he has nine heads, what kind of power will it be?"

Suddenly, a fire rushed out, and then two huge snake heads came out, pointing to the fire, one left and one right, and opened the big bite.

The Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang were shocked and stunned. They have already seen that the fire is the Qin double. But the body of the piano pair is too small compared to the Hydra, and there is no eyeball of the Hydra. The piano has a foot on the phoenix, and the figure pulls out the blurred afterimage in the air, avoiding two snakes biting at her. However, the remaining seven long necks without heads were swaying toward the piano and smashing them away.

"This... how can I fight?" The eyes of the two big demons, Scorpio and Fox, show their despair.


The mountain suddenly burst, and the huge Hydra snake **** was revealed. Qinqin just got rid of the strangle of seven necks, a large tail blew the air, and the whole pair was pumped to the piano, and the space was cracked.


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