Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Kill



The Scorpio and the fox Mei Niang sat on the ground in awe, and in their hearts, the Qin double did not have the hope of surviving.

The huge Hydra occupies almost all the space, and the piano can only dodge in the gap. How can it be played?

Qin double minded a move, Dan Tian, ​​Xuan Shui Ling Wu Wu opened his mouth, a sacred water from her air rushing out, and Feng Huo Ling Li fusion, hovering, rushed out of Dan Tian, ​​rushed out of the meridians, I rushed into the sword of the piano.


Qin Yu’s phoenix giant sword squatted on the thick snake tail, and the huge scales on the snake tail were smashed by the piano. The phoenix giant sword crossed the snake tail and pulled the snake tail out of a big hole. Blood collapsed. At the same time, the body of the piano double also flew out.

"Oh..." The Hydra made a scream, a snake head opened its mouth and squirted a venom to the piano. The venom ejected from the huge snake mouth shrouded the piano like a rainstorm. .

"In the end!"

A piece of fire was born, and greeted the venom in the air. The rain-like venom was burned by the flames into a poisonous gas.

"Feng Wings!"

Two huge phoenix wings, circling rapidly, gave birth to a whirlwind, wrapped in the gas of the sky, and flew toward the sky.


In the invincible, another snake's mouth spurted a frosty white, and it was frozen for a thousand miles. The body of the piano is frozen into an ice sculpture.


The thick tail of the Hydra was drawn across the piano.

"It's over!"

The Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang trembled, and the two of them knew that as long as the piano doubled, A invincible would kill both of them without hesitation.

At this time, even if you want to escape, it is too late.

What's more, the injuries of the two of them have not healed yet?


In the ice sculpture, the flames flowed and banged, and the shape of the piano doubled out of the body of the Hydra's thick tail and flashed out. But it was still rubbed to the body by the tip of the tail. The body of the piano double flew out like a projectile, and the bang slammed into the mountain.


The Hydra snorted again and spurted a frosty white hole in the cave that the piano body had knocked out.


The cave was frozen in an instant, and the ice was spreading rapidly into the cave.

"This is really over!" Fox Mei Niang murmured.

"Not yet!" The eyes of the cracked sky suddenly burst into a ray of hope.

The fox Mei Ning looked at it and saw the frosty white ice. Suddenly, the flaming light appeared from the inside, and the thick ice layer mapped to release the brilliant light.

"Feng Ming is a family of fire phoenixes. Should her phoenix fire be able to burn the ice of the Hydra?"

"I don't know, it depends on Feng Ming's cultivation."

"Feng Ming only has the third layer of the demon god."

"But her strength is very strong, and the level of Fenghuo should be high?"

"But...even if it is better than the ice of the nine-headed bird? She can't beat it."

After invincible for a while, A sighed a sigh: "I hope she can escape."


The two big demon faces of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang showed a surprise color, and they saw the ice seal at the hole, and the red color became brighter and brighter, which indicates that the ice layer is getting thinner and thinner.


The ice layer at the frozen hole burst into a blast, and an A, who was waiting outside the hole, was invincible, opened the big mouth that was able to spray the venom, and explored the hole. He did not wait until his mouth sprayed the venom, and he saw it from the hole. A huge fist was blasted, and ten fire phoenixes hovered around the fist, bombarded him on his head, bombarded his head and raised it high, his mouth was smashed half, blood was smashed. It’s flowing down.


The figure of Qin double came out from the cave, watching the angry and roaring armor invincible, and his face showed a confident smile:

"I finally determined that your strength is greatly damaged. It seems that the destruction of the seven heads not only makes you lose seven avatars, but also makes your strength suffer."

"What about that? Even if you know, you must die."

"It's you who died!"

Qin double sword stabbed, the cracked Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang on the other side of the light bridge looked at the opposite side, where the Qinshuang and A invincible figures had disappeared, only a huge Feng Yujian virtual shadow.

The cracked scorpion gradually opened his mouth and stuttered:

"Sword field... Fengming... unexpectedly... comprehended... sword domain..."

Inside the sword field.

On top of a sword, it was full of long swords, and the piano was red and red, with a red giant sword behind it, and the hand was placed on top of the sword.

Under the sword, the Hydra looked at the doubles on the sword, and there was a panic in his eyes.

"Sword field?"

"Not bad!"

The piano double sleeves are raised.


On top of the sword, thousands of long swords vibrated together, and a sword lingered on the sword. With a bang, Wan Jian moves, whistling, like a sword river, rushing toward the invincible.


In the invincible eyes of A, there was a fear. The huge body once again swelled, and it was facing the sword field with two levels of low and low.


The scales of the invincible body were smashed, and a long-handled sword cut a wound on his body. The blood is sprayed like a spring. However, the body of the Hydra is still expanding, and the space in the sword field has begun to shake, and cracks have appeared.



A sword sings, the piano double pulls out the giant sword behind the feathers, and goes to the Hydra.

too fast!

At this time, Invincible had only this feeling, and then he felt a hot neck, and one of his heads fell from his neck. His inflated body suddenly stopped, and then began to shrink like a deflated ball.

"A invincible, in my sword field, as long as my mind is moving, the sword will arrive. You are faster than me, can't hide me, but also strong me!"


A invincible to start the space magical power, he did not start the space magical powers, but also holding the explosion of the sword domain, they can seriously hurt the idea of ​​Qin double. However, at this time, in addition to running away, there is no other idea.


He found that in the sword field of Qin double, his space magical power was actually imprisoned and could not be used at all.


Another sword flashed, and only one of the remaining heads of A was incapable of falling off the neck. The huge body crashed down. Qinshuang’s hands were combined, and Wan Dao’s sword was shot into the body of the Hydra, which shattered his knowledge of the sea and dug out nine Nei Dan. The piano doubled and waved, and the nine Nedans were put into the storage ring, and the body of the Hydra was taken into the storage ring.

The phoenix sword in the air dissipated, and the figure of Qin double appeared in the air and slowly landed on the ground. Splitting Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang opened their mouths and looked at the piano.


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