Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 545: Monster knife



"She, she, she... really killed A invincible, killed the powerful A invincible!"


Qin double spit out a blood, whispered in a low voice: "A invincible is really strong, it is the third in the demon list."

Qinshuang’s face showed painful color, and she was invincible with A. She was injured by A invincible several times, especially the tail that was pulled out. Although she only wiped her tail, she also broke her. Two ribs.

Her internal government has also suffered damage, and this fierce battle has almost consumed her power and spiritual power. If you are an ordinary person, you will not be able to recover without this one year.

The piano stepped toward the broken cave, and the sloping back disappeared into the eyes of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, once again standing in front of the gate. Only she did not immediately open the door, but took out a Vientiane fruit, took a few mouthfuls, and then took out the medicinal herbs and began to recover.

While recovering from cultivation, Qin double thought about the life and death war.

"I almost made all the cards, only to kill A invincible, and A invincible still died under my sword field because of the loss of seven avatars. And A invincible is only ranked third in the demon list, originally I I thought that no matter whether it is a demon or a demon, under Wu Sheng, no one is an opponent."

Vientiane is quickly repairing the body of the piano, and the drug is also rapidly recovering her cultivation.

"Although A invincible did not have a hand with the demon knife Gao Litian, but the demon **** list can exist in the demon world, and is recognized by the demon monk, must have its fairness, although A invincible does not accept the demon knife Gao Litian, but the demon knife Gao Litian There is a great possibility that it is stronger than A. Is such a master really dead in the secret?"

Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed through his wise eyes: “The battle with Invincible has made me more aware of the martial arts and the Fa, and the realm of all aspects has been consolidated. If the demon knife is not dead, can With him, it will definitely make my cultivation more refined."

In less than an hour, Vientiane will have the injury of the piano pair, and the repair is also restored to 50%. Qinqin stood up and took a few remedies and walked toward the gate.

Standing in front of the door, he reached out and pushed hard at the door.


With the heavy sound, the door was slowly pushed open by the piano. There is a passage. This passage is hovering and extending toward the bottom, I don’t know how deep it is. The piano stepped into the door.

"How did Feng Ming still not come out?" Fox Mei Niang looked at the opposite side of the light bridge.

"Maybe it is healing?" said the screaming voice.

Suddenly, the keen perception made the two people stand up and look back. I saw a tall man like a hill, carrying a giant knife behind him, standing at the end of a light bridge, looking at the light door on the light bridge.

The Scorpio is already strong enough, but the man is not bad. The body rises and breathes, giving a feeling of instability, and the rising atmosphere makes the space around his body from time to time showing a tiny crack.

That is because it is on the verge of a breakthrough, unable to control the changes in the body's breath, and the signs are emerging. And this person's rising breath is clearly a half-step demon, once it breaks, it is another demon.

The atmosphere was overwhelming and it seemed to be suppressed by something. It is as if a crouching dragon is waking up. Once you wake up, you will skyrocket and swim.

The splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang screamed: "The demon knife is high plowing."

"He is not dead!"

Splitting the sky and the fox Mei Niang in the heart, the demon knife high plowing the change of the body, they can naturally see that before entering the demon world, the demon knife Gao Litian has not been so imposing, split Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang stood In front of Gao Litian, there is also a momentum of competition.


Now, across a light bridge, both people feel that they have no confrontational thoughts. It was completely suppressed by the momentum of the demon knife Gao Litian.

"How could he... be so strong?"

The scorpio and the fox Mei Niang eyes locked the knives in the high plow days, but in less than two days, they saw the knives and the high ploughs crossed the light gates and walked onto the light bridges, step by step, and leisurely. After walking through the light bridge, I stepped onto the platform and walked over to the two big demons, the Scorpio and the Fox.

The two big demons of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang were nervous to the extreme. Although the injury was still far from being restored, the two big demons also mobilized the spiritual power and made preparations for the duel.

The demon knife Gao Litian walks step by step. Every step is like driving the space, as if the surrounding space is shaking, so that the heart of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang are very shocking.

The demon knife Gao Litian faintly looked at the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, but this one eyes, it seems that countless sharp cuts cut the body of the Scorpio and the fox Mei Niang, let the two big devils "squat" continuously back three steps . His face was pale and cold sweat oozing out of his body.

However, the demon knives Gao Litian only looked at them two faintly, they took back their eyes and walked past them. They came to a light door and stood there, looking at the light door. Inheritance.


The two big demons of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang spit out a long breath without a cover, and they sweated as they were. I looked at each other and showed the color of fear in my eyes.

Silence down on the platform, the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang looked at the two high-ploughed knives not far from them, Gao Litian looked at the inheritance on the light door.

Splitting the sky and the fox Mei Niang looked at each other, the two big demon regained their gaze, immediately sat down and began to race against time to recover.

The knives Gao Litian perceive the action of the two of them. They turned their heads and looked at them with a smug look. They are recovering from the smashing of the scorpio and the singer’s heart, and they can’t help but interrupt the breath. To the demon knife Gao Litian, seeing the playfulness in his eyes, the two people gave birth to a sense of shame. Before entering the demon world, everyone is doing the same. Why did the gap between them become so big after entering the demon world?

"You...the repair is so high, why is it coming now?" asked Fox Mei Niang.

The demon knife Gao Litian eyes reveals a trace of sarcasm: "You have been fascinated by the inheritance, but you have forgotten that the secret territory of the demon world is not only inheritance, there are countless big opportunities, it is also a good opportunity to sharpen oneself. Hehe is..."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Maybe you are scared by the corpse in the demon world, do not dare to sharpen yourself, huh, huh..."


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