Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 546: First seen transmission array



The face of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang showed a sigh of color: "You, you, you... have you been practicing in the secret world of the demon world?"

"It’s also organic, hehe..."

"You... are not afraid to die in the secret world of the demon world?" The shock in the eyes of Fox Mei Niang is even stronger.

"Death is dead, Xiu Xian was originally against the sky." Demon knife Gao Litian said faintly.

Fox Mei Niang and the cracked scorpion stunned, half-sounding, cracked and bitterly asked: "Are you a breakthrough in the mysterious secret?"

There is a trace of regret in the eyes of the demon knife Gao Litian: "It is not a breakthrough."

The eyes of the Scorpio are getting bitter and bitter: "But... you have already taken that step after all, you don't know how many demon gods, and you can't take that step in this life."

The demon knife turned to look at the opposite side of the light bridge, saw the collapse of the mountain over there, and slightly frowned:

“Has the demon monk passed?”

"Well!" The cracked sky licked the dry lips.

The demon knife Gao Litian slightly stunned his head and said: "Is it invincible?"

"Yeah!" Scorpio nodded again.

"Oh..." The demon knife Gao Litian smiled two channels: "No loss is the rank of Junjie who is behind me. But... Why did the mountain collapse? Is it dangerous to be invincible, or other Yaozu? The monk has passed?"

The Scorpio swallowed a mouthful of water: "There are monks who have passed."

"Who?" The look of the high-ploughed knives that have been calm has finally seen a wave of volatility.

"Feng Ming!"

"Feng Ming? The beginning of the demon?"

The face of the demon knife Gao Litian showed a trace of surprise, and then resumed calm, looking at the collapsed mountain road opposite the light bridge:

"So, Fengming has been killed by A invincible? But it can collapse such a hard mountain, it seems that the real strength of Fengming is not lost! Ha ha ... kill a Fengming, A invincible Making such a big move, it seems that he is not as strong as I thought. I used to overestimate him, huh, huh..."


The demon knife Gao Litian felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. He couldn’t help but look at the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang. When they saw the two monsters’ eyes, they could not help but instinctively ask:

"what happened?"

Fox Mei Niang’s lips moved, knowing that this matter is not too high, but she said:

"Feng Ming killed Gao Litian!"

"What's so strange... ah? What are you talking about?" The eyes of the knives Gao Litian suddenly swelled.

"I mean..." Fox Meiyan swallowed a slobber: "A invincible was killed by Fengming."

"how is this possible?"

The knives Gao Litian looked at the stunned scorpion and the fox Mei Niang in shock, and then took a deep breath. He knew that it was impossible for him to deceive him, so that it was the real killing of Fengming in the early days of the demon god. In the demon gods list is only invincible behind him.

"A little bit interesting! I can't wait!"

The knives Gao Litian will once again fall on the inheritance of the front door, and want to understand the last layer of this magical power as soon as possible, and then walk through the light bridge to meet Fengming.


Suddenly the whole space shook and saw that the light bridge collapsed, and the light door disappeared. The platform under the foot squirmed like a cloud.

The demon knife Gao Litian, the cracked Tianzhu and the fox Mei Niang three big demon face changes, one by one gaze around, but did not dare to have the slightest move, or the whole body is guarded up.

Suddenly, the three people felt a whirlwind, and everything around them became dark. When the darkness ended, the three of them found that they had stood in front of the hole in Wanxue Mountain, looking up, the three characters of Wan Yaoshan Still above the mountain wall.

"Are we being sent out?"

The faces of the three big demons were sluggish, and Fox Mei Niang whispered: "Is Feng Ming touching what prohibition?"

The knives in the eyes of Gao Litian spurted out anger. He had not yet realized the last layer of Shentong, and he did not go to see what happened to the opposite side of the light bridge. How was it transmitted?


His figure flew up and flew toward the cave.


The three characters of Wan Yaoshan, the big light, the light instantly touched the body of Gao Litian, the magic of Gao Litian was bombarded, crossed the head of the cracked Tianmu and Fox Mei Niang, far away Fell on the ground.


The demon knives screamed and leaped from the ground, like a gust of wind, rushing toward the cave again.


The body of the demon knife Gao Litian was once again bombarded by the light released by Wan Yaoshan, like a projectile, and fell far away.


The angry roar sounded, and the huge figure of the monster knife collided again.


Gao Litian took out the giant knives behind him. The knives with the knives were full of enchanting brilliance and slammed toward the hole.


The three characters of Wan Yaoshan suddenly released a dazzling light. A 10,000-color halo greeted Gao Litian’s giant knives, and the giant knives slammed high, then the halo slammed on the chest of Gao Litian. The cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang heard the sound of the broken sternum, and the shape of the knives of the high ploughed sky once again flew out like a projectile.


The sound of the huge impact on the ground came from far away, and the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang could not help but look at each other, and they couldn’t help but feel a painful feeling.


A tall figure fell in front of the cave, but this time the demon knife Gao Litian did not hit the hole again, but looked at the hole gloomyly, whispering:

"Feng Ming, you have interrupted my chance to understand Shentong, I will kill you personally."

Turn down and turn around.

I didn't even look at the hole, and I didn't even look at the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang, and strode away. Far from the sound of the demon knife Gao Litian:

"If you meet Fengming, tell her, be prepared to be chased by me."

"This is... transmission array?"

The piano doubled down the passage to the bottom, and then saw a stone platform. On the stone platform, a series of sinuous patterns were painted, giving the piano a double feeling. It was like a transmission array.

On the mainland of the warrior, Qin double has never seen, or even heard of the transmission array, she just saw the transmission array in the heritage of the **** piano.

When the piano doubled his mind, he called the demon phoenix from Dantian: "Feng Yan, what are you looking at?"

Feng Yan looked at the stone platform, and his eyes showed amazed color: "Transfer array!"

"Sure enough, it is a transmission array!" Qin doubled and said: "Unfortunately, with our current strength, we can't deploy the transmission array."

Feng Yan nodded: "If you want to set up a transmission array, you need a big master. I haven't reached that realm yet. However, I can use a transmission array to personally perceive the space transmission, which is very big for comprehending the transmission array. help."


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