Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 547: create



Qin nodded and said: "Let's come and feel it."

Qin double took Feng Yan back to Dan Tian, ​​letting himself and Feng Yan be in a state of mind and mind, stepping on the stone platform.

Looking down at the six holes on the stone platform, I took out six pieces of the best stone.


The whole stone platform was lit up and the piano was shrouded in. The piano double felt that the space began to distort and fell into a darkness, as if it was just a moment, the eyes were bright, and the feeling of tearing his body disappeared, but the brain still had some slight dizziness.

Raised his eyes and swept around, no danger was found. This made the piano double sigh of relief. Instead of taking a close look at the surroundings, she took a few remedies and ran a little. This opened her eyes and looked around.

This is not the space in the demon world. As for the rest of the demon world, Qin double does not know, because she is very strange to the demon world.

The piano double looked around, and this time she felt different. This should not be the other place in the demon world, but an independent space that has been developed.

This space is only about a thousand miles, giving the impression that it is a circular space. The space that constitutes this space is a pattern and a pattern, which flows around and forms a magnificent color barrier.

The eyes of Qin double are attracted by the center of this space, where there is a spherical thing. The spherical thing is not big, and the feeling of the double is the same.

That is a light ball!

Only this light ball is shrouded in dense patterns and patterns, and it is impossible to see whether the ball is hollow or solid.

The curiosity of Qin double was hooked up and carefully walked toward the ball of light. Until she stood in front of the ball of light, and saw that the ball of light still had no reaction, then she gently breathed a sigh of relief and concentrated on the ball of light.

However, the streaks and patterns on the ball of light are too dense, completely blocking the line of sight of the piano. The piano double released the power of knowing the sea, but it was bounced back in an instant. She released the power of the soul and was also bounced back. The piano double wrinkled his brows, and his mind stunned. Both Feng Yan and Feng Ming were summoned from the nod. Three people stood in front of the ball of light and began to study the above patterns and patterns.

Qin double as the master of the peak of the road, quickly analyzed these patterns, which also made her a little relieved, slightly turned to look at Feng Yan, could not help but frowned.

"what happened?"

Feng Yan shook his head and said: "My realm is not enough. I can't crack these patterns. What's more, these patterns are also effectively combined with the fringes. Although these patterns and patterns are separated separately, they should not be the peak masters. The situation, but when the pattern and the pattern are combined, it is not weaker than the peak of the Grand Master."

Qin double frowned and thought for a while, then nodded: "You said it is good. However, even if it can not be temporarily cracked, but want to see what is inside the ball, there should be no problem."

The Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea is transmitted from the eyebrows, and a pattern of strokes is continuously constructed in the air, and then the pattern of the traces falls on the ball of light. After the traces of the road fell, it was seen that the original dense patterns and patterns on the ball gradually changed the flow direction, and a dense gap covered the gap.

The piano doubled through the gap, narrowed his eyes and looked into the inside.

It turned out to be a space! And it is still not less than the space where the piano is located.

"There is still space property!"

Qin Shuang’s heart shook and looked at the world inside the ball of light. He saw a thing in the center of the light ball space that he didn’t know how to describe.

And that thing is still changing shape, and it becomes a dragon in a while, it becomes a phoenix in a while, it becomes a basalt in a while, becomes a white tiger in a while, and becomes a unicorn in a while, for a while It became a cracked scorpion, and it became a green cow in a while, and became a snake in a while...

In short, it is no longer changing, it is like a piece of flesh and blood, but this piece of flesh and blood does not seem to belong to a body, sometimes this piece of flesh and blood will be divided into several individuals, respectively, showing the characteristics of various demons, such as Dragons, phoenixes, cows, etc., then the flesh and blood of these different characteristics collide and go together again. Sometimes, this piece of flesh and blood will show the characteristics of several demons at the same time.

"What is this?"

Qin double is completely paralyzed. She has never seen this kind of situation. When she thinks about it, she will call Xuanwu out of Haoran’s heart. Xuanwu squats on the shoulders of Qinshuang, squinting at the small eyes, looking through the gap between the pattern and the pattern on the ball of light, toward the world inside the ball of light.

After seeing a half-sound, Xuanwu said with some hesitation: "This... seems to be a fusion of different ethnic demon people..."

Having said that, Xuanwu’s look suddenly changed: “Don’t the demon king’s ancestor’s big demon want to create a kind of demon?”

“Create a new kind of demon?” Qin’s heart shocked and once again looked at the thing in the world of lightball. From time to time, things that change shape are changed.

"It looks like it looks like it!"

"It's not like, but it's true!" Xuanwu's voice was somewhat embarrassed: "I thought that some of our protoss had had this idea before."

"Thoughts? What ideas? Such thoughts?" Qin double regained his gaze: "Slow, you want to create a race, what is going on here? Tell me."

"Actually, there is nothing to say!" Xuanwu was on the shoulders of Qinshuang, and his eyes showed the color of memories: "Although we are protoss, we always feel that Heaven has given us different things, but we also gave We are shackles. Maybe we can stand at the top of one world, but it is impossible to break free from the shackles of heaven and jump out of the heavens. We are not willing, once thought about taking out our apex and flesh and blood, splitting out the gods, then Combine the ancestral ancestral flesh and blood, the heart of the blood and the gods to create a new protoss. This protoss will blend the advantages of all our protoss, and may be able to break away from the shackles of heaven."

"Are you crazy?" Qin looked at Xuanwu with a mistake.

Xuanwu was silent, and Qin Qin asked: "Where did you do it?"

"No!" Xuanwu shook his head: "The heart and the splitting gods are still in the heart, and they will always recover. But when they go to the apex, they will hurt the roots. So we have not dared to do this."


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