Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 548: Longevity tree


"Call..." Qin double spit out a long breath: "Fortunately, otherwise I don't know what kind of monster you will create."

"Monster?" Xuanwu said: "Is there a monster in the ball of light?"

The piano doubled in the heart, and then many things suddenly became transparent.

In the ancient times, the demon and the Terran war, the final defeat returned to the demon world, but also the people of the seal of the demon world and the human world. The most important thing is that the power of the ancestors of the demon family, the death of the dead, the serious injury of the serious injury, barely blocking the Terran, while returning to the demon world, life has reached a dying moment. Since it is necessary to die anyway, take a slap in the flesh and blood, create a new demon, and then let this new demon lead the demon to attack the human world and avenge them. This is completely true.

Qin double squinted again, looking through the gap between the pattern and the pattern, and suddenly stood up. The figure is not a step back.

Just a moment through the gap, she saw two behemoths fighting each other. It’s just that the two giants are too strange, the shape that Qin has never seen before, and it’s really a visual impact.

Taking a deep breath, the piano double approached the ball of light again, looking through the gap between the pattern and the pattern, towards the world of lightball.

Then I saw two behemoths, my body was twisted, my face was also distorted, and I was terrible. A behemoth had dozens of characteristics of the Yaozu, and the other had dozens of characteristics of the monster.

These two behemoths are swallowing each other, and the bodies of the two giants are not solid.

"It is the **** of the gods!" Xuanwu, who was kneeling on the shoulders of Qin, said that he looked at the two giants in the world of lightball.

"Yuan Shen?" Qin double surprised: "What is this god?"

"This is the **** of engulfing the fusion." Xuanwu’s voice revealed excitement: "You forgot what I just said, creating a new race, a genius, a **** heart, and a split god. Creating a new race requires several steps. One is the fusion of the flesh, the second is the fusion of the gods, and finally the fusion of the gods and the flesh. Now, those flesh and blood are still in harmony. But this **** It has been merged into two. All the gods should be swallowed up by these two gods. The next thing to do is that one of the two gods will devour another."

Qin double regained his gaze and looked at the spherical world, and there was no help in his eyes. Even if she wants to destroy this world of lightball, she does not have that ability.

Her realm has arrived, but the realm of the road is not enough. It’s not enough to repair itself. Even if you want violence, you can't do it.


Two behemoths collided again.


There was a crack above the ball of light. The plaids and patterns on the top of the ball swayed in a circle. About seven times of time, the lines and the striated lines quickly flowed, eliminating the cracks on the ball.

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse of the power from the cracks in the cracks. The strength of Qin double has crossed the threshold of Wu Sheng, and the Qin double has not seen Wu Sheng, but at that moment, it is just the silk power that overflows from the gap, that is, Qin double has never seen The power of the past. Qin double does not doubt, if you face the two behemoths, there is no slight resilience, let alone the other side of a finger can crush themselves, I am afraid to blow a sigh of relief, I will be able to blow myself away.

"so smart!"

Xuanwu’s look has also become dignified: “This is just not fully integrated. If they can truly integrate and form a heart of life, I am afraid I can really break away from the shackles of heaven.”

"Fortunately, there is this light ball to block!" Qin doubled a long breath and continued to look inside, pointing to the light ball inside the body of the new life:

"There is a tree there."

Xuanwu was on the shoulder of Qinshuang, looking toward the tree, his face was changed:

"Longevity tree!"

"Longevity tree? What tree is that?"

Xuanwu’s face became very dignified, and he observed a half-sound: “It should be a long-lived tree.”

Over-the-head, I looked at the piano and said: "The so-called long-lived tree is not a tree born in the heavens and the earth, but a kind of tree that was born by spiritual power and born, and must also be the spirit of various attributes. The tree that can be nurtured by the integration of forces."

Qin double looks at the tree in the light ball: "All kinds of spiritual powers can be combined to form such a tree!"

"It's not that easy!" Xuanwu shook his head. "It can be said that it is extremely difficult. The great master of the ancestor of the longevity tree must extract the essence of his cultivation, and the integration of the infinite time will not be able to be nurtured. A long-lived tree. The conditions required are extremely demanding. I didn't think that the Yaozu of this world has such great strength, and with such a big chance, it really gave birth to a long-lived tree."

Qin double thought about it: "These demon people were originally born in Shouyuan, and since they are willing to take out the apex of flesh and blood and their blood, and their gods, and then take out their own fine elements, there is nothing unusual."

"That is also true." Xuanwu nodded.


The two huge objects in the ball of light collided again and the ball was once again bombarded with a gap. The power that was sprayed out of the gap pushed the body of the piano double and could not help but step back. It’s awkward:

"The two of them collided like this, will they collapse this light ball?"

"No!" Xuanwu shook his head. "The strength of the two of them is still not up to that height. They are only the gods. When they are fully integrated, they will merge with the flesh and form a new life. The ball of light is truly born."

Qin doubled and said: "If such a big demon is born, who else is his opponent?"

Xuanwu heard that he stayed, and then looked at each other and his eyes showed fear.


The two behemoths in the ball of light constantly collide, causing a continuous crack in the ball of light, but the crack of the road can not be filled for a few moments, and then it is closed by the streaks and the lines.

"Right, Xuanwu, what role does the longevity tree play in creating new life?"

Xuanwu stayed for a while, and finally sighed for a moment: "These demon people are very big! The results of the longevity tree every 10,000 years can only produce one long fruit at a time, and the fruit is a fusion of various elements. The result will become an unattractive fruit. This fruit is taken by that new life and once it is really successful, it becomes a non-attribute."

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