Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 549: Heartbeat


"No attribute body?"

"Good! No attribute body is an extremely rare body, can absorb any kind of spiritual cultivation, and can also practice the Tao of any attribute. This kind of body is very overbearing, and the cultivation of the Tao is also very overbearing. You It is conceivable that an ordinary monk can only cultivate one attribute and can only communicate the power of a property. Even if you practice a variety of attributes, usually only one attribute can be released. Can not combine a variety of attributes, you are now a fusion of Fenghuo and Xuan Shui, just a pseudo-fusion, far from the true fusion. However, the attribute-free physique is quite different. They can integrate multiple attributes, we have merged Fenghuo and Xuan Shui, you have seen the power of the explosion. So you can imagine that this unqualified physique combines all the attributes and the power of the explosion."

"Hey..." Qin double couldn't help but take a cold breath: "Multi-attributes can really fuse? How did he do it?"

"Because there is no attribute physique."

Xuanwu looked into the ball of light, constantly changing the flesh and blood of various colliding bodies, and looking at the long tree, the eyes showed a strong taboo:

"This kind of physique can naturally fuse various attributes, or it can be said that no attribute is the origin of various attributes. Various attributes are derived from no attributes. If no attribute is formed, nature does not exist. The problem of not being able to merge. Moreover, this is also the key to these demon people wanting to create new life."

“Key? What is the key?”

"If you want to create a new life that jumps out of the shackles of the heavens and the shackles, you must fuse the flesh and blood of the various ancestor-level demons, and the spirits of the ancestors will be merged. The attributes of the ancestor-level demons are different, so they must be eliminated. Attributes become non-attributes, and they can be perfectly blended to form a new life. Otherwise, the flesh and blood body must collapse. You see, today, although this body has not collapsed, it has been turned into various shapes from time to time, which means that they still Not fully integrated.

Of course, they have not collapsed, indicating that they are in a smooth integration. The reason for the smooth integration is because of the long fruit on the long tree. Every 10,000 years of maturing a long fruit, the body of the body to bear the long fruit, so that the body can be further integrated, it can be said that without this long tree, this body can not be successfully integrated. ”

Qin double looked at the hot air: "Since it is called a long-lived tree, should it have a long-lived effect?"

"Since I jumped out of the shackles of heaven, I can naturally live forever."

“Is there really a person in the world who is not dead?”

"It's just a longevity, not necessarily not dead! The shackles of Heaven are not one. As long as you constantly break through the self and smash the shackles of the heavens, you will continue to grow your life. Finally reach the true life with the world. The longevity is only extended. The Shouyuan, the monk has more time to smash the shackles."

"That... If I ate the long fruit, would it make me integrate various attributes?"

Xuanwu indulged in a moment: "If you can continue to eat long fruit, just like the new life in the ball of light, there is a long-lived fruit every 10,000 years, and it is not impossible. But, don't say you don't have that. Opportunity, can't get in this ball of light. Even if you can get in and not be killed by the two gods, I will see that the long tree is about to die."


"Yes! When the essence of the growing tree is consumed, it will naturally die. And I will see this long tree, after finishing this long fruit, it should die. That is, this long fruit. After maturity, if this new life is not yet fully integrated, this creation will fail."

The piano squinted and said: "If I steal the long fruit, will this new life's creation fail?"

"Should be!" Xuanwu nodded, then Huoran turned his head and looked at the piano double: "Do you want to steal that long fruit?"

"Yes! Yes!" Qin looked at the fruit of the long tree in the ball of light: "There is no chance, there are two giants inside, and this light ball is often blasted out of a crack. You can take advantage of this opportunity to steal the fruit. Xuanwu, do you say that the fruit is useful to me?"

Xuanwu looked at the longevity fruit: "The long fruit is only eight mature, not fully mature. But it also has an effect on you. For example, you can increase your life, although the increase is not as mature as it is. It can also promote you more. The fusion of attributes, although not able to turn you into a non-attribute physique, can help you with a little more insight into the opportunity. Most importantly, it can greatly enhance your cultivation for you."

“How much can you improve?” Qin’s eyes are bright.

Xuanwu indulged in a moment: "If you promote the martial arts and the law, you should be able to upgrade two or three small steps. If you raise the martial arts or the law alone, you can at least improve the three small steps, and even improve the four or five small. Order."

The eyes of the piano pair are like two small suns, and they look like the eyes of the piano. The face of Xuanwu’s face is worried:

"Shantou, the two gods inside are not simple. Although they can't come out, they can also attack you through the crack of the light ball. Just a little bit of attack against you will be able to blow you away. You really Want to steal that longevity?"

"I want to try!" Qin Shuang's gaze gradually became firm: "Stealing the long fruit is not only to improve my cultivation. Of course, my law is relatively low and needs to be improved quickly. However, more is to prevent this new life from being born. You just said that this longevity is the last one. Without this long fruit, this new life is likely to die. I can't let him be born. Otherwise it is a catastrophe of the Terran."

"Then you have to be ready, steal the longevity fruit and run immediately, running at the fastest speed."

“Run at the fastest speed?”

The piano double thought a little, and let Feng Yan set up a layer-and-layer method between the light ball and the transmission array, and then Feng Feng was taken into Dantian. Going back to the ball of light again, his eyes locked the ball of light.


Inside the ball of light, two huge gods collided again, and a crack appeared on the ball of light. A tiny phoenix phoenix came out of the brow's eyebrows, got into the crack and fell to the ground inside the ball of light. Qin double watched the tiny fire phoenix nervously. When he saw that the fire phoenix landed safely on the ground, it did not attract the attention of the two gods. The piano double sighed slightly.

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