Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 550: escape



Two huge gods are constantly hitting, you bite me, I grab you, and the gods increase a little later, and the other gods increase a little longer. Vertex fiction updated fastest

The tiny little phoenix of the little finger size fell on the ground, taking a small step on the ground and carefully approaching the longevity tree. The piano doubled his mind and took out all the masters left behind and the symbols of the great masters. They were ready to release at any time.

When the back of the piano double oozes sweat, the tiny phoenix finally comes under the long tree, then gently dances its wings and flies toward the tree.


The collision of two huge gods, a crack appeared on the ball of light, and the piano double quickly threw all the symbols out of the crack and threw it to the right side of the ball.

The tiny phoenix has already flown to the top of the longevity tree and came to the longevity fruit. The body suddenly grew up in the size of a slap, and the long-lived fruit that had not yet fully matured was licked in the mouth, and then swiftly flew toward the sky.


Two huge gods collided again, and a crack appeared on the ball of light.


All the symbols in the ball of light blasted in an instant, attracting the attention of the two huge gods who are fighting. The piano double hands repeatedly, and a road sign was formed between the hands and fell on the crack on the light ball. Although the piano double can not crack the pattern and pattern on the light ball. However, when cracks appear on the ball of light, she can also delay the bridging of the crack.

The fierce cracks of the fire and phoenix are getting closer and closer, and the cracks on the light ball are getting smaller and smaller. Qin's forehead was covered with sweat, trying to stop the crack on the ball of light.


The two huge gods in the ball of light suddenly looked up, and the two pairs of eyes looked at the direction of the fire phoenix. Then there was a roar, and each of them reached out with a big hand and patted the fire phoenix.


The fire phoenix spewed the long fruit out of his mouth and spurred the crack on the ball of light.


The fire phoenix was dissipated by a slap, and the force of the sea of ​​the piano was transmitted from the eyebrow. As a snake, it penetrated into the crack, and the long fruit that was close at hand was taken back. Grab the long fruit, the feet squat on the ground, the feet are burning, and the body shape is like a popular general flying backwards in the direction of the transfer table.


A raging roar, then the two giant gods fought and punched toward the ball of light with only a gap in the gap.


The first huge god, a punch on the slender crack on the ball of light, the crack slammed and then expanded. The second god, a palm pierced through the crack, and grabbed the piano against the inverted fly.

“Get up!”

The continual violent drunkenness of the piano, the phoenix blasting method suddenly burst into flames, or turned into a thick wall, or turned into a mountain, blocking before the palm of the hand.


The wall fell, the mountain collapsed...


The double feet of the piano fell on the transmission array, and the hand waved, and the six best spirit stones fell into the holes of the transmission array. The transmission array shone and the body shape of the piano disappeared.

The next moment.

Qinqin has appeared in the inheritance of the demon world. When the figure is swept, he jumped off the transfer platform. With a bang, he pulled out the giant sword behind him and sent it to the past. .


The transmission array was torn apart, and the piano pair had just breathed a sigh of relief, and a black vortex appeared in the space in front of him. The basalt on the shoulder shouted in horror:

"He can shuttle the space and run!"

The piano double heart beats violently, the fire phoenix body instantly opens, and the Xuan Shui and Feng Huo spirits merge, and Feng Xiang technique is applied to the extreme. U-turned and flew along the Panshan Pass, leaving behind a series of fire and phoenix dancing behind her.

"How can he shuttle the space?" Qin Qin shouted.

"His power, it is normal to be able to shuttle space."

"Then why don't you find it?"

"How do I know if he can rush out of the ball for so long?"


The piano doubled along the winding mountain passage, and the big hand behind it bombarded the dodge. The entire passage began to smash, the mountain wall began to smash, and large chunks of stone chased and fell behind the piano. A huge impact hit the back of the piano double. The back of the piano double flesh and blood, the bones are broken and broken, the internal government is broken, and a piece of blood is mixed with pieces of organs. The minds are showing a coma. It was only that the palm of the hand slammed on the mountain wall and crashed on her back.

Xuanwu saw the Qinshuangqiu continually spurting blood and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry to eat the longevity fruit."

The double backhand put the long fruit into his mouth, and the mouth swallowed a few mouths, and the foot continued to run along the mountain road.


The ban on the entire inheritance began to collapse, and the piano flew forward with its teeth. Xuanwu, who was kneeling on the shoulders of the piano, looked back and shouted at the piano:

"The big hand has only one blow. Now it should have been closed by the crack of the light ball and shut him down. Even if you want to make a crack again, you can't break the space and track you accurately. But you don't stop. The ban on this inheritance is collapsing. If you are caught up in the collapse of the collapse, you will be broken. You must run to prevent the collapse of the front, otherwise it will be a dead end."

The piano gave birth to a phoenix in two steps, like a lightning, followed by a mountain to fly, and behind them, the entire passage collapsed, forming a black void vortex, chasing away toward the piano.

At the same time, the energy of the longevity fruit broke out in the body of the piano, and the body of the piano was repaired hundreds of times faster than the fruit. Her internal organs, bones, muscles, etc. quickly recovered, and the speed of the piano doubles returned to its peak.

But this is not over yet.

The spiritual power in the body, the power of the sea, and the power of the soul are all rising wildly. In the heart of the piano, I am afraid that my martial arts will be greatly improved, and the distance from Wusheng will be getting closer and closer. However, once Wusheng is broken, the various spiritual powers in her body will overflow from the military. Come, Dantian will explode, causing the piano to explode and die.

It’s really a night of rain, and at this time, the only solution is to immediately see the idea, so that all the energy of the longevity fruit is absorbed by the sea.


She was at the moment of her escape, not in a retreat. In the case of a breakthrough, if you are a little careless, you will go into flames and know that the sea will be broken and your head will explode.

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