Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Break through



From the swallowing of her long fruit, she has not yet ran out of the gate, but in such a short period of time, Qin double feels that all aspects of his own have reached the critical point of breakthrough.

She immediately handed over the task of escape to the soul. The soul controlled the body of the piano. It was changed from Fengxiang to Feifeng dance. It was like a flying phoenix flying along the passage, leaving behind a series of blurred afterimages. Those afterimages have not waited to dissipate, but they were swallowed up by the whirlpool of the chasing after the pursuit, and they quickly chased them toward the piano.

After Qin Qin gave the body to the power of the soul, he began to look at the fire and phoenix in the sea. He knew the phoenix that was born in the sea. The pattern on his body became brighter and more complex.


The phoenix fire of Qinshuang was broken into the fifth layer of the Yuan Ying period. The spirit in the sky chased the piano doubles in a frenzy, and the silk rhyme fluttered and chased the piano pair. Qin Double's knowledge of the sea at this time is completely in an ethereal state, like a sponge, absorbing the rhythm of the silk, and continue to increase the pattern of the fire and phoenix.

What Qinqin still doesn't know is that at this time, she is mixing the mysterious water and the phoenix firepower, and there is a real fusion. This situation is hard to come by. It is the great opportunity that the longevity fruit brought to her.


Qin double rushed out of the gate, just rushed out of the gate, I felt a dizzy, black eyes, my heart was not good. But for a moment, it was a bright light, and I found that I had been sent out of Wanxue Mountain. Not far from her, I was standing in the cracking of Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang. Looking at the piano pair with a dull look, in their field of vision, they saw the piano double dragging the rich rhyme and rushed out of the cave.

"Run!" The piano is big.

Splitting Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang because Qin double used to save their lives with Vientiane, so they have instinctive belief in Qin double, do not want to think, turn around and flee. However, the injuries of the two of them have not recovered by half, but they were chased up by the piano in an instant. Qin double grabbed two people with one hand and ran wildly toward the distance. At the same time, her knowledge of the sea, the fire and phoenix Yuan Ying flying, the body rumbling and violent, the body's pattern is rapidly increasing, becoming mysterious and mysterious, releasing a magnificent color.

After being watched by the scorpion scorpion in the hands of the scorpion and the fox singer, they heard the loud bang, and the entire Wan Yao Mountain collapsed and collapsed. It was only an instant effort, and the Wan Yao Mountain that towered into the cloud completely disappeared and became A huge pit. Layers of space cracks chased them, and they scared the Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang:

"Feng Ming runs, run!"

Qin double has already brought the speed to the extreme. In her knowledge of the sea, the Yuan Ying Huo Feng has become more and more tall, and the pattern on her body is more and more versatile. The fairy tales are filled, like a ancestor-level phoenix is ​​reborn. .

The phoenix's eyes became deeper, the two phoenix claws became more sharp, and the nine phoenix tails were like the nine-handed sword. The body's breath became more and more magnificent, and the blossoming flame rose in the body of the fire phoenix.


Qinhuang's phoenix fire method is a breakthrough to the sixth floor. The more and more powerful rhyme will cover the piano, making the splitting scorpion and the fox singer stunned.

“Have she been breaking through? Breaking through in flight?”


After chasing the piano, the cracks in their three spaces finally became weak and eventually stopped, and the cracks in the tunnel began to gradually close. The piano pair will throw the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang to the ground and throw them away without going back.

"Feng sister..."

The two big demons, regardless of the pain of being thrown on the ground by the piano, stretched out their hands and shouted into the air, but found that the figure had disappeared in the air.

The two men looked at each other and said, "Is it just a breakthrough?"

Fox Mei Niang indulged in a moment: "It feels like, but it doesn't look like."

"What do you mean?" The sly sly looked at the fox Mei Niang.

"The kind of sound is like a breakthrough, but you don't feel that the level of the sound is far less than the true repair of Feng Sister?"

"Yeah!" Splitting the sky and screaming: "Feng sister is the third layer of the demon god, but the feeling of the breakthrough gives me the feeling of Yuan Ying. What is going on? Is it that the body of Feng sister appeared? problem?"

Fox Mei Niang nodded and said: "It should be a problem!"

The face of the cracked scorpion became ugly: "It seems that the phoenix sister still does not trust us. Her body has a problem and must be eager to find a place to treat. But I am afraid that the two of us will kill her when she is healed. This will throw us both here and go alone to find a cure."

Fox Mei Niang’s face became ashamed: “This is not to blame Feng’s sister. We are all along with the demon world. You dare to say that you have not explored the bottom of Feng’s sister, and then look for the opportunity to kill Feng’s sister?”

The cracked face is red and red: "Don't you?"

"Yes!" Fox Mei Niang nodded quickly and made a slap in the face, and then said: "But, Feng Sister saved our lives twice. How can I kill her heart again? How can she protect her? Not too late."

"But, Feng sister doesn't know." Fox Mei Niang shook her head.

"We have to go to find Feng sister, it is too dangerous in the secret world of the demon world." The cracked sky shook his head and looked around.

Fox Mei Niang smiled bitterly: "Where are we going to find? With our two physical conditions, we can't catch up with Feng's sister. At this time, Feng sister may have changed direction and I don't know where to go."

The Scorpio also bowed his head and stood there, but in the end it was a sigh: "I hope that the phoenix sister is a good man!"

Fox Mei Niang nodded, then turned to look at the direction of Wan Yaoshan: "Let's see it in the past?"

"it is good!"

The Scorpio nodded and the two big devils swept away in the direction of Wan Yaoshan. When they return to Wan Yao Mountain again, there is Wan Yao Mountain, there is only one deep pit. Looking at this big pit, the sky is changing:

"What did Feng Sister encounter in Wan Yaoshan? Make such a big move."

"You said, will there be anything terrible in the Wanbao Mountain?"

Splitting Scorpio thought about it and shook his head. "Isn't it possible? With such a big movement, if something is sealed inside, will that terrible thing run out?"

"Also!" Fox Mei Niang nodded.

"When I see the sister of Feng, we ask."

"Don't!" Fox Mei Niang shook her head: "If Feng sister took the initiative to talk to us, we will listen. If Feng sister does not mention, we will not ask."

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