Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 552: a glimmer of fusion


"Also!" Scorpio nodded and said: "This is the way to life and death friends. The vertex novel is the fastest update."

"Let's go, let's find a place to recover!"

"it is good!"


The body of the piano doubled up and flew again, and once again came to the lake where she killed the water-contained corpse, and she continued to rush into the lake and sank to the deepest part of the lake.

Soon, the entire lake was covered with a strong spiritual power, forming a cloud of clouds that obscured the entire lake surface and then slowly rotated to form a cloud of whirlpool. The rhythm of the silk is like a dragonfly, hangs down to the bottom of the lake, around the body of the piano double, absorbed by the piano, comprehend. The rich longevity ability of the body provides a breakthrough energy for the piano pair.

At this time, the piano double is already the sixth layer of the Yuan Ying period, and it is still rapidly improving. Sitting on the bottom of the lake, the piano has a painful color on the face. It is because the energy of the longevity fruit is too large. At this time, the Qin double is trying to improve the Fadao, closing the Dantian and letting the energy of the long fruit. Can only be provided to the sea of ​​knowledge, so that her knowledge of the sea is expanding, although it has not reached the level of the sea, but the intense pain also makes the piano double.

However, there is not much worry in the heart of Qin double. When you can't hold it, you can't open Dantian and let the martial arts help to consume some of the longevity fruit. Of course, the best results can still be used to cultivate the Fa.

One hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!


Qinshuang’s Fenghuo Law once again made a breakthrough and climbed to the seventh floor of the Yuan Ying period.


In her knowledge, there was a bang in the sea, and the fire and phoenix became more and more beautiful. The pattern on her body became more and more versatile, and she danced around the town demon tower. Qinshuang still looks at the mouth, looks at the heart, knees at the bottom of the lake, motionless.

One by one, the Tiandao pattern was conceived by the Qinshuang in the body of Yuanying Huofeng, and gradually upgraded the Fenghuo of the Qinshuang to the seventh layer of the Yuan Ying period.

However, Qin double did not continue to break through, but chose to start thinking about Xuanwu, breaking through the Xuan Shui method.

The Xuanshui method is only a knot period, and with the help of longevity fruit, it can be upgraded more quickly. It was only less than a quarter of an hour, and the piano layer had already reached the critical point. The eleventh layer of the knot period broke through the twelfth layer of the knot.

At this time, in the sea of ​​Qinshuang, Xuan Shui Fa Road only has the largest base building at the bottom, and a large egg above the base is Xuan Shui Jie Dan, eight water mine beads. Surrounded by the mysterious water lily.

The energy of the longevity fruit is filled in the sea, and the silk enters into the Xuan Shui Dan. There is also a dense rhyme that blends into the sea of ​​the piano and penetrates into the water. Let Xuan Shui Dan be more blue, brighter and more beautiful.

The last floor of the building base began to roll up, slowly wrapped the Xuan Shui Dan inside, so that Xuan Shui Dan had a big layer.


Xuan Shui Dan trembled, Qin Shuang's Xuan Shui method was upgraded to the thirteenth floor of the knot. After the tremor of the interest rate, the Xuanshui Dan stabilized, and then began to slowly rotate, the strong sense of the sea and the silk rhyme continued to infiltrate into Xuan Shui Dan, so that Xuan Shui Dan Dan Li to the extreme.

After half a day, Xuan Shui Dan has reached the thirteenth peak. Arrived at the critical point of breaking Dan into infants.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

The accumulation of Xuan Shui Dan finally reached its peak. “咔嚓”, Xuan Shui Dan was broken, and a Xuanwu drilled out from Xuan Shui Dan. Zhang opened his mouth toward the shattered Xuan Shui Dan, and the Xuan Shui Dan became a A mysterious and mysterious pattern was sucked into the mouth by Xuanwu.

The Xuanshui Law was repaired as the first floor of the Yuan Ying period.

Qin double did not choose to continue to break through Xuan Shui cultivation, do not look at Xuan Shui repair is just to break through the first layer of the Yuan Ying period. However, the breakthrough from the knot period to the Yuan Ying period is a big checkpoint. The energy of the long-fruited fruit consumed is no more than the energy of the three layers of continuous fire.

Qin Double immediately began to think about the White Tiger. The Ruijin method was only the ninth floor of the knot period, but for the Yuan Ying period, the energy of the longevity fruit consumed by this state began to drop a lot. Qinqin improved quickly, but in less than a day, he upgraded Ruijin to the thirteenth floor of the knot, and then began to impact the Yuan Ying period.

At this time, the energy of the longevity fruit is not as embarrassing as before, and it is also a big checkpoint from the knotting period to the Yuan Ying period, so that the piano double consumes a whole day and one night, and finally Rui Jinxiu breaks through to the Yuan Ying period. level one. In addition, the Ruijin method was upgraded to the first peak of the Yuan Ying period. It was found that the energy of the longevity fruit was almost left, and the Dantian was released. This release of Dantian, the energy of the long fruit was poured into Dantian.

What surprised the piano was that the energy of this long fruit did not individually improve a certain spiritual power, but evenly flowed toward a physical body and three spiritual forces. When the four martial arts are the same, they open their mouths and **** at the energy of the long fruit, and they will absorb the energy of the longevity fruit.

The piano double senses the changes in the body and the changes in the martial arts. Although there is no slight change in the body or the military, the piano double has no slightest intolerance and still perceives it in detail. Unconsciously, the time of day passed. Qinqin could not help but frown slightly.

Ruijinwudao is still the eighth floor of Emperor Wudi, and there is no improvement.

Xuan Shui Wu Road is still the first floor of Wushen. There is no improvement.

Fenghuo Wudao is still the third floor of Wushen. There is no improvement.

“The energy of those long fruits has no effect on the martial arts?”



Suddenly, a strange appearance in the perception of Qin double, she felt that the physical body and the three spiritual forces have a trace of ......

Do not!

Not a contact!

It is a common feature.

This makes the spirit of the piano double!

It should be known that in the body of Qinqin, the physical body of the body represents the body of the Qinshuang, the Fenghuo Wuxiang represents the Fenghuo spiritual power, and the Xuanshuiwuxiang represents the Xuanshui spiritual power, and the Ruijinwuxiang represents Sharp gold spirit.

There is no such thing as the same in these four aspects.


At this moment, Qin double felt that there was a similarity between them.

Not only do the three spiritual powers have one thing in common, but the three spiritual and physical feelings are more integrated. In the past, the body was the body of the double piano. The spiritual power was that the piano double absorbed the aura of the heavens and the earth into the body. After a large week, it turned into Dantian. In other words, spiritual power is an outsider for the flesh. Spirituality is more like a settler.

However, at this moment, the two have a tendency to be independent of each other.

what does this mean?

Qinqin thought hard and suddenly his eyes lit up like two little suns.

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