Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Try to fuse three attributes



This means that the body of the piano has the potential to breed spiritual power.

This idea has never been seen in the world of cultivation, and at least it has never been heard in the memory of Qin.

Breeding spiritual power!

Isn't that the universe and the universe?

Suddenly, the heart of Qin double is another move. The three spirits of Fenghuo, Xuanshui and Ruijin have something in common. Although it is very weak, does it make the three spiritual forces merge?

Qin double was deeply shocked by his own thoughts and calmed down his emotions. When the state of mind was restored to the Qingming period, Qin double tried to extract a drop of spiritual power from Feng Huo Wu Xiang and Xuan Shui Wu Xiang. These two drops of spiritual power rushed to each other in the moment of appearing in Dantian, making the piano double scared. A cold sweat came out. But after the two drops of spiritual force collided together, they did not resemble the previous explosion, but they did not fully merge, but only merged with one tenth.

This has already made the piano double excited and almost jumped up. You must know that this is not the combination of the Qin and the phoenix fire, but the active integration of the two attributes, and it is a true fusion, not before the Qinshuang. That kind of pseudo-fusion.

"Try three attributes!"

A drop of sharp gold spirit spit out from the mouth of Ruijin Wuxiang, drifting toward the mysterious water and phoenix fire that blended one tenth, and then merged together, still only one tenth. No explosion, and it exploded.

The piano doubles the mind, and the three drops of one-tenth of the spiritual power rotates and rushes out of Dantian. The piano double sticks his finger to the front.


A water column swelled from the bottom of the lake and scared the piano.

"Great power!"

Qin double estimated that this power has absolutely the power of the first layer of Wu Sheng. Qin double closed his eyes and began to perceive this change and perceive the changes that Changsheng fruit brought to her.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The piano opened his eyes, although he could not further fuse the three spiritual powers, but he had a direction of understanding. It takes time to slowly comprehend and deduct, and Qin double believes that one day, she will master the way of integration and understand the origin.

Silently checking his own body strength, it is still the third layer of Wusheng, but it feels that his body is more vigorous and full of vitality.

"Sure enough, it is the longevity fruit, which actually increased my life for three hundred years."

The piano can't be imagined. If this long fruit is fully mature, instead of 80% mature, how long will it extend its life?

Shake his head and throw away this unrealistic idea. Can get an eight mature longevity fruit, and has not been killed by the two huge yuan gods, already a big chance.

The Yinshen is because it absorbs a lot of rhyme from the Qinshuang in the breakthrough, from the peak of the ninth layer of Wusheng to the beginning of the tenth layer of Wusheng.

Hao Ranqi also absorbed the rhyme to restore the five buckets, Haoran's liquid has two fights. There are also three golden buckets that are empty. The guqin above the golden bucket has solidified a point, and now there is already a three-point solidification, and there is a turbulent atmosphere.

Know the sea.

On the seventh floor of the Yuan Ying, the fire phoenix danced, and the Feng Yu sword hovered under its claws, like a cloud of fire.

The first layer of Yuan Ying’s basaltic scorpion is in the sea, and eight water thunder beads are tightly attached to its back. The fangs of a big mouth fish gather together and circling under the feet of Xuanwu, like a blue cloud.

The first layer of Yuan Ying’s white tiger and tiger cub is in the sea, emitting golden light. Jin Pengjian hovered under four tiger claws, like a golden cloud.

There is also a town demon tower and blood piano space, which circling around the merits.

The double sleeves of the piano were swayed upwards, and the figure rushed upwards. When they slammed, they broke out of the water and stood on the surface of the lake. The power of knowing the sea swept around, without human traces. Qinqin will take off his clothes, take a bath in the lake, then take out the dry clothes from the storage ring and put them out, take out the Fengyu giant sword, and take out the scabbard from the storage ring. Put the giant sword of Feng Yu into the sheath and put it on the back. The direction was discerned, the sleeves were swayed, and the lake surface was gently swayed. The shape of the piano pair was already close to the ground, and the same smoky smoke swept away.

The injuries of the Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang have recovered 80%. The two big demons are suffering from healing. The two of them did not leave the place where the piano double threw them to the ground, but he was healed nearby. They felt that if the piano double recovered, they should come back to find them. I don't know if it was because the collapse of Wan Yaoshan scared the corpses and didn't dare to come here. These days, they didn't encounter a corpse.

In the distance, the voice of the robes and empties came, and the splitting of the scorpion and the fox Mei Nian immediately opened their eyes and watched the sound coming from the guard.

"Feng sister!" The two people are happy.

I don't have to look at the appearance of the piano pair, just seeing a flaming red, and the two of them immediately recognize the piano pair. The fiery little dots were quickly enlarged in their eyes, and between them, they stood in front of them and swept toward them, and their faces showed a smile:

"Spouting brother, fox sister, you two wounds are about to heal?"

The Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang stood up and bowed to the piano double:

"Feng sister, you save our lives twice, my fox Mei Niang has no thoughts, but afterwards, things, cracked and smashed, willingly."

Splitting Tianyi also said: "Feng sister, no matter how far apart we are, as long as you have a message, I will definitely go."

Qin double pendulum swing: "Spouting brother, fox sister, you don't have to be like this. We are all along with you, I am a true friend. Friends are difficult, how can there be no reason to save? It is my failure, you will also Save, right?"

The look of the cracked Scorpio hesitated, and Fox Mei Niang angered: "Split Scorpio, what do you mean? What are you hesitating? Is it difficult for Feng Sister to be a child, and you will not help?"

"No, no!"

"What do you mean?" Fox Mei Niang is still angry.

A big face of the cracked scorpion is red and shy, looking at the two-phase period of the piano, Ai Ai said:

"Sister Feng, do you have a Taoist? If we are a Taoist, you will be guarded by your side."

"Oh..." Fox Mei Niang looked a glimpse, and then she laughed and swayed.

The cracked scorpion stunned the fox Mei Niang, and then looked forward to the piano double. The face of Qin double is black, and he hurriedly shook his head:

"Spouting brothers, brothers, Feng Ming never thought about it. Feng Ming only wants to be single-minded and embark on the peak of heaven."

There is a trace of loss in the eyes of the cracked Scorpio, but more is a relief. Focus on the following:

"Well, Feng sister, this sister, I have decided, you are my sister."


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