Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 557: Wan Yaocheng



"Feng sister, the demon knife Gao Litian knows that you passed the last light bridge, but also killed the invincible, deep into the inheritance. If he said it, what should we do?"

"Cracking brother, fox sister, are you two jealous knives high plowing days?"

The two big demon swallowed a sip of water, and then their eyes became firm: "Feng sister, what do you have?"

"We all insisted that we have not walked through the last light bridge. The demon knife Gao Litian and A invincible passed the last light bridge, and then they both had a big battle, A invincible was killed by the demon knife, and finally we Three of them were suddenly sent out, and the three of us left together, and the latter things were not known."

Splitting the sky and the fox Mei Niang are all in the heart, Qin double this is to frame the monster knife!

On the one hand, she took out her own danger completely. No one knows that she has perfectly understood the supernatural powers, and she does not know that she has penetrated into the inheritance. In the end, even Wan Yaoshan has collapsed. In the second aspect, the invincible death of the armor was planted on the body of the demon knife, and the Hydra family hated the Qingniu family. Maybe the Hydra family will secretly work on the demon knife. In the third aspect, the collapse of Wan Yao Mountain was also planted on the body of the demon knife.

This will definitely make the monster knife drink a pot!

However, the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang did not feel that the piano is insidious, and your knives are vowed to kill the piano, and not let people counterattack?

Only this incident is related to the two of them. Once the two of them testify for the piano, the demon knife will hate them both. After the two of them walk outside, they may encounter the pursuit of the demon knife.

Help not help?

The two big devils looked at each other and their eyes became firm. If Qin Qin did not save them twice in the secret, they both died long ago. Where is the turn to live here?

What's more, the two of them and the demon knife did not have a little friendship, and they still could not see him. So I went to the secret channel to the piano:

"it is good!"

"Thank you!"

Qin double thank you very much, and then with Fox Mei Niang on a flying carriage. Fox White and Fox Snow each got a carriage, one in front of the carriage of Fox Mei Niang and Qin Double, one behind.

Looking at the piano double with Tian Feng on the carriage, Fox Mei Niang did not care about a low-cultivation Terran, and they chatted with the piano. After talking for about a quarter of an hour, the double pendulum swings:

"Fox sister, you still heal."

Fox Mei Niang’s injury has already improved by 90%. Under the words, she nodded and began to close her eyes and healed. When Qin double sat there and thought about it, he took out the nine invincible demon lords and looked at it. He found that there was a fire attribute demon, and his heart was a hi. After thinking a little, I sent it to Fengming in the town demon tower, letting her absorb the cultivation.

"With this demon, should you be able to make Fengming's cultivation break through to the second floor of Wushen?"

Qin Shuang also closed his eyes and began to practice the Fa. The original method of her three attributes has reached the peak of all realms. However, after the maritime period of continuous polishing and tamping, the realm is solid and solid. Incomparable, but the cultivation has also slightly fallen back to the beginning of their respective realms. Qinshuang is now meditating constantly, and with the aid of the medicinal herbs, he slowly pushes the realm of all aspects toward the peak.

This day.

The doubles sitting in the compartment of the car felt that the flying carriage began to fall down, then opened his eyes, opened the window and looked down.

I saw a big city below. I don’t know how many miles, like a dragon.

Magnificent and magnificent.

Over the huge city pool, the tumultuous demon cloud. A compelling momentum is coming.

When the Flying Horse Carriage fell to the huge city gate, looking up at the giant city, I felt my own smallness in an instant.

"The first time?" Fox Mei Niang whispered.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Good majestic!"

Fox Mei Niang’s face showed a color of pride: “I have never been to the Devil, but there is no city in the Terran that is comparable to our Wanxiong City.”

Qinshuang heard that he had to nod. At this time, it was not only Qinqin, but the flying carriages at the gate of the city were lined up in the city. Follow the team into the city of Wanxue, the first feeling for the piano double is big.

Everything is big!

The streets are large, the houses are large, and one of the demon monks is also tall. Between walking, the demon swaying, the momentum is compelling.

"Feng sister, there is still a low-key in the city of Wanxue."


Fox Mei Niang’s face showed a bitter smile: “There can be battles in the city of Wanxue, as long as it does not kill life, it will not be managed.”

Qin double sighed: "Isn't that broken the city of Wan Yao?"

"No!" Fox Mei Niang shook his head and said: "The whole city of Wanxue is built by the various ethnic groups in the demon world. It uses the hardest black stone, and our demon people are proficient in the road. Every inch of the city. All are engraved with the pattern. As long as not dozens of demon sacs are shot together, there will be no problem at all."

The piano double looked through the window to the outside, and sure enough, the whole city of the enchanted city was black, and the embossed pattern was engraved on it.

"I will be careful."

While watching the Wan Yao City, while chatting with Fox Mei Niang, came to a palace. Fox Mei Niang smiled and said:

"This is the real estate outside the Qingqiu Mountain in Wanxue City. Let's go down."

"it is good!"

The piano nodded twice, then walked down the flying carriage, and the cracked Tianzhu behind opened the door and shouted to the piano:

"Feng sister, come to the brothers here tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang readily accepted, and said goodbye to the cracked scorpion, followed by Fox Mei Niang into the door. Although the color is still black, the architectural style inside is much more refined.

"I don't know what style the cracked place of residence will be?"

Fox Mei Niang arranged a separate cross-court for the piano. On the evening, she sang a feast. On the one hand, she celebrated the enchanting of the fox, and came out from the enchantment of the genius. On the other hand, she thanked Qin Shuang for helping the fox in the mysterious world.

During the banquet, I asked about the things in the secret world of the demon world. In addition to telling her about her things that happened to her in the secret world of the demon world, Fox Mei Niang also said that she had made up the piano. Even if someone exclaimed during the meeting:

"A invincible is actually killed by the demon knife?"

"There is nothing strange about this. The ranking of the knives Gao Litian was originally invincible."

"Yes! It’s just that the demon knife can be a big harvest! Not only does it fully understand the magical powers, but it also goes deep into the inheritance. I don’t know what benefits it has?"

During the banquet, the eyes of a demon monk showed greed.

Early the next morning, Li Gao would personally come to invite Qin Double. The piano pair followed the crack high to the place where the cracked Tianzhu family lived in Wanxue City, but the architectural style here was too rough. It was also a banquet, and the cracks between the seats were also told in the words of the doubles. It has aroused the sigh and greed of many demon monks.


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