Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Dan Dao Conference



After the banquet, the piano was sent to the Qingqiu Mountain Station.

"Cracked brother, the ancestors of the nobility summoned you?"

"The ancestors have not come yet. After all, the ancestors of all ethnic groups did not know which children could finally live out of the demon world, and the ancestors who died of the disciples would not come to the city of Wan Yao. Before the Wan Yao Conference The ancestors of our four families will definitely arrive."

Qin doubled in the heart, although she and the cracked Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang joined together, made some arrangements, but met the Fengzu ancestors, the heart is still a bit embarrassing.

"Let's take a step and see it!"

The piano is in the darkness of the heart, and she also wants to see the ancestor of the phoenix. After all, this is not common. In the heart, there is another move. On these days, she has already repaired the repairs that have been retired because of the realm of realm. When it is time to break through. Moreover, the practice of her cultivation is derived from the heavenly pattern of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors, and the signs of breakthrough and the breakthrough of the Yaozu are almost the same. I don't care about being discovered by the Yaozu, but I have to avoid the splitting of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang, otherwise they will be seen by both of them. After all, it is only a breakthrough in the Yuan Ying period. The momentum cannot be compared with the strength of the Qin Double.

Now she has two programs, one is to leave the city of Wanxue, looking for a breakthrough outside, but very unsafe. The other is to break through in the city of Wanxue, just to avoid the splitting of the sky and the fox.

"Cracking brother, in the city of Wanxue, but can fight anywhere, anytime?"

“Not!” Splitting the sky and shook his head: “It’s still not allowed to fight in the building, only to fight on the street.”


The piano nodded and had an idea in mind. Say goodbye to the gate of the Qingqiu Mountain Station and the Scorpio, and enter the gate. Go to Fox Mei Niang and talk for a while:

"Fox sister, I want to go to the Wanxiong City alone tomorrow. The Wanxiong City is too big, so wherever I go, I will stay at the nearby inn, and my slave will bother you to take care of it."

"I will accompany you." Fox Mei Niang said quickly.

"No!" Qin doubled his head and said: "I don't know how long to go, you have to wait for the ancestor to call you, don't delay your business."

"Then I will send a few guards to you."

"Really don't!"

Seeing that the piano is strong in vocabulary, Fox Mei Niang just nodded: "Then you be careful."

"I will!"

The next day.

Qin double left alone, she did not take the flying carriage, just walking in the city of Wanxue. She looked for a secluded place, changed her clothes, changed her appearance, and collected Feng Yujian. At sunset, I lived in an inn.

After paying the Lingshi, I lived in the inn. Qinqin immediately set up a defensive array method, and then took out Lingshi to set up a gathering of the spirits, took the three-grain red dragon, took out the town demon tower, and embraced the rich spiritual power inside, and began to break through. .

Knowing the inside of the sea, the scream of the Yuan Ying Huo phoenix screamed, and the body radiated a blazing fire, and a little bit of streak increased, making her more beautiful.

When the piano double broke, it did not cause any sensation. The movement of her breakthrough naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding monks, but it was only a breakthrough of the monk in the Yuan Ying period. At this time, the demon monk in the Wan Yao City, the Yuan Ying period is only a junior, a lot of demon Emperor, demon god, who will pay attention to a small demon king breakthrough?

Therefore, Qin double broke through smoothly. After that, he quickly left the inn, went to another street, and lived in an inn, and began to break through the Xuan Shui method. She broke through the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and did not attract the attention of the demon monk. This time, the second layer of Yuan Ying was broken, and there was no attention to the monk monk. Look at it at most, then mutter a "senior" with disdain, then no longer pay attention. Qin double spent a total of five days, respectively, the fire and phoenix method broke through to the eighth layer of the Yuan Ying period, Xuan Shui and Rui Jin law road broke through the second layer of the Yuan Ying period. This changed back to the red dress, carrying a giant sword of Feng Yu, and walked slowly toward the Qingqiu Mountain residence.

Qin double is not familiar with Wan Yao City, and Wan Yao City is very big. When she left the Qingqiu Mountain residence, she just looked for an inn breakthrough, and she did not choose any direction. Later, she changed two. The inn, at this time, walked around for a while and found that he was lost.


The piano took a breath, the eyebrows were a pick, and the herbal scent came from the air, which was a mixture of a lot of herbs. When the piano moved in the heart, it walked forward along the taste. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I saw a square. This square is the same as the style of the Wanhui City. It is huge.

At this time around the square, there are a large number of demon monks standing there with a variety of herbs. There are quite a few monks in the square bargaining at the booths with the demon monks who sell herbs, but more of the demon monks are watching around the middle of the square, that is, those who have no business, the demon monks, also Standing there looking towards the middle of the square, even those who are bargaining for the stalls are not impatient to tell each other.

"On this price, I am willing to buy or not."

This not only makes the piano double curious, but also looks at the center of the square. Seeing that there is a high platform in the square, there are four demon old people sitting on it. Under the high platform, there is a demon monk who is doing alchemy there.

"This is above? Alchemy Conference?"

Qin double feels very curious, he came to a herbal booth, his eyes swept away, and his heart was a move. The Yaozu is really a very poor race in alchemy, so the herbs are basically raw, and they are not sold out. At this booth, Qinshuang encountered three kinds of herbs that were not found on the mainland. Qin double did not cut the price, asked the price, felt very cheap, they paid Lingshi, bought it. Then I asked:

"This big brother, what are you doing there?"

The demon monk is like a fool, and he looks at the same double. However, Qinqin did not bargain and bought his herbs, so he explained the piano pair.

"Is there to see the four old men on the high platform?"

"Yes, got it!"

"The four predecessors are the only four Dandao masters of our demon family. From the left, the first one is called Gong Gongliang. It is said to be the fourth-class Dandao master. The second one is called the firethorn, which is said to have been It is a six-level Dandao master. The third is called Guibo, which is said to be a six-level Dandao master. The last one is called Yan Hong. It is said to be a five-level Dandao master.


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