Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Thousands of smelting



The four predecessors came to the Wan Yao Conference. On the one hand, they collected some herbs, on the other hand, they held a Dan Dao Conference. Every day, they selected a first place. The four seniors will each reward the herbal medicine as a reward. Do you see the four boxes in front of the table of the four seniors? The herbs in the box have been announced before the game today, namely, four-leaf spider grass, four-leaf dragon flower, four-leaf vanilla, four-leaf marigold. ”

Qin double can not hear the heart violently jump, this is all four leaves of herbal medicine, are all the best herbs, is the main medicine that can be refined for Wu Sheng's medicinal herbs. These four scarce herbs have long since disappeared in the mainland of the warriors. Even the last time the demon's Fenglinge brought the herbs from the demon world, it was only three leaves. There are no four leaves at all.

"This must be obtained!" Qin Shuang's heart immediately made up his mind.

"And, if there are four seniors who are fancy, they are likely to be accepted as disciples by four predecessors." The demon's tone is full of envy.

“Do you have a first place every day?” asked Qin.

"Well, didn't you tell you?" The demon monk said impatiently.

"When does the daily game end?"


The piano double looked up at the sky, and it was only in the morning, and there was still a long distance from the sunset. It doesn't take long for you to refine a pot of remedy, especially to refine low-grade medicinal herbs...

Thinking of this, Qin double asked the monk monk again: "Has this Dandao conference started for a few days?"

"Three days."

“What is the realm of the first place every day?”

"It’s all ten grade Dandao. I told you, we don’t have more than twenty Dandao divisions in the whole demon world. The three Dandao divisions who won the first place are less than twenty people. The leader in the middle. Seeing no, the ten monks in the center are the ten-level Dandao. The first place today is definitely from them. I am very optimistic about the peach fairy, she refines the medicine. The quality is second only to the three Dans who won the first place."

"Peach Fairy?"

"Yes, that fairy who is wearing a pink dress."

Qin Shuang went down the finger of the demon monk, and saw a young demon woman is focusing on the alchemy, it is like a peach blossom, delicate and moving. Just glanced at her approach to alchemy, the piano can not help but shake his head, it is very rough. Withdrew his gaze and looked at the demon monk:

"The three Dandao divisions who won the first place, but were accepted as disciples by the four predecessors?"

"No!" The demon monk snorted and said: "The three people are all old, and there is no cultivation value. You look at it. Today, after the peach fairy gets the first place, it must be four. The predecessors were accepted as disciples."

Qin double looked at the surrounding, and saw many demon monks looking at the peach fairy with a burning gaze. If you are not afraid to disturb the peach fairy, I am afraid they will shout and cheer.

"In my realm, refining a ten-level Dandao master's medicine, for me, it is only half an hour's time. Can't refining the medicinal herbs, wait until sunset, or first? See what herbs are there."

Qin double thanked the demon monk and began to look at the herbal booth.

Not to mention, in order to participate in this Wan Yao Conference, these demon monks are prepared with high-grade herbs. Although there is no such thing as the four leaves, the lowest is the middle-class, a lot of top-grade herbs.

After visiting a few booths, Qin double felt that something was wrong. Because these grass drugs are very good, the price is naturally low. Although it is much lower than in the mainland of the warrior, the Lingshi is also like a flowing water, and it has been spent from the hands of Qinshuang.

"This can't be done, it's too bad!"

Qin double immediately realized the problem and could not use Lingshi to buy herbs. At this time, she was kneeling in front of a booth and picked up a three-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon:

"Big Brother, how is this herb sold?"

"A piece of the best stone."

Business reforms are only a little one. However, the upper grade is only one mile. The lower ones are only one million. .

Qin double thought about it, and this time he is going to show himself that he is the tenth grade Dandao. She could not reveal her Dan Dao grade too high at all. After all, she once showed that she was only a 7-level Dandao teacher in Fengming City. It would be doubtful to become a Dan Dao master. As a ten-level Dandao division, you can refine a thousand refining body. Then he asked:

"If I use medicinal herbs for change?"

The eye of the demon monk, who was still impatient, was a bright light: "What kind of medicine are you going to use?"

"Thousands of refining body Dan!"

The eyes of the Yaozu are brighter, and immediately said: "A thousand refining body is replaced by three."

Qinqin will shake his head and say: "My refining and quenching body Dan is the best Dan."

"You... are you a Dandao teacher?" The look of the demon monk was not calm, and stood up excitedly.

"Don't worry if I am a Dan Dao teacher, how much is a superb refining body?"

"Ten...not, twelve!"

Qin double can not help but sigh, this medicinal medicine is really valuable in the Yaozu! It is necessary to know that one Cabernet Sauvignon can refine a three-grain red dragon, and that one furnace is thirty-six. Then nodded:

"You wait for me for a while!"

Then the piano double left the square, and the herbs needed to refine the medicinal herbs of the refining body are very common. In the town demon tower, it is planted on the ground like grass. Qin double left the square and found a hotel nearby to live in. After setting up the formation method, he entered the town demon tower and found the herbs for refining the smelting body. After picking up a large number of herbs, he went to the alchemy room above the southern volcano and began to refine.

The day before the town demon tower, the past five hundred and twelve days. Qin double has been refining the alchemy in the alchemy room. When the herbs are used up, they go on and pick some more. After more than 200 days, the piano double refines nearly 50,000 pieces of the best refining body, which leaves the town demon tower. Retired the room, stood at the entrance of the inn, looked up into the air, saw that just after noon, he walked into the square again and came to the booth. The demon monk saw the piano double and could not help but complain:

"Daoyou, how have you been so long?"

Qin double smiled: "You will not leave here anyway, what anxious? This, this, and that, I bought it."


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