Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 562: Need for Dan



"Forty-eight, what's wrong?" Tao Xianzi said with anger.

Forty-eight years old, for the long life of the Yaozu, it can be said that even the young people are not counted. It can only be regarded as a girl. In this grade, she will step on the 10th grade Dandao. No wonder she will be proud and look forward to Gongliang and Mutianlin. The old man is full of sarcasm. Mu Tianlin said faintly:

"When Gongliang was thirty-six years old, he was a ten-level master of Dandao."

"What?" Peach Fairy looked awkward and turned to look at Gongliang.

Gong Liang took a look at Mu Tianlin and then shook his head and shook his head: "I was also confident at the beginning, just like you are now. But nowadays, I still haven’t broken through to the realm of Dan Dao, oh ah. !"

The face of Peach Fairy changed, and at this moment, her self-confidence was affected. Gongliang was a ten-level Dandao teacher at the age of 36. He reached the realm ahead of himself, but now he is still a ten-level Dandao master. Can he really become a Dan Dao master as he imagined? ?

Peach Fairy can't help but lose heart!


I don't know how long it took to lose my heart. A humming sound awakened the lost peach fairy, and suddenly looked up and saw a furnace cover spiraling toward the air. At the same time, a fragrant fragrance spread.

"this is……"

Qin double took out a medicinal herb from the alchemy furnace and put it into a jade bottle. At this time, the "when" sound, the hovering furnace cover fell again, and the alchemy furnace was tightly stitched. When the piano waved with both hands, the alchemy furnace was handed up, and when the sky was empty, the figure came to the high platform, and the jade bottle was placed on the table, and the hand was:

"Please ask four seniors for tasting!"

The first of the firethorns reached out and picked up the jade bottle. When the piano was double alchemy, the faces of the four of them were splendid. It’s the layman who is watching the bustle and the insider watching the doorway. From the control of the piano, and the handcuffs of the alchemy, they can see the strength of the piano. Although at that time, Qin double did not refine the medicinal herbs, and also knew that Qin Shuang refining was the first-class Dan Dao's medicinal herbs, but their hearts had a feeling that the level of Qin double was better than them. high.

It is a kind of charm, a kind of charm that is difficult to describe. It is not a Dan Dao teacher, and he can't understand the charm at all.

Therefore, the highest firethorn in the realm immediately opened the jade bottle, and gently sniffed it. The eyes were even in color. The medicinal medicine was poured out. The three Dandao masters, such as Wan Yanhong, took a breath. Air conditioning.


"The best Dan!"

The four Dan Dao masters, Huo Ran, looked at the piano pair and they were all shocked.

The best Dan!

Even if they can't refine the best Dan!

However, it was the young, excessive gimmick standing in front of them who even refined a superb Dan. A hit Dan Dan master level of the best Dan!


Under the high platform is a sigh of relief, and every monk looks at the piano double incredulously. The peach fairy was full of mistakes, his mouth wide open, and a voice in his heart shouted:

"How is this possible! How is it possible!"

Mu Tianlin "hehe" smiled two channels: "Peach Fairy, see it, Gongliang said nothing wrong, your experience is still too little! Gongliang..."

Mu Tianlin turned to Gongliang, but he saw Gongliang’s face madly looking at the piano pair on the high platform.

"Gongliang...public good..."

“Ah?” Gong Liang woke up from the enthusiasm and looked at Mu Tianlin: “What happened?”

"What's wrong? What did you ask me? Are you so fanatical about what the little girl is doing?"

"I..." Gong Liang looked at the back of the piano on the high stage, and his eyes became mad: "Mu Tianlin, I want to worship her as a teacher."

Mu Tianlin looked a glimpse, then smiled and said: "You lost your heart. At the age of two of us, who will accept us as a disciple? The four masters, we all went to ask, but they took us as apprentices. Do you think Fengming will be? Is the family also a Dandao master?"

"I have to give it a try, otherwise I will not be reconciled."

The forces around them, the eyes are also hot.

Master Dan Dao!

Did not think that it turned out to be a master of Dan Dao!

Such a young Dan Dao master may be able to convince her to join her family, then her family will take off.

Even if you can't convince her to join her family, I have to make a good effort! So young is the master of Dan Dao, the future must be far greater than the four old guys of the firethorn. Maybe it will become the first Dandao master in the history of the demon world.

Master Dan Dao!

Even if you can't be a Dandao master, you will only be a master of Dan Dao in your life. That's amazing!

You must know that in the demon world, plus this Fengming, there are only five Dan Dao masters! The highest firethorn and turtle wave in the realm are not the masters of the sixth grade Dandao.

"This Dan Dao master must make a good deal, at all costs!" Representatives of all forces began to search for gifts in the storage ring.

On the high platform.

The firethorn carefully looked at the piano and asked: "What do you call a friend?"

"Feng Ming!"

"What kind of realm are you today?"

Qin double refers to the Dan Yao Road: "Is this not shown? I just broke through Dan Dao."

The four Dan Dao masters hesitated, such a Dan Dao genius, they are people who are eager to accept as disciples.

However, today people are also masters of Dan Dao! Although it is only one level, it is also the master of Dan Dao. According to the level, they are also equal. It’s just that they walked a few steps earlier than the piano.

Gong Yanliang and Wan Yanhong shook their heads and gave up their thoughts. In their hearts, they understand very well that the highest level in the world is the firethorn and the turtle wave. If neither of them can accept the piano as a disciple, they have no hope.

The firethorn and the turtle wave are also very hesitant at this time, but it is indeed a reluctant person. Seeing that the firethorn is still hesitating there, the turtle wave is somewhat unsettled:

"Feng Ming, is there any plan to find a master?"

Turtle did not dare to directly propose to accept the piano as a disciple. Once the piano double disagrees, in the presence of so many monks, it is much shameful!

How to say, she is also one of the only four Dandao masters in the demon world, and is one of the highest in the realm.

However, his words are different, but they are different. Not only did Qin double understand what she meant, but the monks under the high platform also understood the meaning of Guibo. It’s not awkward.

"The turtle master wants to collect Fengming as a disciple!"

"Feng Ming is a big chance!"

"Yeah, the turtle master is a six-level Dandao master!"


The peach fairy bit his lip tightly and stared at the back of the piano.


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