Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Demon knife



The piano double on the high stage was a glimpse, and then the heart could not help but laugh. An eight-level master of his own, he was supposed to be accepted as an apprentice by a Dan Dao master. Just the look on my face is still faint:

"Alchemy is just my hobby, I don't have to find a master!"


The four Dandao masters on the high platform are dumbfounded!

The forces under the high platform represent dumbfounded!

Those Dan Dao teachers who participated in the show were dumbfounded!

Onlookers are dumbfounded!

Gong Liang and Mu Tianlin are two pairs of dumb eyes!

"That..." Qin double pointed to the four rewarding herbal medicines on the table: "The first place today should be mine?"


The four Dandao masters woke up from the dumb eyes.

Qinqin collected four hibiscus with four herbs and thought about it:

"This medicinal medicine is given to the master of the firethorn!"

When the words fell, they turned and flew down the high platform. The representatives of the various parties under the high platform have not yet reacted. Qin double has already squeezed out the square and disappeared.

The four Dandao masters of the firethorn looked at each other and the face of the turtle wave showed a bitter smile:

"How do I think this Fengming is not like the first class Dandao master!"

The firethorn nodded: "I also have this feeling, her realm is definitely more than one level. Do you know her origin?"

Turtles and others shook their heads, and the firethorns said: "Check it out and find her. Rarely, we have another like-minded friend."

"Not bad!" Turtles and others nodded.

"Find her!"

At this time, the voices of all parties expressed their voices in the hearts of the people. They all left the square and rushed back to arrange the monks who were looking for the piano pair.

This time, Qin double did not go away by himself, and the eyes looked dark. Then he called a flying carriage and threw it to the driver's car. The driver quickly sent the piano to the gate of the Qingqiu Mountain station. The piano double jumped out of the carriage and walked into the gate, and saw the Qingqiu monk's face in the gate was very unsightly. Can not help but slightly brow a brow to stop a monk:

"what happened?"

The monk saw the piano double and said: "Mermaid is hurt!"

"Is Mei Niang injured?"

The piano eyes condensed and strode toward the singularity of Fox Mei Niang. As soon as I entered the single hospital, I saw that Fox White was sitting in front of the door, sullen. When I saw the piano double coming in, I said:

"Feng Ming, you are back!"

Qin nodded and asked: "Is the fox sister injured?"

"Yeah!" Fox white sullenly nodded.

“Why are you injured?”

Fox White looked at the piano and looked at it. He said lowly: "It’s a demon knife and a high plow!"

"Demon knife high plow days?"

Qin double wrinkled his brow and walked toward the door: "I will go in and see."

Fox White reached out and stopped the piano double: "Mei Niang is healing."

"I have an remedy!"

Fox White hesitated for a moment, and eventually recovered his hand. The piano doubled the door and went in. I saw Fox Mei Niang sitting on the bed and healing. When I saw the piano coming in, I opened my eyes and said:

"You're back!"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "What happened?"

"Cough cough..." Fox Mei Niang coughed twice, and a little blood bleed from the corner of her mouth. The piano double stepped forward to her front:

"Don't talk, let me see!"

Qin Bian’s power of knowing the sea was transmitted from the eyebrows. After sweeping the body of Fox Mei Niang, the brow wrinkled:

"So heavy!"

Fox Mei Niang grinned and said: "It’s a lot lighter than in the secret."

"This is true!" Qin nodded and said: "Although heavier, but did not hurt the root, there is no fatal danger. It seems that the demon knife Gao Litian is still merciful."

"What's the love!" on the side of the fox white anger said: "If it is not allowed to kill people in the city of Wanxue, Mei Niang has long been killed by the demon knife."

"Aunt..." Fox Mei Niang looked at Fox White with a strange look.

Qin double took a medicinal medicine from the storage ring and handed it to Fox Mei Niang: "You have eaten this medicinal medicine first."

Fox Mei Niang took the medicinal herbs and did not look at it. Then she swallowed it in her mouth. Then she changed her face. She felt that the entrance of the medicinal herb was justified, and the throat was flowing down. The injury on the body is recovering quickly.

"What is this medicinal medicine?" Fox Meiyan asked in shock.

"Don't worry about any medicine, it's good!" Qin double smiled: "Come with me carefully."

On the side of the fox, seeing the pale face of Fox Mei Niang has appeared faint, and could not help but look at the piano double. Fox Mei Niang smiled bitterly:

"In fact, there is nothing to say. Since you left, I and the scorpio at the banquet of their respective families, what happened in those secrets, have spread in the city of Wanxue. After that, the knives are Come, he wants to fight with you, because you are not there, you have to fight with me. I naturally can't quit, so I am so embarrassed! Later, he went to the cracked scorpion, and the crack high was also seriously injured. He will come. As long as you don’t show up in a day, he will hit me and split the sky."

Qin double will look at the fox white, fox white will say: "The things between these juniors, we can not shoot. Not to mention, in the city of Wan Yao, there will be no worry of life, it is all right Mei Niang’s experience.”

"This is not an experience!" Qin double shook his head and said: "If he challenges again, will you fight?"

Fox Mei Niang Liu Mei stood up: "That is of course!"

Qin double sighed: "If you are seriously injured by the knives several times, even if you don't die, it will hurt your roots. If you want to get in, you will become very difficult. You can't say that in your life." Stay in this realm."

Fox Mei Niang and Fox White's face are all changed, and Fox White asked nervously: "Really?"

Qin double nodded solemnly: "Of course it is true. But fortunately, it's okay now, you take this remedy, you will recover after a few days of adjustment, and will not leave any dark wounds."


The piano double wave stopped the fox white road: "I know that the demon knife Gao Litian is coming to me, and now I am back. This thing is naturally picked up by me. Right, is the crack high also injured?"

"Yeah!" Fox Mei Niang nodded.

"Then I have to go see!"

At this time, I heard a loud drink: "Fox Mei Niang, come out, fight with me!"

Fox Mei Niang’s face changed: “He is coming again!”

"Demon knife?"

"Yeah!" Fox Mei Niang face ugly nod.

"I went to see!"

Qin double turned and stepped out, Fox Mei Niang got up and Fox White followed. Qin double went to the gate, and the monk who saw Qingqiu Mountain was screaming with a knives in angrily. The piano looked at him in both directions, and he saw a stalwart man with two horns on his head. He looked at the gates with disdain. The monk of the Qingqiu Mountain.


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